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WODEHOUSE, J.Henry: The Smoking Habit. Its Dangers and Cure
WEAVER, L. Purcell: Is Meat Necessary?
HASTINGS, Milo: Physical Culture Food Directory
AUSTIN, Reginald F.E: Direct Paths to Health. Clear Thinking, Correct Eating and Backward Breathing
LOWRY, Gerald: A Place Among Men
SCOTT, Cyril: Medicine Rational and Irrational
SCOTT, George Ryley: Secrets of Keeping Healthy and Living Long
LIEF, Stanley: Diet Reform Simplified
BURGHER, Mary Stewart (edited by): Atlas of Mortality in Europe. Subnational Patterns, 1980/1981 and 1990/1991
FULLER, J.F.C: British Light Infantry in the Eighteenth Century
MARSH, Sam: Hunting, Showing and Chasing
MANN, Marty: Primer on Alcoholism
READ, A.B: Lighting the Home
OGILVIE, Grania: John Meyer
FINCH, Bernard: Passport to Paradise....?
COMFORT, Alex: Sex in Society
MEHDEVI, Anne Sinclair: From Pillar to Post
LAMB, Charles (Translated Alphonse BORGHERS): Contes Dramatiques De W. Shakspere Ou Legendes Populaires
KUIPER, F.B.J: An Austro-Asiatic Myth in the Rigveda
SETTLE, Ronald: Music in the Theatre
WYATT, Jenifer: Stage Scenery
MACKINLAY, Leila (Preface By P G WODEHOUSE): Musical Productions
SNYMAN, P.H.R: Olifantshoek. Oase Van Die Langberg
TEMPELHOFF, Johann W.N: Townspeople of the Soutpansberg. A Centenary History of Louis Trichardt (1899-1999)
ELLIS, Stephen: The Mask of Anarchy. The Destruction of Liberia and the Religious Dimension of an African Civil War
HART-DAVIS, Rupert (Edited by): Siegfried Sassoon Letters to Max Beerbohm & a Few Answers
DESTREE, Annette: Les Fonctionnaires Belges Au Service De La Perse 1898-1915 (Acta Iranica Textes et Memoires Vol.6)
MUZOREWA, Abel: Rise Up and Walk: An Autobiography
CAMPBELL, D. Alastair: The Dress of the Royal Artillery
WEDD, Monty: Australian Military Uniforms 1800-1982
SHANKLAND, Peter & HUNTER, Anthony: Dardanelles Patrol
CLOWES, W. Laird: The Captain of the Mary Rose. A Tale of Tomorrow
EDWARDES, Michael: The Battle of Plassey and the Conquest of Bengal
(MILITARY): Notes on Masonry Structures
(MILITARY): The Description, Adjustments and Use of the 5-inch Micrometer Transit Theodolite
LEA, Henry C: History of Sacerdotal Celibacy in the Christian Church
LANE, Richard: Masters of the Japanese Print. Their World and Their Work
BROWNING, Oscar: Wars of the Century and the Development of Military Science
NEIL, C. Lang (& STURGESS, W.J.; GRIFFIN, W.): Walking. A Practical Guide to Pedestrianism for Athletes and Others
SYMONDS, R.W. & WHINERAY, B.B: Victorian Furniture
WOODHAM, Jonathan M: Kettle. An Appreciation
GATZ, Konrad (in Association with Jehann THIERRY): Fitted Furniture (Architect's Detail Library Volume 4)
RAMSAY, John G: Folding and Fracturing of Rocks
LITTLE, Tom: High Dam at Aswan. The Subjugation of the Nile
CLUNE, Frank: Captain Bully Hayes. Blackbirder and Bigamist
BAGWELL, Philip S. & MINGAY, G.E: Britainh in America. A Study of Economic Change 1850-1939
WHITE, J. E. Grant: Garden Art and Architecture
PARSONS, S.A.J: Production Tooling Eqipment. The Design of Jigs, Tools and Gauges
KENEALLY, Thomas: Passenger
NABOKOV, Vladimir: Lectures on Literature
DEMAUS, A.B. & TARRING, J.C: The Humber Story 1868-1932
McKENZIE, A.G: Delayed Action. Being the Life and Times of the Late Brigadier General Sir Duncan McKenzie
JACOBSEN, W.B.G: The Ferns and Fern Allies of Southern Africa
ROTBERG, Robert I. (Edited by): Namibia: Political and Economic Prospects
COLE, G.D.H: The Machinery of Socialist Planning
KHIM, P'ng Chye & DRAEGER, Donn F: Shaolin. An Introduction to Lohan Fighting Techniques
EAST, Alfred: Brush and Pencil Notes in Landscape
ALDIN, Cecil: Just Among Friends
UYS, Ian: Rollcall. The Delville Wood Story
SCHACHT, Al: Clowning Through Baseball
STUBBS, Charles William: Cambridge and Its Story
(BIBLE) LORIMER, William Laughton (Translated by): The New Testament in Scots
GORDON, Ruth: Alive, Alive, O!
LEAF, Munro: Ferdinandus Taurus
DUNCAN, A.F. (Compiled Under Supervision of): Fauresmith
DU PREEZ, J.W: Du Preez Gedenkboek
KENYATTA, Jomo (Introduction by): The Third Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Conference Moshi Tanganyika February 4-11 1963
FORBES, Rosita: The Secret of the Sahara: Kufara
SARON, Gustav: Morris Alexander. Parliamentarian and Jewish Leader. A Memorial Lecture on the 20th Anniversary of His Death
GRONUM, C.F: Boere En Jagters in Ou Marico
COOK, E.T: Rights and Wrongs of the Transvaal War
BAIRD, William: Annals of Duddingston and Portobello
ARNOLD, T.H. & DE WET, B.C. (Edited by): Plants of Southern Africa: Names and Distribution
DE NEYN, P: Lust-hof Der Huwelyken Behelsende Verscheide Seldsame Ceremonien En Plechtigheden, Die Voor Desen Verscheide Natien En Volkeren, Soo in Asia Europa, Africa, Als America In Gebruyk Zyn Geweest, Als Wel Die Voor Meerendeel Nog Hedendaags Gebruykt .......
BORCHERDS, Petrus Borchardus: An Auto-Biographical Memoir of Petrus Borchardus Borcherds, Late Civil Commissioner of Cape Division and Resident Magistrate for Cape Town and District Thereof, and Cape District, Being a Plain Narrative of Occurrences from Early Life to Advanced Age