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POUND, Reginald: Evans of the Broke. A Biography of Admiral Lord Mountevans RIDPATH, George: The Border History of England and Scotland Deduced from the Earliest Times to the Union of the Two Crowns MARK VII (Pseudonym Max PLOWMAN): A Subaltern on the Somme
LUGOWSKI, Clemens: Die Form Der Individualitat Im Roman. Studien Zur Inneren Struktur Der Fruhen Deutschen Prosaerzahlung DE PANGE, Victor (Edited by): The Unpublished Correspondence of Mme. De Stael & the Duke of Wellington ROLLS, S.C: Steel Chariots in the Desert
ROUSSO, Nira: The Passover Gourmet ALBERT, Lionel (Compiled by): Some of the Jewish Men and Women Who Contributed to the History of Auckland 1840-1982 "Q" STAFF, G.H.Q. , M.E.F. (Compiled by): Notes on the Maintenance of the Eighth Army and the Supporting Royal Air Force By Land, Sea and Air from El Alamein to Tunisia
FERREIRA, M.C: Catalogo Dos Escarabideos Da regiao Etiopica. Tribos 'Canthoniini' e 'Alloscelini' (Separata De Revista De Entomologia De Mocambique , 7(1): 297-332) FERRANTI, Gertrude Ziani De: The Life and Letters of Sebastian Ziani De Ferranti AUERBACH, Erna: Tudor Artists. A Study of Painters in the Royal Service and of Portraiture from the Accession of Henry VII to the Death of Elizabeth I
GREENLY, Henry: Model Electric Locomotives and Railways ESCALAS, J: Majorca Illustrated Guide YATES, John: A Victorian Scrap Album, Containing Newsclippings and Original Photographs Relating to John Yates of Liverpool (1806-1882), as Well as Similar Material Relating to the Rev. Alfred Stephen Yates, and Other Members of the Yates Family
DURRELL, Lawrence; STYRON, William; and Others: Various Contributions to the "Paris Review" #22 Autumn-Winter 1959-60 BURROUGHS, William; PINTER, Harold; SPARK, Muriel; SILLITOE, Alan; BURGESS, Anthony; FERLINGHETTI. Lawrence; and Others: Various Contributions to the "Paris Review" #21 Summer 1966 LOWRY, Malcolm: Lunar Caustic, A Contribution to the "Paris Review" #29 Winter Spring 1963
ALBERTUS MAGNUS (Translated By Virginia HEINES): Libellus De Alchimia, Ascribed to Albertus Magnus LAWSON-HOOD, D. & J: Acupuncture Handbook LAWSON-HOOD, D. & J: Acupuncture Vitality and Revival Points
REICH, Wilhelm: The Sexual Revolution Toward a Self-Governing Character Structure HORNIBROOK, F.A: Physical Fitness in Middle Life WALKER, Kenneth: Sexual Behaviour Creative and Destructive
LESTER, R.M: Weather Prediction, with Special Chapters on Climate and Air-raid Weather KEELING, Frank: Constructional Carpentry BURROWS, Andrew & PEEL, Edwin (Edited by): Commercial Remedies. Current Issues and Problems
SCHARRENBROICH, Alfons; SCHMIDT, Hugo W.; WOLTERS, Gottfried: Uns Geht Die Sonne Nicht Unter. Lieder Der Hitler Jugend. Eine Auswahl Der Meistgesungenen Lieder Aus Dem Liederbuch Des Obergebietes West PRISKE, Leo: Die Deutsche Volkwerdung. Wesen Und Ausgabe Deutsche Art KROPP, Albert: Vom Werden Des Deutchen Volkes. Kleine Geschichtsfibel
WINNIG, August: Der Arbeiter Im Dritten Reich DOHLHOFF, Gunther S. & SCHNEEFUSS, Walter: Handbuch Der Gemeinschaftspflege BERNDT, Alfred-Ingemar (Foreword By Joseph GOEBBELS): Gebt Mir Vier Jahre Zeit! Dokumente Zum Ersten Vierjahresplan Des Fuhrers
HADAMOVSKY, Eugen: Weltgeschichte Im Sturmschritt. Das Grossdeutsche Jahr 1938 ROSENBERG, Alfred: Blut Und Ehre. Ein Kampf Fur Deutsche Wiedergeburt. Reden Und Aufsatze Von 1919-1933 BADE, Wilfrid: Joseph Goebbels
SCHIRACH, Baldur Von: Das Lied Der Getreuen. Verse Ungenannter Osterreichischer Hitler-Jugend Aus Den Jahren Der Verfolgung 1933-37 FRIEHE, Albert: Was Muss Der Nazional-Sozialist Von Der Vererbung Wissen? WALENDY, Udo: Wahrheit Fur Deutschland. Die Schuldfrage Des Zweiten Weltkrieges
KETLEY, A.J. (Edited by): Textbook of Ironmongery and Hardware DE LA ROCHE, Mazo: The Sacred Bullock HORRELL, Muriel: Bantu Education to 1968
MOTT, T. Bentley: Twenty Years as Military Attache ROBERTS, Jane: The "Unknown" Reality. Volume One of a Seth Book (AND) the "Unknown Reality" Volume Two of a Seth Book GARLAND, Trudi Hammel: Fascinating Fibonaccis. Mystery and Magic in Numbers
BLAVATSKY, H.P: Mr. Peters and the Goddess RUMI, Jalalu'ddin (Abridged and Translated By E.H. WHINFIELD): Teachings of Rumi. The Masnavi I Ma'navi BUDGE, E.A. Wallis: Egyptian Magic
HIRSCH, Leo: Praktische Judentumskunde. Eine Einfuhrung in Die Judische Wirklichkeit Fur Jedermann VERRILL, A. Hyatt: The Real Story of the Whaler LEESON, R.A: Travelling Brothers. The Six Centuries' Road from Craft Fellowship to Trade Unionism
SCHICKELE, Rene: Aisse NIKLAUS, Thelm: Harlequin Phoenix, or the Rise and Fall of a Bergamask Rogue CONRAN, Caroline: The Nouvelle Cuisine of Jean and Pierre Troisgros
(GREAT SYNAGOGUE CAPE TOWN WORLD WAR I): Great Synagogue Government Avenue Cape Town. Unveiling of the Memorial Tablet Recording the Names of Members and Relatives of Members Who Enlisted for Acive Service with the South African Brigade During the Great War 1914-1918. Sunday April 3rd 1921 at 4 BENDER, A.P: Thoughts on the Times. An Address to the Sea Point Congregational Church Guild on August 31st, 1915 HERTZ, J.H: The Jew in South Africa
HUFELAND, Christoph Wilhelm: Makrobiotik Oder Die Kunst Das Menschliche Leben Zu Verlangern CARRUTHERS, Douglas: Beyond the Caspian. a Naturalist in Central Asia COOMARASWAMY, Ananda K: Why Exhibit Works of Art? Collected Essays on the Traditional or "normal" View of Art
BYRON, Lord: Marino Faliero Doge of Venice. An Historical Treagedy in Five Acts. With Notes / The Prophecy of Dante. A Poem RICE, Elmer; SHIEL, M.P.; SAYERS, Dorothy L.; GABORIAU, Emile; STRONG, L.A.G.; WOLFE, Humbert; and Other Authors: Gollancz's Holiday Omnibus HILL, Graham (Foreword By Damon HILL): Life at the Limit
GIBSON, Charles: The Ship with Five Names BENTWICH, Norman: Philo-Judaeus of Alexandria SIMSON, Sally: The Cape of Good Cooks
EDMUNDSON, George: History of Holland REYBURN, H.A: Nietzsche. The Story of a Human Philosopher FUTCHER, G.W. And Others (Edited by): Trackless Mining Symposium 1988
BUSTARD, Robert: Kay's Turtles McKAY, George L: Early American Currency. Some Notes on the Development of Paper Money in the New England Colonies FRANKLIN, Colin: Fond of Printing. Gordon Craig as Typographer and Illustrator
DE SALAZAR, Francisco: Afectos y Consideraciones Devotas Sobre Los Quatro Novissimos Anadidas a Los Exercicios De La Primera Semana De N.P.S. Ignacio De Loyola Fundador De La Compana De Jesus DILMAN, Ilham: Studies in Language and Reason DAY, Alfred: Summary and Synopsis of the Dialogues of Plato, with an Analytical Index..