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RESTANY, Pierre: Paul Jenkins Grid Panel Prisms October 15 - November 16 1991 CHRISTOPHERS, S.R.; SINTON, J.A.; COVELL, G: How to Do a Malaria Survey GORDON, Emma: Can a Cape Gooseberry Grow in Botswana? The Category of Exile Literature and Its Application in a Study of Bessie Head's Writings
KRUUK, Hans: Hyaena STREET, Philip: Wildlife Conservation BOSS, Hugo: Collection Fall/Winter 93/94
STEINER, Henry & HAAS, Ken: Cross-Cultural Design. Communicating in the Global Marketplace KELLERMAN, T.S.; COETZER, J.A.W.; NAUDE, T.W: Plant Poisonings and Mycotoxicoses of Livestock in Southern Africa UEDA, Atsushi: The Inner Harmony of the Japanese House
MACLEAN, Fitzroy: The Isles of the Sea and Other West Highland Tales KINGSLAND, Kevin & Venika: Complete Hatha Yoga in Philosophy and Practice SIVANANDA: Yogic Life
YOGANANDA, Paramahansa: Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda AUROBINDO, Sri: Letters on Yoga: Parts 1-4 STEINER, Rudolf: The Bhagavad Gita and the Epistles of Paul
VASWANI, T.L: The Bhagavad Gita. The Song of Life. English Translation and Explanatory Notes RAJNEESH, Bhagwan Shree: Ancient Music in the Pines LAING, R.D: The Voice of Experience. Experience, Science and Psychiatry
KALAHARI MAC (Freddie Macdonald): Agter Die Skerms Met Die Rebellie KRISHNANANDA, Swami: Interior Pilgrimage KRISHNANANDA, Swami: Self-Realisation. Its Meaning and Method
ADAIR, John: The Art of Creative Thinking ZOHAR, Danah: The Quantum Self LARSON, C.D: Your Forces and How to Use Them
O'KEEFE, Bob (Edited and Presented by): Pioneers' Progress Early Natal CLARKE, Alan F. (Edited by): Commemorative Brochure Issued on the Occasion of the Running of the Union Limited / Express September 1977 BIRNEY, C.F. (General manager) Beira & Mashonaland & Rhodesia Railways: Rules and Regulations for the Guidance of Officers and Men in the Service of the Beira and Mashonaland and Rhodesia Railways. VOL.1: General Working Regulations
BEIRA MASHONALAND RHODESIA RAILWAYS: Visit of H.E. The High Commissioner to Rhodesia August - September 1929. Time Table BEIRA MASHONALAND RHODESIA RAILWAYS: Visit of H.E. The High Commissioner to Rhodesia August 1926. Time Table BEIRA MASHONALAND RHODESIA RAILWAYS: Visit of H.E. The High Commissioner to Rhodesia July - August 1923. Time Table
RHODESIA RAILWAYS: Official Opening Chiredzi Branch Line 28th September 1964 THE BEIRA AND MASHONALAND AND RHODESIA RAILWAYS (Northern Extensions) AND THE LOMAGUNDA RAILWAY.(NORTHERN EXTENSIONS AND THE LOMAGUNDA RAILWAY: Working Time Table (No.7) for the Information of the Company's Servants Only. JULY 1905, Until Further Notice NATAL GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS: Standard Book of Rules and Regulations
WETHERSETT, E.R. & ASHER, L.L: Locomotives of the L.N.E.R. A Pictorial Record JEUDA, Basil: The Macclesfield, Bollington & Marple Railway. The Great Central and North Staffordshire Joint Railway MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT: Railway Accidents. Report on the Derailment Which Occurred on the 26th October 1947 at Goswick on the London and North Eastern Railway
CLIFTON-TAYLOR, Alec & IRESON, A.S: English Stone Building MILLER, Harry: Halls of Dartford 1785-1985 COLE, Nathan: The Royal Parks and Gardens of London. Their History and Mode of Establishment with Hints on the Propagation and Culture of the Plants Employed, the Artistic Arrangement of Colours, &c
HOWE, E. Graham: War Dance. A Study in the Psychology of War SINNETT, A.P: In the Next World. Actual Narratives of Personal Experiences By Some Who Have Passed on JAMESON, Mrs: Shakespeare's Heroines
PHILBY, H. St.J. B: The Empty Quarter Being a Description of the Great South Desert of Arabia Known as Rub' al Khali BROWNING, Peter & NEEDHAM, Les: Healeys and Austin-Healeys Including Jensen-Healey : An Illustrated History of the Marque with Specifications and Tuning Data BELLIA, Giorgio & DINARICH, Mario (Edited by); ANTONIETTI, Danieli (Introduction by): Stile Auto Reprint Ferrari Pininfarina 1952-1965
WEEKES, H.E. And Others; (Foreword By Ian HAMILTON): History of the 5th Royal Gurkha Rifles (Frontier Force) 1858-1928 BURBIDGE, Claude: Scruffy, the Adventures of a Mongrel in Movieland HENRY, Thomas J. (OR) HARDIE, Henry T: The Awful and Ethical Allegory of Deuteronomy Smith
ERNST, F. Gustav: A Guide to the Selection and Adaptation of Orthopaedic Apparatus with a Detailed Description of the Salient Points ROSE-INNES, Harry: The Po Valley Break MONYPENNY, William Flavelle & BUCKLE, George Earle: The Life of Benjamin Disraeli Earl of Beaconsfield
ATTERBURY, Paul & BATKIN, Maureen: The Dictionary of Minton BURTON, R.F: Wanderings in West Africa By an F R G S DIAMOND FIELDS ADVERTISER: The Siege of Kimberley 1899-1900. Special Illustrated Number of the "Diamond Fields Advertiser" Kimberley
DENNY, G.A: Deep-Level Mines of the Rand COLENSO, Joh William: Ten Weeks in Natal. A Journal of a First Visitation Among the Colonists and Zulu Kafirs of Natal MOULVI, Syed Ameer Ali: A Critical Examination of the Life and Teachings of Mohammed
T.B: The Saint's Inheritance After the Day of Judgement, Being Also an Answer to Certain Scruples of Late Delivered, and Others Printed, Especially in That Book Intituled The Pesonal Reigne of Christ Upon Earth MUNRO, H.H. (SAKI): The Sqare Peg and Other Sketches, with Three Plays and Illustrations MUNRO, H.H. (SAKI): The Unbearable Bassington
SPARK, Muriel: A Far Cry from Kensington BOYD, William: Brazzaville Beach DAVIES, Robertson: Murther & Walking Spirits
ZUTZ, Don: The Double Shotgun WALLIS, J.P.R: The Story of Cecil Rhodes Set Out in a Series of Historical Pictures and Objects to Commemorate the Centenary of His Birth 1853-1953. Descriptive Souvenir and Catalogue KOLBE, F.C: Shakespeare's Way. A Psychological Study
SAYERS, Dorothy: In the Teeth of the Evidence and Other Stories CHARLTON, Moyra: Patch the Story of a Mongrel FODEN, Giles: The Last King of Scotland
HARRIS, Frank: Shakespeare and His Love. A Play in Four Acts and an Epilogue ROBERTS, John A: Invincible Class (Warship Monographs One) MARQUARD, Odo: Farewell to Matters of Principle. Philosophic Studies
WRIGHT, David & SWIFT, Patrick (Edited by): X. Volume I 1960-61 LLOSA, Mario Vargas: The Perpetual Orgy SPEAIGHT, Robert (edited by) (BELLOC, Hilaire): Letters from Hilaire Belloc