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LOATES, Glen & WARNER, Glen: Glen Loates: A Brush with Life
RIBBANDS, Ronald: The Behaviour and Social Life of Honeybees
SMITH, Francis B: Beekeeping in the Tropics
NEUSTATTER, W. Lindesay: Psychological Disorder and Crime
EDELMAN, Maurice: The Fratricides
BOND, Edgar: Show Card Layout and Design
WELLINGTON, Duke: The Theory and Practice of Poster Art
PRAIN, E.M. (Introduction By Bernard DARWIN): Live Hands. A Key to Better Golf
ZODIASTAR: Fun with Matches and Matchboxes. Puzzles, Games, Tricks, Stunts, Etc
McCLINTOCK, Marshall (Edited by): Women on the Wall
NARAYAN, R.K: The Bachelor of Arts
POYNOR, Rick: Nigel Coates. The City in Motion
FITTON, Mary: The Faithful Servant.. Jeanne Louise Henriette Campan 1752-1822
BURROWS, H.R. (Introduction by): Baumannville. A Study of an Urban African Community
MOTT, George: Follies and Pleasure Pavillions
HART, B.H. Liddell: The British Way in Warfare
(HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE): The Government Blue Book. Documents Concerning German-Polish Relations and the Outbreak Oilities Between Great Britain and Germany on September 3 1939
ZOLA, Emile: Drunkard
CARPOZI, George: Vince Edwards. A Biography of Television's "Ben Casey"
ZOLA, Emile: Shame
HEYWARD, Du Bose: Porgy
BROMBERGER, Merry and Serge: Secrets of Suez
WALSER, Martin (Translated By Eva FIGES): The Gadarene Club
SINCLAIR, Shirley: The Story of Melsetter
WITHERS, R.M: Liliums in Australia
APPLETON, Thomas E: Ravenscrag. The Allan Royal Mail Line
LOUMYER, G: Les Traditions Techniques De La Peinture Medievale
DE BROGLIE, Louis: Theorie De La Quantificatiom Dans La Nouvelle Mecanique
DE BROGLIE, Louis: L'Electron Magnetique (Theorie De Dirac)
MEYER, Conrad Ferdinand: Plautus Im Nonnenkloster. Novelle
REBUFFAT, Gaston: Neige et Roc
DRESEL, August: Junkers Nachrichten Jahrgang 8 Heft 3 Februar 1937
CRAIG, W.H: Doctor Johnson and the Fair Sex. A Study of Contrasts
TAGORE, Rabindranath (Translated By Indu DUTT): A Tagore Testament
CRAIG, Edward: The Mind of God and the Works of Man
KEAY, John: The Great Arc. The Dramatic Tale of How India Was Mapped and Everest Was Named
BROWN, Duncan (Edited by): Oral Literature & Performance in Southern Africa
JONES, Eldred Durosimi & JONES, Marjorie (Edited by): Childhood in African Literature (African Literature Today #21)
MILLARD, Victor F.L. & HANNAM-CLARK, T: The Severn and Naval Defence Also the Warships of Gloucester 1654 - 1941 and Their Adventures
NEWMAN, J.H. & VOSLOO, A.G: 6th Battery Natal Field Artlillery S.A.A. A Saga of Gunners in the Western Desert 12th August 1941 - 13 June 1942
MARCUS, Jacob R: The Jew in the Medieval World
LOW, David: Low Again: A Pageant of Politics
MAIR, Alistair: The Ripening Time
MARTIN, John Bartlow: My Life in Crime. The Autobiography of a Professional Criminal
GIDE, Andre: The Coiners
HUTCHINS. Maude: A Diary of Love
KEMAL, Yashar: Memed, My Hawk
(NEWSPAPER): The London Chronicle #6673 from Tuesday December 29 to Thursday December 31 1801
MOSS, Michael & RUSSELL, Iain: Range and Vision. The First Hundred Years of Barr & Stroud
BEINART, William: The Political Economy of Pondoland 1860 to 1930
FURNISS, Graham & GUNNER, Liz: Power, Marginality and African Oral Literature
NICHOLS, Peter: A Day in the Death of Joe Egg
SMITH, Philip H. & MORRISON, John C: Scientific Design of Exhaust and Intake Systems
LEAVIS, F.R: Revaluation. Tradition & Development in English Poetry
GROENEVELD, Anneke: Toekang Potret. 100 Jaar Fotografie in Nederlands Indie 1839-1939 / 100 Years of Photography in the Dutch East Indies 1839-1939
(ANONYMOUS): Death in the Air. The War Diary and Photographs of a Flying Corps Pilot
COULTER, Stephen: The Devil Inside. A Novel of Dostoevsky's Life
GARRETT, George: Which Ones are the Enemy?
FARRELL, James T: The Face of Time
WILLIAMS, John: Night Song
KANIUK, Yoram: The Acrophile
PLIVIER, Theodor: The Kaiser Goes: The Generals Remain
ROSS, Lillian: Vertical and Horizontal
RAPHAEL, Frederic: Lindmann
KERSH, Gerald: A Long Cool Day in Hell
HAHN, Emily: Aphra Behn
MILLER, Arthur: Arthur Miller Reading from The Crucible / Death of a Salesman (Spoken Arts #704)
O'SHANNON, Cathal (Edited by): Fifty Years of Liberty Hall. The Golden Jubilee of the Irish and General Workers Transport Union 1909 - 1959
ASQUITH, Roy: Sir Charles Dilke
ADAMS, R.J.Q: British Politics and Foreign Policy in the Age of Appeasement 1935-39
MOORE, Tui De Roy (Introduction Peter MATTHIESSEN): Galapagos Islands Lost in Time
MAHEU, Rene: Iran. Rebirth of a Timeless Empire
CATULLUS, TIBULLUS, PROPERTIUS(Edited By Robinson ELLIS; John P POSTGATE; P H Lee WARNER): Catulli, Tibulli, Properti Carmina Quae Extant Omnia
LAMBERT, Gavin (From the Novel By D H LAWRENCE): Sons and Lovers. Screenplay. Shooting Final October 28 1959
KUDO, Kazuzo: Dynamic Judo. Grappling Techniques