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BLANTON, Smiley: Love Or Perish
COLMAN, Fred A. & TRIER, Walter: Artisten
BLAND, Ernest A. (Edited by): Olympic Story. The Definitive Story of the Olympic Games from Their Revival in 1896
WOOLLER, Wilfred & OWEN, David(Edited by): Fifty Years of the All Blacks
DEPARTMENT OF MINES: Report of the Commission of Inquiry Into the Coal Resources of the Republic of South Africa
LONG, H.C. & BRENCHLEY, Winifred E: Suppression of Weeds By Fertilizers & Chemicals
TANSLEY, A.G. & CHIPP, T.F: Aims and Methods in the Study of Vegetation
SKAIFE, S.H. & BOSMAN, G.J: Mielies
MURDOCH, C. & ANDRIESSE, J.P: A Soil and Irrigability Study of the Lower Usutu Basin (South) in the Swaziland Lowveld
ACOCKS, J.P.H: Veld Types of South Africa
SACK, John: An Eye for an Eye. The Untold Story of Jewish Revenge Against Germans in 1945
THOMPSON, E.V: Singing Spears. A Retallick Novel
JOHANSON, Donald C. & EDEY, Maitland R: Lucy. The Beginnings of Humankind
SKAIFE, S.H: Dwellers in Darkness. An Introduction to the Study of Termites
CONNOLLY, Bob: Bob Connolly's Personalities 1949 Edition. Who's Who in Cartoons, Reprinted from the Rand Daily Mail
SCHOFIELD, Guy: Crime Before Calvary. Herodias, Herod Antipas, and Pontius Pilate. A New Interpretation
BOMFORD, G: Geodesy
WRIGHT, Thomas Wallace & HAYFORD, John Fillmore: The Adjustment of Observations By the Method of Least Squares with Application to Geodetic Work
SEARLE, Alfred B: Limestone & Its Products. Their Nature, Production, and Uses
ROTHSCHILD, M.; SCHLEIN, Y; ITO, S: A Colour Atlas of Insect Tissues Via the Flea
PIERCE, Newton B: Peach Leaf Curl. Its Nature and Treatment
FRENCH, Norman (Edited by): Perspectives in Grassland Ecology. Results and Applications of the US/IBP Grassland Biome Study
BOURNE, J.M: Patrinage and Society in Nineteenth Century England
McGUANE, Thomas: An Outside Chance. Essays on Sport
HORNUNG, E.W: The Complete Short Stories of Raffles - The Amateur Cracksman
VAN WARMELO, N.J: The Ba Letswalo or Banarene / The Bathlabine of Moxoboya / The Bakoni Ba Maake / The Banarene of Sekororo / The Banarene of Mmutlana / The Bakoni of Mametsa / The Batubatse of Masisimale
HUNT, A.S. & EDGAR, C.C. (Translated by): Select Papyri I: Non-Literary Papyri Private Affairs
HUNT, A.S. & EDGAR, C.C. (Translated by): Select Papyri II: Non-Literary Papyri Public Documents
PLUTARCH (Translated Bernadotte PERRIN): Plutarch's Lives VII: Demosthenes and Cicero, Alexander and Caesar
THEOPHRASTUS (Edited and Translated By J M EDMONDS): The Characters of Theophrastus
EPICTETUS (Translation By W A OLDFATHER): The Discourses Vol II
LESSING, Doris: The Story of a Non Marrying Man and Other Stories
IKEDA, Daisaku & PECCEI, Aurelio: Before it is Too Late. A Dialogue
CUNNINGHAM, Robert L. (Edited by): Liberty and the Rule of Law
SIM, T.R: Tree Planting in Natal
HARTSHORNE, K.B.; SWART, J.H.A.; RANTAO, B.J: Dictionary of Basic Tswana Across the Curriculum
WAITE, A.E: The Pictorial Key to the Tarot
DEDIC, J: Single Figure Skating for Beginners and Champions
ELDER, Michael: For Those in Peril. The Story of the Life-boat Service
YUEH-HWA, Lin: The Golden Wing. A Sociological Study of Chinese Familism
BIGGS, Robert D . (Edited by): Journal of Near Eastern Studies. Volume 34 Nos. 1-4 (January-October 1975)
BIGGS, Robert D . (Edited by): Journal of Near Eastern Studies. Volume 35 Nos. 1-4 (January-October 1976)
BIGGS, Robert D . (Edited by): Journal of Near Eastern Studies. Volume 36. Nos. 1-4 (January-October 1977)
BIGGS, Robert D . (Edited by): Journal of Near Eastern Studies. Volume 37. No.1 (January 1978)
BIGGS, Robert D . (Edited by): Journal of Near Eastern Studies. Volume 37. No.3 (July 1978)
BIGGS, Robert D . (Edited by): Journal of Near Eastern Studies. Volume 37. No.4 (October 1978)
WRIGHT, Eileen Revere & WOODHOUSE, Edith Doretha: Colonial Homes of Palmerston North
HODGSON, Robert G: Fisher Farming
BRAY, Warwick: The Gold of Eldorado
MILWEE, William I: Modern Marine Salavage
RHOODIE, Nic (Edited by): Intergroup Accommodation in Plural Societies
POLLITT, William: The Rise of Southend
PEEK, B.M: The Planet Jupiter
VENN, John , and Others (Compiled by): Biographical History of Gonville and Caius College 1349-1897 (and Then to 1933; 1933-1956)
ROTHENBERG, Beno: Were These King Solomon's Mines?
SCOTT, J.D: A Contribution to the Study of the Problems of the Drakensberg Conservation Area
SMIT, P. & BOOYSEN, J.J: Urbanisation in the Homelands - a New Dimension in the Urbanisation Process of the Black Population of South Africa?
MAYER, Philip (Edited by): Socialization: The Approach from Social Anthropology
WILLIAMS, C.B: Patterns in the Balance of Nature and Related Problems in Quantitative Ecology
YERKOW, Charles: Judo Katas. Fundamentals of Throwing and Mat Techniques (Nage-no-Kata and Katame-no-Kata)
RHODE, John: Tragedy on the Line
BENSON, E.F: The Image in the Sand
MAUND, Alfred: The Big Boxcar
ORENSTEIN, Gloria: The Theater of the Marvelous. Surrealism and the Contemporary Stage
DONNISON, F.S.V: Civil Affairs and Military Government. Central Organization and Planning
WATTERSON, Gerald G: Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources in Modern African States
WRIGHT, Peter: A Three-foot Stool
HARRIS, Robert B: Racing and Cruising Trimarans
UNDERWOOD, Roy (with David HANDS): Flying Wing. An Autobiography
ROOSEVELT, Franklin D: The President's Mystery Story
EXHIBITION CATALOGUE (Henri DE MONTHERLANT): Exposition Mariette Lydis 6 Novembre - 26 Novembre 1948
HELPMAN, G: De Psychische En Physische Invloed Van De Moeder Op Het Ingeboren Kind
VAN DER CHIJS: Inleiding Tot De Grondbegrippen En Techniek Der Psycho-Analyse
FREUD, Sigmund: De Sexueele Beschavingsmoraal Als Oorzaak Der Moderne Zenuzwakte