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BROWN, Elizabeth Christie: The Kildrummy Christies
HUDSON, Thomas Jay: The Law of Psychic Phenomena
FRANKLYN, Julian: Death By Enchantment5. An Examination of Ancient and Modern Witchcraft
WENTWORTH, Patricia: Mr. Zero
ROBERTSON, I.D.M: The Geology of the Country Around Battlefields, Gatooma District
BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice: Tarzan Die Triomfantelike
BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice: Tarzan Die Onoorwinlike
BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice: Tarzan En Die Verbode Stad
BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice: Die Avonture Van Tarzan
HUGHES, Frank: Diamond Grinding of Metals
LAYE, Camara (Translated By James KIRKUP; Introduction By William PLOMER): The Dark Child
(NAMIBIA): Namibian Independence and Cuban Troop Withdrawal
SPRING, Ivan: Flying Boat. The History of 262 Squadron R A F and the Origina of 35 Squadron SAAF
TEMU, A. & SWAI, B: Historians and Africanist History: A Critique
BOAHEN, A. Adu: African Perspectives on Colonialism
PIKE, Douglas: PAVN: People's Army of Vietnam
ROHWER, J. & HUMMELCHEN, G: Chronology of the War at Sea: VOLUME TWO 1943-1945
ELSEN, Albert E: In Rodin's Studio. A Photographic Record of Sculpture in the Making
SYMONDS, J.A: Wine Women and Song. Medieval Latin Students Songs
GRUNDY, R.H: The Theory and Practice of Heat Engines
PROWSE, C.M: The Lure of Islam. A Novel
EDEN, Maxwell: The Magnificent Book of Kites
LEE, Emanoel: To the Bitter End. A Photographic History of the Bower War 1899-1902
MINISTRY OF TECHNOLOGY BUILDING RESEARCH STATION: Principles of Modern Building. VOLUME I: Part I. The Building as a Whol;e. Part II. The Wall and Its Functions. Volume 2: Floors and Roofs
COERTZEN, Pieter: The Huguenots of South Africa 1688-1988
POSSONY, Stefan T: A Century of Conflict. Communist Techniques of World Revolution. 1848-1950
KOENIGIL, Mark: Movies in Society. Sex Crime and Censorship
KYLE-KEITH, Richard: The High Price of Pornography
CRONE, G.R: The Discovery of the East
ZIERVOGEL, D.; LOUW, J.A.; TALJAARD, P.C: A Handbook of the Zulu Language
NYEMBEZI, Sibusiso: Learn Zulu
BUTLER, Eric D. (Introduction by): Brain-Washing. A Synthesis of the Communist Textbook on Psychopolitics
ANDERS, Karl: Murder to Order
BLOUNT, P. Clavell: Compulsory Mass Medication. A Factual Guide to the Fluoridation Issue
VORSTER, J.D.; VAN DEN BERGH, H.J.; And Others: Battle for the Mind. Papers Read at the International Symposium on Communism September 1966 Pretoria
ROSENBERG, Harold: The Tradition of The New
SMITH, Walter C: Hilda; Among the Broken Gods
VALENTINE & SONS: Photographic View Album of Lincoln
DAVIES, Jennifer: The Victorian Flower Farden
ROLLESTON, T.W: Life of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
MACDONALD, J.F: Abyssinian Adventure
BLACK, Colin: The Legend of Lomagundi
SCOTT MONCRIEFF, G.K: Eastern Missions from a Soldier's Standpoint
RHODES, Anthony: Where the Turk Trod. A Journey to Sarajevo with a Slavonic Mussulman
LUKE, Harry: Queen Salote and Her Kingdom
RANSON, Ron & CHAMBERLAIN, Trevor: Oil Painting Pure and Simple
CROSS, Robin: The Bombers. The Illustrated Story of Offensive Strategy in the Twentieth Century
QUIGLEY, Hugh & GOLDIE, Ismay: Housing and Slum Clearance in London
LYNCH, Patricia: Long Ears
LEISTNER, G.M.E. & BREYTENBACH, W.J: The Black Worker of South Africa
(MINING METALLURGY): Sishen Saldanha Bay Ore Export Project
LONGHURST, Henry (Introduction Winston CHURCHILL): Adventure in Oil. The Story of British Petroleum
SAND, George: The Country Waif (AND) the Castle of Pictordu
KEATING, H.R.F: Filmi, Filmi Inspector Ghote
GRAEME, Bruce: The Imperfect Crime
ROSENBERG, Marc: Der Goldschmiede Merkzeichen. 2000 Stempel Auf Altere Golschmiedearbeiten in Facsimile Herausgegeben Und Erklart
LANDON, Herman: Grey Phantom's Triumph
HEESE, Carl Pieter: Sendingonderwys in Suidwes-Afrika 1806-1870. 'n Kritiese Beskouing Van Bepaalde Aspekte
JANSEN, G.H: Afro-Asia and Non-Alignment
HAWKINS, E.K: Road Transport in Nigeria
BENNETT, E.T.; CUVIER, M.F.; GOULD, J.; OWEN, R.; SOWERBY, G.B.; SWAINSON, W.; And Numerous Other Authors: Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London PART III 1835
LICHTIGFELD, A: Aspects of Jaspers' Philosophy
THE TIMES: Church and Empire. a Reprint of the Special Number of the Times June 25 1930
SCHMIDT, Peter R: Iron Technology in East Africa. Symbolism, Science and Archaeology
SPEAR, Thomas: Mountain Farmers. Moral Economies of Land & Agricultural Development in Arusha and Meru
KUGER, Loren (Edited by) (Leontine SAGAN): Lights & Shadows. The Autobiography of Leontine Sagan
SCOTT, P.J.M: Reality and Comic Confidence in Charles Dickens
HAMBURGER, Michael: Art as Second Nature. Occasional Pieces 1950-74
RANDALL, Sidney: An A.B.C. Of the Old Science of Astrology
BEINART, William & BUNDY, Colin: Hidden Struggles in Rural South Africa. Politics and Popular Movements in the Transkei and Eastern Cape 1890-1930
McNEILL, F. Marian: The Scots Kitchen. Its Traditions and Lore with Old-time Recipes
VAN OORDT, J.F: The Origin of the Bantu. A Preliminary Study
WALKER, Eric A (Edited by): South Africa, Rhodesia and the High Commission Territories (The Cambridge History of the British Empire Volume VIII)
FARMER, H.V: Seychelles Postage Stamps and Postal History
DALWICK, R.E.R: The Gambia. The History of Its Posts, Postage Stamps and Cancellations