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OSLER, William (Revised By Thomas McCRAE): The Principles and Practice of Medicine Designed for the Use of Practitioners and Students of Medicine GRUBE, G.M.A: The Drama of Euripides REIMOLD, W.U.; BRANDT, D.; DE JONG, R.; HANCOX, J: Tswaing Meteorite Crater: An Introduction to the Natural and Cultural History of the Tswaing Region Including a Description of The Hiking Trail
(BLUE BOOK) (NATAL): Futher Corresponence Relating to Native Affairs in Natal (in Continuation of Cd.3888) CONRADIE, Elizabeth: Hollandse Skrywers Deel 1 (1652-18750; Deel 2: (1875-1905) BLACKMAN, Raymond V.B. (Edited by): Jane's Fighting Ships 1962-63
KOEN, H.B: Die Geskiedenis Van Reitz 1889-1989 HALEVI, Jehuda (Transl. Franz ROSENZWEIG): Zionslieder BEN MAIMON, Mosche: Rabbi Mosche Ben Maimon. Ein Systematischer Querschnitt Durch Sein Werk
AGNON, S.I: In Der Gemeinschaft Der Frommen BIN GORION, Emanuel: Das Leben Des Flavius Josephus GOITEIN, S.D.F: Von Den Juden Jemens. Eine Anthologie
COHN, Hermann: Der Nachste. Vier Abhandlungen Uber Das Verhalten Von Mensch Zu Mensch Nach Der Lehre Von Judentums BADT-STRAUSS, Bertha: Moses Mendelssohn Der Mensch Und Das Werk BUBER, Martin: Reden Uber Das Judentum
BUBER, Martin: Die Chassidischen Bucher BALMFORTH, H. (and Numerous Other authors): The Story of the Bible LEE, Arthur Gould: No Parachute. A Fighter Pilot in World War I
NYASALAND ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON PUBLICITY: "Nyasaland Calling". A Travel Guide to the Nyasaland Protectorate DOLBEY, Robert V: Sketches of the East African Campaign HAMMACHER, A.M: Magritte
GROHMANN, Will: The Art of Henry Moore GORDON, L.L. (Revised Edward C JOSLIN): British Battles and Medals KIPLING, Rudyard: Thy Servant a Dog, Told By Boots
MAXWELL, Donald: History with a Sketch Book SPIERS, Derek: Troopships. The Story of Calais as a Military Port from 1944 to 1947, and the Ships Which Served it KUNKEL, Wolfgang (Translated By J M KELLY): An Introduction to Roman Legal and Constitutional History
SUHAILI, Anvar I: The Lights of Canopus DE PALOL, Pedro & HIRMER, Max: Early Medieval Art in Spain HART-DAVIS, Rupert: A Catalogue of the Caricatures of Max Beerbohm
RIFKIN, Ned: Robert Moskowitz TRIAS, Robert A: The Hand is My Sword. A Karate Handbook REYNOLDS, Ingrid & NICHOLSON, Charles (Research by): The Estate Outside the Dwelling: Reactions of Residents to Aspects of Housing Layout
PATON, Alan: Kontakion for Your Departed TITCOMB, J.H: The Anglo-Israel Post Bag, or How Arthur Came to See it ROGERS, Woodes (Notes Etc By Robert C. LESLIE): Life Aboard a British Privateer in the Time of Queen Anne, Being the Journal of Captain Woodes Rogers Master Mariner
BONE, James: Edinburgh Revisited KAFKA, Franz: America ANDERSON, Wayne & LOGUE, Christopher: The Magic Circus
CLARK, Norman: How to Box PORTER, Charles T: A Treatise on the Richards Steam-Engine Indicator (manufactured By Elliott Bros London ) and the Development and Application of Force in the Steam Engine GENERAL TIRE: The General Tire "Know-How" Truck Tire Sales Manual
FIRESTONE: Firestone Retread Shop Manual BLEILER, Everett F & DIKTY, T.E. (Edited by): The Year's Best Science Fiction Novels NICHOLSON, John: Space Ship to Venus
MAULDIN, Bill: This Damn Tree Leaks HOLMAN, Dennis: Inside Safari Hunting with Eric Rundgren KRAUSS, Ferdinand (Edited By O H SPOHR): Travel Journal Cape to Zululand. ObseRVATIONS BY A COLLECTOR AND NATURALIST 1838-40
IRICK, Mackey J: The New Poodle KIEDROWSKI, Dan: The New Miniature Schnauzer. The Breed Since Ch. Dorem Display MOORE, Patrick: The Voices of Mars
CARR, Charles: Colonists of Space LEINSTER, Murray: Operation Outer Space CROSSEN, Kendall Foster (Edited by): Adventures in Tomorrow
RUSSELL, Eric Frank: Dreadful Sanctuary KING, Fay: Friends of the Bushveld GLANVILLE, Ernest: Claw and Fang: Stories of Animal Adventure
BOXER, C.R: Four Centuries of Portuguese Expansion 1415-1825: A Succint Survey PERHAM, Margery & CURTIS, Lionel: The Protectorates of South Africa. The Question of Their Transfer to the Union AJAYI, Omofolabo: Yoruba Dance. The Semiotics of Movement and Body Attitude in a Nigerian Culture
WILSON, Adrian: The Making of the Nuremberg Chronicle BLACKMORE, S. Powell: Lawn Tennis Up-to-Date KNIGHT, Charles: Knight's Cyclopaedia of the Industry of All Nations
BERNARDI, B: The Social Structure of the Kraal Among the Zezuru in Musami, Southern Rhodesia MITCHELL, J.C. & BARNES, J.A: The Lamba Village. Report of a Social Survey ARFANIS, S.A: The Complete Discography of Dimitri Mitropoulos
BLOCKX, Jacques: A Compendium of Painting MICHAELIS-JENA, Ruth: The Brothers Grimm GOVERNMENT INFORMATION SERVICES: Rural Architecture in Hong Kong
LONGMATE, Norman: The Workhouse FORMA, Warren: 5 British Sculptors (work and talk) McMAHON, Joseph H: The Imagination of Jean Genet
BLOOM, Harold (Edited by): William Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom! ZIPES, Jack: The Brothers Grimm (EXHIBITION CATALOGUE): Kuns 59 Art: Battiss; Cilliers-Barnard; De Jong; Hodgins; Klar; Preller; Scully; Van Heerden