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VOS, E.F: Early Eastern Cape Architecture of Grahamstown COETZEE, Abel: C.M. Van Den Heever. Die Wese Van Sy Kuns GREEN, Martin & DURCAN, Paul (Edited by): Two Rivers. A Literary Quarterly. Winter 1969 Volume 1 Number 1
BULL, Bartle: The White Rhino Hotel LEES-MILNE, James: Caves of Ice. Diaries 1946 & 1947 FENN, Amor: Abstract Design. A Practical Manual on the Making of Patterns..
HORA, Bayard (Editor): The Oxford Encyclopedia of Trees of the World TAGORE, Rabindranath: Lover's Gift and Crossing SEARLE, Humphrey (Selected, Edited and Translated by): Hector Berlioz. A Selection from His Letters
BRAUN, John: Advertisements in Court LINDGREN, Ernest: The Art of the Film VERDAM, J: Tekstcritiek Van Middenederlandsche Schrijvers: Academisch Proefschrift
BLOOMFIELD, Leonard: Language THERON, J.A: Aphthae with Special Reference to the Chronic Recurrent Variety of Mikulicz KUHNE, Louis: De Nieuwe Geneeskunde Zonder Medicijnen of Operatien. Een Leerboek En Raadgever Voor Gezonden En Zieken
BOSHOFF, S.P.E: Volk En Taal van Suid Afrika BESSELAAR, G: Volk En Taal Van Suid Afrika. Voordrag Gehou Op Die Dundee Kongres Van Die Saamwerk-unie Van Natalse Vereniginge, Deur Prof. G. Besselaar Van Pietermaritzburg Op 26 Mei 1922 GILBERT, Glenn G. (Edited by): Texas Studies in Bilingualism. Spanish, French, German, Czech, Polish, Sorbian and Norwegian in the Southwest
DREYER, J.A. (Compiled by): Halfeeufees Gedenkboek 1907-1957 Moedergemeente Port Elizabeth NAGEL, Ernest: The Structure of Science. Problems in the Logic of Scientific Explanation McADAM, E.L . & MILNE, George (edited by) (JOHNSON, Samuel): Johnson's Dictionary. A Modern Selection
YASUDA, Kenneth: The Japanese Haiku. Its Essential Nature, History and Possibilities in English, with Selected Examples VAN DER MERWE, H.J.J.M: Goties. Kommentaar En Annotasies BROERSMA, Sj. & BROERSMA-LUOMAJOKI, R.K: Domeinen Der Finse Literatuur
STEENBERG, D.H: Dolos En Denke. Werkwyse En Werklikheid Siening Veral in Dolosse Van D J Opperman VAN SELMS, A: Arabies-Afrikaanse Studies I: 'n Tweetalige (Arabiese En Afrikaanse) Kategismus BOSANQUET, Bernard: A History of Aesthetic
BARNES, James J. & BARNES, Patience P: Hitler's Mein Kampf in Britain & America: A Publishing History 1930-39 ELLIS, Mrs. Havelock: Three Modern Seers. James Hinton. Nietzsche. Edward Carpenter HINDLEY, Geoffrey: The Royal Families of Europe
SCIFFER, Claudia: Memories GRAVES, Robert: Poetic Craft and Principle NAPIER, Priscilla: Revolution and the Napier Brothers. 1820-1840
VAN JAARSVELD, F.A: The Afrikaner's Interpretation of South African History SPITZ, Richard & CHASKALSON, Matthew: The Politics of Transition. A Hidden History of South Africa's Negotiated Settlement HANS, Ludovic (GUERNSEY BINDING): Second Siege De Paris. Le Comite Central et La Commune. Journal Anecdotique
MAIA, P. Antonio Da Silva: Licoes De Gramatica De Quimbundo (Portugues e Banto). Angola Africa Occidental Portuguesa ZAHARIAS, Mildred Didrickson: Championship Golf WILLIAMS, Monier & GOUGH, A.E: Sanskrit Manual, with Vocabulary
SCHNEIDER, Martin (Edited by): Madiba. Nelson Rolihlala Mandela A Celebration LANCASTER, Marie-Jaqueline (Editor): Cordon Bleu Cookery Course PARTS 1-72 LUDWIG FERDINAND, Princess & ADALBERT, Prince: Through Four Revolutions 1862-1933
BRYCE, George: The Siege and Conquest of the North Pole WHITE, Alan: Discovering Turkey KRAMER, Walter: Willink
GRONDMAN, Agnes: Sal Meijer. Zo Naief Nog Niet DOW, Allen: The Official Guide to Latin Dancing HERSCHEL, John Frederick William: Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy
PISTORIUS, P.V: Die Misteries Van Kybele-Attis En Die Christelike Sacramente MARTINS, Harper: Ek En My Speke VAN VREDEN, B.F: Jubelfees Gedenkboek Ned Geref Gemeente Douglas 1897-1947
OBERHOLSTER, J.A.S: Gedenkboek Van Die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Gemeente Te Wellington. 'n Geskiedkundige Oorsig Van Sy Honderdjarige Bestaan 1840-1940 LINDEMANS, J: Brabantse Persoonsnamen in De XIII En De XIV Eeuw MOERMAN, H.J: Oostnederlandse Persoonsnamen De Vechtstreek in Overijsel (ca.1400-1420)
ISMAEL, Tareq Y. & ISMAEL, Jacqueline S: Government and Politics in Islam BECKETT, Samuel: Breath and Other Shorts TRZEBINSKI, Errol: The Lives of Beryl Markham
KUBIZEK, August: Young Hitler. The Story of Our Friendship LEE, Carol Ann: The Hidden Life of Otto Frank MANVELL, Roger & FRAENKEL, Heinrich: The Hundred Days to Hitler
HACOBIAN, A,P: Armenia and the War. An Armenian's Point of View with an Appeal to Britain and the Coming Peace Conference (MINING): Prospectors and Claimholders Association of the Transvaal. Constitution JEROME K.Jerome: Drie Swape Op Die Rivier (Three Men in a Boat)
THOMSON, G. (Edited by) (BURNS, Robert; HAYDN, Frans Joseph; BISHOP, Henry) (CAPE ASSOCIATION): A Select Collection of Original Scottish Airs for the Voice, with Introductiory and Concluding Symphonies & Accompaniments for the Piano Forte, Violin and Violoncello By Pleyel, Kozeluh & Haydn; with Verses....upwards 100 New Songs By Burns... MAGRIEL, Paul (edited by): Isadora Duncan BARBEY D'AUREVILLY, J.A. (Translated Douglas AINSLIE): Of Dandyism and of George Brummell
FERNANDEZ, Jose A: The Specialty Shop MARCHIORI, Giuseppe; RESTANY, Pierre; CERNI, Vicente Aguilera; GALVAN, Jose Moreno: La Pintura De Juana Frances OSTICK, E. (Editor): The Draper's Encyclpaedia
RICHARDSON, Robert G. (Edited by): Nurse Sarah Anne. With Florence Nightingale at Scutari MACBRIDE WHITE, Anna & JEFFARES, A. Norman (Edited by): The Gonne-Yeats Letters 1893-1938 FISHER, Barbara (Compiled and Edited by): Joyce Cary Remembered
BELL, Lan (Introduction by_: Sir Leslie Stephen's Mausoleum Book APULEIUS of MEDAURA, Lucius: The Golden Ass of Lucius Apuleius of Medaura Reprinted From the Scarce Edition of 1809, Revised and Corrected BLUNT, Fanny Lady: My Reminiscences