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WRIGHT, J.Patrick: On a Clear Day You Can See General Motors. John Dee Lorean's Look Inside the Automotive Giant
CLERGUE, Lucien: Nee De La Vague (Born of the Waves)
BROWN, Edward Archer: South Africa. Its Geography, Climatology and Health Resorts
STILLMAN, Marshall: Scientific Blows and Guards: What Blows to Use. What Blows to Expect and How to Guard Against Them
STILLMAN, Marshall: Shadow Boxing. How to Train. Advice on Living. Rules of the Ring
STILLMAN, Marshall: Great Fighters and Boxers. Psychology of the Great Ring
FRANKEN, Rose: Outrageous Fortune. A Drama in Three Acts
DUNCAN, Ronald: Don Juan
HELLMAN, Lillian: Another Part of the Forest.A Play in Three Acts
DU MAURIER, Daphne: September Tide. A Play in Three Acts
SAROYAN, William: Jim Dandy. Fat Man in a Famine. A Play
FIELDS, Joseph & CHODOROV, Jerome: Wonderful Town. A New Musical Comedy
WILLIS, Ted: Woman in a Dressing Gown, and Other TV Plays
HART, Moss: Light Up the Sky
FACT, Howard: Thirty Pieces of Silver. A Play in Three Acts
BEHAN, Brendan: The Quare Fellow. A Comedy-Drama
DONLEAVY, J.P: What They Did in Dublin, with the Ginger Man. A Play
DUNDY, Elaine: My Place. A Play in Three Acts
BUSH-FEKETE, L. & FAY, Mary Helen: Embezzled Heaven
WILLIAMS, William Carlos: A Dream of Love. A Play in Three Acts and Eight Scenes
BALDERSTON, Katherine C. (Edited by): Thraliana. The Diary of Mrs. Hester Lynch Thrale (Later Mrs. Piozzi) 1776-1809. VOLUME ! 1776-1784
RATTIGAN, Terence: The Winslow Boy
DWIGGINS, W.A: Millennium 1: A Melodrama
ELIOT, T.S: Sweeney Agonistes. Fragments from an Aristophanic Melodrama
LIVINGS, Henry: Kelly's Eye and Other Plays
KANIN, Garson: A Gift of Time
HELVENSTON, Harold: Scenery. A Manual of Scene Design
BUELL, William Ackerman: The Hamlets of the Theatre
CHEN, Jack: The Chinese Theatre
NEMIROVITCH-DANTCHENKO, Vladimir: My Life in the Russian Theatre
VAN PRAAGH, Peggy & BRINSON, Peter: The Choreographic Art. An Outline of Its Principles and Craft
THOMPSON, Alan Reynolds: The Dry Mock. a Study of Irony in Drama
BABLET, Denis: Edward Gordon Craig
ANDERSON, Sherwood; WILDER, Thornton; SESSIONS, Roger; LESCAZE, William (Edited By CENTENO, Augusto ): The Intent of the Artist
ANDERSON, Maxwell: Off Broadway. Essays About the Theatre
TYNAN, Kenneth: He That Plays the King. A View of the Theatre
JEFFERSON, Alan: The Operas of Richard Strauss in Britain 1910-1963
BARRAULT, Jea-n-Louis: The Theatre of Jean-Louis Barrault
YAJNIK, R.K: The Indian Theatre. Its Origins and Its Later Developments Under European Influence, with Special Reference to Western India
MEYERHOLD (Translated and Edited By Edward BRAUN): Meyerhold on Theatre
IVANOVA, Anna: The Dancing Spaniards
ROBINSON, Lennox (Compiled by): Ireland's Abbey Theatre. A History 1899-1951
ELLIS-FERMOR, Una: The Irish Dramatic Movement
O'CONNOR, Frank: The Art of the Theatre
WODEHOUSE, P.G. & BOLTON, Guy: Bring on the Girls. The Improbable Story of Our Life in Musical Comedy, with Pictures to Prove it
D'AMICO, Victor: Theater Art
BOYLE, Walden P: Central and Flexible Staging. A New Theater in the Making
JONES, Margo: Theatre in the Round
GIBBONS, Brian: Jacobean City Comedy. A Study of Satiric Plays By Jonson, Marston and Middleton
ZACARIAS, Agostinho: Security and the State in Southern Africa
BRANDT VAN WARMELO, Johanna: Het Concentratie Kamp Van Irene
DAVIES, C. Stella (Edited by): A History of Macclesfield
SILVERFARB, David: Britain's Informal Empire in the Middle East. a Case Study of Iraq 1929-1941
LAWSON, Ronald: Brisbane in the 1890's. A Study of Australian Urban Society
FILMER, Henry: The Pageant of Persia. A Record of Travel By Motor in Persia, with an Account of Its Ancient and Modern Ways
SHEARD, Wilfred: The Glory of the Dog
LOBOCH, Miguel Zamora: Noticia De Annobon. Geografia, Historia y Costumbres
HAYWOOD, A.H.W: Sport and Service in Africa. A Record of Big Game Shooting, Campaigning and Adventure in the Hinterland of Nigeria, the Cameroons, Togoland &c., ...
JANSEN, E.G: Die Voortrekkers in Natal. Opstelle
VAN DER MERWE, P.J: Trek. Studies Oor Die Mobiliteit Van Die Pioniersbevolking Aan Die Kaap
LUMMER, Otto: Grundlage, Ziele Und Grenzen Der Leuchttechnik (Auge Und Lichterzeugung)
JAESCHE, Emanuel: Das Raumliche Sehen
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LEBER, Theodor: Der Augenspiegel. Vortrag Gehalten Im Saale Des Literarischen Museums Zu Gottingen Den 16 Februar 1872
EMMERT, Emil: I. Die Organe Des Sehens in Den Verschiedenen Thierkreisen. II. Uber Die Farben Und Ihre Beziehungen Zum Menschlichen Auge
COCCIUS, Ernst Adolf & WILHELMI, Theodor: Die Heilanstalt Fur Arme Augenkranke Zu Leipzig Fur Zeit Ihres Funfzigjahrigen Bestehens
MAGNUS, Hugo: Die Farbenblindheit Ihr Wesen Und Ihre Bedeutung, Dargestellt Fur Behorden, Praktische Aertzte, Bahnartzte, Lehrer Etc
MAGNUS, Hugo: Die Bedeutung Des Farbigen Lichtes Fur Das Gesunde Und Kranke Auge, Ein Beitrag Zu Einer Rationellen Lichtdiat
ULRICH, Richard: Die Aetiologie Des Strabismus Convergens Hypermetropicus. Ein Vorschlag Denselben Im Entstehen Zu Bekampfen
HOLMGREN, Frithiof: Die Arbeiten Des Herrn Professor Cohn Uber Farbenblindheit. Eine Kritische Erwiderung (Separatabdruck Aus Upsala Lakareforenings Forhandlingar)
THORNER, Walther: Die Theorie Des Augenspiegels Und Die Photographie Des Augenhintergrundes
HESS, Carl: Untersuchungen Uber Den Erregungsvorgang Im Sehorgan Bei kurz- Und Bei Langerdauerender Reizung. (Separat Abdruck Aus Dem Archiv Fur Die Ges. Physiologie Bd.101)
HESS, Carl: Weitere Untersuchungen Uber Totale Farbenblindheit. (Sonder-abdruck Aus Der Zeitschrift Fur Psychologie Und Physiologie Der Sinnesorgane Bd.29)