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SAMPSON, Richard: So This Was Lusakas. The Story of the Capital of Zambia to 1964 RUUD, Jorgen: Taboo. A Study of Malagasy Customs and Beliefs SENGHOR, Leopold Sedar: On African Nationalism
BOWEN, Elizabeth: The Heat of the Day FITZGERALD, Penelope: The Blue Flower (ANON): Belinda's Book for Colonial Housewives
MACKENZIE, Alexander (Foreword John PREBBLE): History of the Highland Clearances TEITELBAUM, Joshua: The Rise and Fall Of the Hashimite Kingdom of Arabia PHILLIPS, Roger & RIX, Martyn: The Quest for the Rose
BRAY, N.N.E: Shifting Sands GREENE, G. Coyninghame: British Sporting Quarters 1934. A Selected List of Sporting Hotels in the British Isles and Some Country Quarters Where Guests are Received. With Notes on Fishing Hunting Shooting Golf MELCHETT, Lord; FRANKEL, Lee K.; WARBURG, Felix M.; WASSERMANN, Oscar: Report of the Joint Palestine Survey Commission London June 18th 1928
VOLWAHSEN, Andreas: Living Architecture: INDIAN BILLETT, Michael: Thatched Buildings of Dorset ALLEN, Cecil J: British Atlantic Locomotives
MANLEY, Michael: A History of West Indies Cricket FRY, C.H: The Bee-Eaters (PERIODICAL): The Advertising World. The Organ of British Advertisers. VOLUME 6 NOS. 1-6 June-November 1904
DARRAH, John: The Real Camelot. Paganism and the Arthurian Romances HAIMENDORF, C.F: Himalayan Barbary RILEY, R.C: Great Western Album
ENGEL, Matthew (Edited by): Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 2000 ENGEL, Matthew (Edited by): Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1999 ENGEL, Matthew (Edited by): Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1996
(DUNCAN, R.C.): Centenary of 5th Royal Gurkha Rifles (Frontier Forces) 1858-1958 WEAVER, Diana & Purcell: Natural Foods. Their Preparation and Use GORDIMER, Nadine (Edited Sipho SEPAMLA): A Writer's Freedom (In NEW CLASSIC No.2)
McLEAN, Ruari: Modern Book Design ENGELKEN, Ernst: Der Innere Kreis MINNE, Jules: Les Rythmes Solaires. Poemes
DOUGLAS, Norman: Birds & Beasts of the Greek Anthology PETERS, Lenrie: Poems HERBERT, A.P: 'No Fine on Fun". The Comical History of the Entertainments Duty
KENNEDY, E.E. (Introduction By Maryna Fraser): Waiting for the Boom MAHOOD, M.M: Poetry and Humanism McGRATH, John: Joe's Drum
POLIAKOFF, Stephen: Runners & Soft Targets GREGORY, Edwin: Metallurgy LECLERCQ, Lena: Knave of Hearts
ALLWOOD, Montagu C: Carnations and All Dianthus DUGARD, John: Human Rights and the South African Legal Order MACRORY, Patrick: Signal Catastrophe. The Story of the Disastrous Retreat from Kabul 1842
HERN, Anthony: The Seaside Holiday. The History of The English Seaside Resort BRADBURY, Ray: The Art of Playboy WEINSTEIN, Michael: Precious and Semi-Precious Stones
AIGNER, Dennis J: Basic Econometrics SABINE, B.E.V: British Budgets in Peace and War 1932-1945 BELL, Daniel & KRISTOL, Irving: The Crisis in Economic Theory
HAUSER, Robert M. & FEATHERMAN, David L: The Process of Stratification. Trends and Analyses SYMONDS, Henry Edward: The Church Universal and the See of Rome. A Study of the Relations Between the Escipopate and the Papacy Up to the Schism Between East and West BROWNLEE, Charles: Reminiscences of Kafir Life & History and Other Papers
COWPER, H.S: The Hill of the Graces. A Record of Investigation Among the Trilithons And Megalithic Sites of Tripoli HOERNLE, Winifred (Edited By Peter CARSTENS): The Social Organization of the Nama and Other Essays WALKER, Joan: Wild Flowers of Kwazulu-Natal
LEE, Kenneth Fuller: Big Game Hunting and Marksmanship ROBERTS, Clifford: The Story of the Augusta National Golf Club TITLEY, Norah M: Persian Miniature Painting and Its Influence on the Art of Turkey and India
ATHAYDE, Alfredo: Contribuicao Para o Estudo Psicologico Dos Indigenas Do Ultramar Portugues CRESPO, Manuel Ferreira: Alguns Elementos Sobre Temperaturas e Salinidades Das Aguas Do Mar Do Guine AUGUSTO, Antonio: Medicoes De Intelligencia De Algumas Tribos Indigenas Da Zambezia e Do Niassa (Mocambique)
DE ALMEIDA, Antonio: Sobe a Terminologia Anatomica Nos Crioulos De Cabo Verde DOS SANTOS, Joaquim Norberto Junior: Impressoes Dermopapilares De Indigenas De Mocambique. Novos Elementos Para o Estudio Dos Desenhos Das Cristas Digitais Das Maos DA SILVA, J. Gentil: Alguns Elementos Para a Historia Do Comercio Da India De Portugal Existentes Na Biblioteca De Madrid
DE LAGOA, Visconde: A Peregrinacao De Frei Sebastiao Manrique DE LAGOA, Visconde: A Peregrinacao De Fernao Mendes Pinto. (Tentativa Do Reconstituicao Geografica) BUSBY, Roy: British Music Hall. An Illustrated Who's Who from 1850 to the Present Day
SLAVIN, K. & J. (With G N MACKIE & D. McDINE): Land Rover. The Unbeatable 4 x 4 KENNEY, R.U: Abraham Izak Perold. Wegwyser Van Ons Wingerdbou SHOHAM, S. Giora: Society and the Absurd
LEVI, Peter: Boris Pasternak. A Biography HUBBARD, L. Ron: Scientology 8 - 8008 ARNOLD, Guy: Journey Round Turkey
PIYADASSI, Mayathera: The Spectrum of Buddhism SINGH, Ishar: The Philosophy of Guru Nanak (A Comparative Study) O'CONNOR, V.C: Isles of the Aegean