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CUMMING, W.J: Automotive Diesel Maintenance
BERGHOEF, Gerard & DeKOSTER, Lester: Liberation Theology. The Church's Future Shock
MACDONALD, Charles B: The Battle of the Bulge
BROGAN, Patrick & ZARCA, Albert: Deadly Business. The Story of Sam Cummings
TAYLOR, A.J.P: The Origins of the Second World War
GEYSER, O. (Compiled by): Dr. H F Verwoerd Die Republikein. Hoofartikels Uit Die Transvaler 1937-1948
NORTH, Gary: Political Polytheism. The Myth of Pluralism
BUNDY, Edgar: How the Communists Use Religion
VAN TIL, Cornelius: Christianity and Barthianism
LEE, Francis Nigel: A Christian Introduction to the History of Philosophy
TINGLE, Rachel: Revolution or Reconciliation? The Struggle in the Church in South Africa
LABBE, E (Introductory Note by): Exposition Internationale Des Arts et Des Techniques Appliques a La Vie Moderne. Paris 1937. Photographies En Couleurs. Album Officiel
FINDLEY, Paul: They Dare to Speak Out.. People and Institutions Confront Israel's Lobby
JORDAN, James B: Through New Eyes. Developing a Biblical View of the World
DEGLER, Howard E: Diesel and Other Internal-Combustion Engines. A Practical Text on the Principles of Operation, Construction, Details and Performance of Stationary and Portable Diesel, Gas and Gasoline Engines
GENDERS, Roy: The New Hybrid Tomatoes
BRUCE, M.E: Common-Sense Compost Making By the Quick Return Method
DALLIMORE, W: The Pruning of Trees and Shrubs
MACMAHON, Arthur W. (Edited by): Federalism Mature and Emergent
KLUGE, P.F: Season for War. A Novel
ROUCEK, Joseph & LOTTICH, Kenneth V: Behind the Iron Curtain. The Soviet Satellite States....
BOYLE, Andrew: The Climate of Treason. Five Who Spied for Russia
COMPTON, M. & BOTT, E.H: British Industry Its Changing Structure in Peace and War
ECONOMIC, FINANCIAL AND TRANSIT DEPARTMENT LEAGUE OF NATIONS: International Currency Experience. Lessons of the Inter-war Period
MOSZKOWSKI, Alexander: Einstein. Einblicke in Seine Gedankenwelt
SKOUSEN, W. Cleon: The Naked Capitalist. A Review and Commentary on Dr. Carroll Quigley's Book TRAGEDY AND HOPE
GOLITSYN, Anatoliy: New Lies for Old
VERMAAK, Chris: The Red Trap. Communism and Violence in South Africa
ROSENHAUPT, Hans: The True Deceivers
BUTZ, A.R: The Hoax of the Twentieth Century
MOSTERT, Orlando: South Africa in the End-Times
VERMAAT, J.A. Emerson: The World Council of Politics & Politics
MOUNTEVANS, Admiral Lord: The Antarctic Challenged
RHOODIE, Eschel: The Third Africa
GRUBER, Foster M: Automotive Engine Testing
PLATT, Maurice: Automobile Brakes and Brake Testing
GREEN, A.B. & ZOELLER, R.A: Audels Diesel Engine Manual
LEPPAN, Hubert D: Lucerne Culture in South Africa
PARKER-HALE (CATALOGUE): General Catalogue Export Edtion Comprising 303", Armouring, Smallbore, Air Rifle, Sporting, Revolver and Book Sections. No.65
SWART, J.C: Die Skaap En Sy Vag. Referate Gelewer By 'n Symposium Gehou Van 4-6 Oktober 1966 Te Stellenbosch as Deel Van Die Eeufeesprogram Van Die Universiteit Van Stellenbosch
BALFOUR, E.B: The Living Soil. Evidence of the Importance to Human Health of Soil Vitality, with Special Reference to National Planning
HARDY, E. Marshall: Angling Ways
SHAH, Idries: Kara Kush
NIMZOVICH, Aron (Edited By Fred REINFELD): My System. A Treatise on Chess
MARSHALL, Frank J: My Fifty Years of Chess
HARLEY, Brian: Mate in Three Moves. A Treatise on the Three Move Chess Problem
BOESAK, Allan: The Finger of God. Sermons on Faith and Responsibility
WIJNHOLDS, H.W.J: International Trade and Payments. An Introduction to the Theory of International Trade, Commercial Policy and Other International Economic Relations
GIOSEFFI, Decio: Canaletto and His Contemporaries
MOSCHINI, Vittorio (Translated Archibald COLQUHOUN): Francesco Guardi
MOSCHINI, Vittorio: Canaletto
ROBERTSON, Giles: Giovanni Bellini
TOFANI, Annamaria Petrioli & SMITH, Graham: Sixteenth Century Tuscan Drawings from the Uffizi
HURLEY, Frank: Pearls and Savages: Adventures in the Air, on Land and Sea in New Guinea
PLAIDY, Jean: Mary Queen of Scots. The Fair Devil of Scotland
MURPHY, Sophia: The Duchess of Devonshire's Ball
WILSON, A.N: Eminent Victorians
GILLEN, Mollie: The Wheel of Things. A Biography of L M Montgomery Author of Anne of Green Gables
IRONS, J.R. (Edited By W H EVANS): Breadcraft
LUMSDEN, Robin: Himmler's Black Order 1923 - 45
INGRAMS, Richard (Edited by): The Life and Times of Private Eye
KRUUK, H. And Numerous Other Authors: Proceedings of a Symposium on Endangered Wildlife in Southern Africa, Organized By the Endangered Wildlife Trust at University of Pretoria 22-23 July 1976
SCHRIRE, Robert (Edited by): Leadership in the Apartheid State : From Malan to de Klerk
HENSHALL, James Alexander: Book of the Black Bass
BECKER, Professor (Translated By Frederick METCALFE): Charicles, or Illustrations of the Private Life of the Ancient Greeks
ISRAEL MINISTRY FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS: The Suez Canal and Freedom of the Seas. World Press Opinion
WREN, R.C. (Revised By Eizabeth M WILLIAMSON & Fred J. EVANS): Potter's New Cyclopaedia of Botanical Drugs & Preparations
BAILEY, Alice A: The Soul and Its Mechanism. The Problem of Psychology
BARNARD, Christiaan: Good Life Good Death. A Doctor's Case for Euthanasia and Suicide
LORRAIN, Jean: Princesse d'Italie
MONTAGU, Elizabeth Robinson: An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakespear Compared with the Greek and French Dramatic Poets, with Some Remarks Upon the Misrepresentations of Mons. De Voltaire
COOKE, M.C: Fungoid Pests of Cultivated Plants
McCONALD, J.G: Rhodes A Life
GRANT, Julia M.; McCUTCHEON, Catharine M.; SANDERS, Ethel F. (Editors): St Leonards School 1877-1927
MYATT, Frederick: The Golden Stool. Ashanti 1900