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VAN RENTERGHEM, A.W: Freud En Zijn School. Nieuwe Banen Der Psychologie CURELY, A. & PERRIER, Robert: Le Golf (Tous Les Sports Par Des Champions No.17) PYTHAGORE: Les Verses Dores
LEAUTAUD, Paul: Poesies JONES, J.D. Rheinhallt: The Future of South-West Africa JONES, J.D. Rheinhallt & HOERNLE, R.F. Alfred: The Union's Burden of Poverty
MOLTENO, Donald B. And Others: The Native Trust and Land Bill. Some Constructive Criticisms JABAVU, D.D.T: "Native Disabilities" in South Africa SELBORNE, Lord: Address Delivered By Lord Selborne Before the Congregation of the University of the Cape of Good Hope on Saturday 27th Feb 1909
TOULEIER: The Poor White Problem in South Africa LEHMANN, I. Th: Subjectieve Reportage. Gedichten ABAS, S.P: Het Volk in Onze Hedendaagsche Schilderkunst
DE GRUYTER, Jos: Beeldhouwkunst ORTEGA Y GASSET, Jose: Het Gezichtspunt in De Kunsten GEERS, G.J: Lope De Vega Zijn Geest En Zijn Werk 15 November 1562 - 27 Augustus 1635
ENGELMAN, Jan: Nieuwe Schilderkunst in Holland DYKSTRA, R.H: W. Schuhmacher TER BRAAK, Menno: De Nieuwe Elite
VASALIS, M: Het Ezeltje SLAUERHOFF, J: De Ochtendzon EGGINK, Clara: De Vrouw En De Cormorant
HOLST, A. Roland: Weer Een Dag ENGELMAN, Jan: In Het Verborgene Gedrukt 'S-GRAVESANDE, G.H: Onze Letterkunde in Bezettingstijd
FABRICIUS, Johan: De Kraton LI T'AI PO (Translated By Bert TEUNIS): Levensroes HOLST, A. Roland: De Twee Planeten
HOORNIK, Ed: Dooden Herdenking in Dachau SPENDER, Stephen; TODD, Ruthven; RAINE, Kathleen; HOOGENBOOM, P and Other Contributors: Semaphore 1945 A. International Review of Literature and Art GIBSON, Henry J.C: Dundee Royal Infirmary 1798 to 1948. The Story of the Old Infirmary with a Short Account of the More Recent Years
MANION, Margaret (Introduction and Commentaries by): The Wharncliffe Hours. A Fifteenth Century Illuminated Prayerbook in the Collection of the National Gallery of Victoria Australia OOSTHUIZEN, G.J: Shepherd of Lovedale HOFMEYR, Jan H: The Open Horizon: Speeches and Addresses
TOLLER, Ernst: Letters from Prison, Including Poems and a New Version of 'The Swallow Book' HARDY, Thomas: Our Exploits at West Poley ROOD, Betsie: Smulvleis Uit Die Veld
POGRUND, Benjamin: Sobukwe and Apartheid CARTER, Rosemary: Return to Devil's View CARTER, Rosemary: Forests of the Dragon
ROWE, Frederick W: Extinction. The Beothuks of Newfoundland DUNCAN, Graeme: Marx and Mill. Two Views of Social Conflict and Social Harmony DE RONSARD, Pierre (Translated Humbert WOLFE): Sonnets Pour Helene
THURLOCKE, A.R. (Pseudonym Arthur LOCKE): The Rustic Choir and Other Poems DE VAUX, Roland: Ancient Israel Its Life and Institutions POLLOCK, K.G. & BARTLETT, F.C. / WESTON, H.C. & ADAMS, S: Two Studies in the Psychological Effects of Noise. I. Psyvhological Experiments Pon the Effects of Noise. II. The Effects of Noise on the Performance of Weavers
BARNWELL, George W: The New Encyclopedia of Machine Shop Practice POLAINE, Reggie: The War Toys Kriegsspielzeuge. I: The Story of Hausser-Elastolin AYENSU, Edward S: Ashanti Gold. The African Legacy of the World's Most Precious Metal
HOCART, A.M: Kings and Councillors. An Essay on the Comparative Anatomy of Human society TUCKER, Terry: The Islands of Bermuda. Each Isle and Islet's Separate Story ROHDE, Elinour Sinclair: Oxford's College Gardens
FOOT, M.R.D: SOE. An Ouline History of the Special Operations Executive 1940-46 RROSENTHAL, Eric: Cutlass and Yardarm BOND, Geoffrey: Lakonia
HAMILTON, Maurice: Grand Prix British Winner4s SCHAPERA, I: Government and Politics in Tribal Societies HANLON, Joseph: Mozambique the Revolution Under Fire
DENING, Walter: Japan in Days of Yore. Human Nature in a Variety of Aspects HARRISON, E.J: Judo on the Ground. The Oda (9th Dan) Method "Katamewaza" LECOURT, Dominique: Proletarian Science? The Case of Lysenko
TRULUCK, Anne: No Blood on Our Hands. Political Violence in the Natal Midlands 1987 - Mid 1992 and the Role of the State, "White" Political Parties and Business WALLER, Maurice & CALABRESE, Anthony: Fats Waller LABAND, J.P.C.; THOMPSON, P.S. ; HENDERSON, Sheila: The Buffalo Border. The Anglo-zulu War in Northern Natal
VAN ONSELEN, Charles: Thesmall Matter of a Horse. The Life of 'Nongoloza' Mathebula 1867-1948 LODGE, Tom: Black Politics in South Africa Since 1945 THEMBA, Can (Edited By Essop PATEL): The World of Can Themba
GORDON, Suzanne: A Talent for Tomorrow. Life Stories of South African Servants BURGESS, Yvonne: The Strike. A Novel BLIGNAUT, Aegidius Jean (Introduction By Lionel ABRAHAMS): Dead End Road. Including the Original Introduction to "The Hottentot's God" (1931) By Herman Charles Bosman
EBERSOHN, Wessel: Klara's Visitors TEMKIN, Ben: Gatsha Buthelezi. Zulu Statesman DITTRICH, Helmut Hans: Mikrobiologie Des Weines
GERBER, Hilda: Cape Cookery Old and New MISS X (A. GOODRICH-FREER): Essays on Psychical Research MTWA, Percy; NGEMA, Mbongemi; SIMON, Barney: Woza Albert!