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TORRES, Antonio: Blues for a Lost Childhood
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ROLT, L.T.C: Tools for the Job. A Short History of MacHine Tools
WILKINS, Nigel (edited by): One Hundred Ballades, Rondeaux and Virelais from the Late Middle Ages
JANSEN, Marc & PETROV, Nikita: Stalin's Loyal Executioner: People's Commissar Nikolai Ezhov 1895-1940
CLARK, Dora Mae: The Rise of the British Treasury. Colonial Administration of the Eighteenth Century
WROOT, Herbert E: Sources of Charlotte Bronte's Novels. Persons and Places. (Publications of the Bronte Society Supplementary Part No.4 Of Volume VIII)
KISHTAINY, Khalid: The Prostitute in Progressive Literature
BARGUES, Robert (Preface by): Tananarive. Essai Sur Ses Origines, Son Development, Son Etat Actuel
SOUTH AFRICAN DEFENCE FORCE: 1c Digest May 1941-December 1941
TOWNSEND, Hazel: The History of the Umvukwes
JONES, Eldred Durosimi; PALMER, Eustace; JONES, Marjorie (Edited by): The Question of Language in African Literature Today
BERMAN, Mona: Remembering Irma. Irma Stern: a Memoir with Letters
REGNAULT, Chantal & HOSTETLER, Karla: Artisans of Haiti / Artisanat D'Haiti
BERGER, Iris: Threads of Solidarity. Women in South African Industry 1900-1980
INNES, Duncan: Anglo American and the Rise of Modern South Africa
HOMMEL, Maurice: Capricorn Blues. The Struggle for Human Rights in South Africa
PETERKIEWICZ, Jerzy: The Third Adam
GRAHAM-YOOLL, Andrew: After the Despots: Latin American Views and Interviews
DWORK, Deborah: War is Good for Babies & Other Young Children. A History of the Infant and Child Welfare Movement in England 1898-1918
LEE, Maggy: Youth Crime and Police Work
ARNOLD, Bruce: What Kind of Country. Modern Irish Politics 1968-1983
BRANSON, Noreen: Poplarism 1919-1925. George Lansbury and the Councillors' Revolt
BEW, Paul & GILLESPIE, Gordon: The Northern Ireland Peace Process 1993-1996. A Chronology
COLCHESTER, Marcus: Forest Politics in Suriname
McGUIRE, Brian Patrick: Conflict and Community at om Abbey. A Cistersian Experience in Medieval Denmark
GREENHALGH, Peter & ELIOPOULOS, Edward: Deep Into Mani. Journey to the Southern Tip of Greece
FELDMANN, Constantine: The Revolt of the "Potemkin"
DE CRESPIGNY, Claude Champion (Edited By George A.B.DEWAR): Memoirs of Sir Claude Champion De Crespigny
BRINES, Russell: The Indo-Pakistani Conflict
BURN, Robert: Ancient Rome and Its Neighbourhood. An Illustrated Handbook to the Ruins in the City and Campagna
PACHMAN, Ludek: Modern Chess Strategy
RADHAKRISHNAN, S: The Bhagavadgita. With Introductory Essay, Sanskrit Text, English Translation and Notes
CREASEY, John: The Toff in New York
SHECKLEY, Robert: Dimension of Miracles
LATHEN, Emma: By Hook or By Crook
LATHEN, Emma: Ashes to Ashes
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SHANNON, Dell: Appearances of Death
FOUNTAIN, Paul: The Eleven Eaglets of the West
COOKE, William: Edward Thomas. A Critical Biography
MOORE, Marianne (Edited By Bonnie COSTELLO, Celeste GOODRIDGE & Cristanne MILLER): The Selected Letters of Marianne Moore
MEER, Fatima (Edited and Compiled by): Unrest in Natal (Institute for Black Research Special Report)
KAMWANGAMALU, Nkonko Mudipanu (EDited by): English in South Africa (Special Issue: World Englishes Volume 21 No.1)
(PERIODICAL) MILLS, Greg (Edited by): South African Journal of International Affairs Volume 6
(PERIODICAL) MILLS, Greg (Edited by): South African Journal of International Affairs Volume 7
(PERIODICAL) MILLS, Greg (Edited by): South African Journal of International Affairs Volume 9
LEISTNER, G. M.E: Rhodesia Economic Structure and Change
BIEDERT, Ph: Das Kind.Seine Geistige Und Korperliche Pflege Von Der Geburt Bis Zur Reife
HAWKS, S.N: Principles of Flue-Cured Tobacco Production
YOUNG, Cullen: Contemporary Ancestors. A Beginner's Anthropology for District Officers and Missionaries in Africa
HOPE, Marjorie & YOUNG, James: The South African in a Revolutionary Situation
WILLS, Colin: Who Killed Kenya?
SCHOEMAN, Johanna Maria: Koerantberiggewing Oor Die Krisisdae 25 September Tot 20 Oktober 1899 - 'n Kritiese Metodologiese Analiese
SCHLEE, Gunther: Identities on the Move. Clanship and Pastoralism in Northern Kenya
MORTON, Tom: Spirit of Adventure. A Journey Beyond the Whiskey Trails
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WINTERBOTHAM, F.W: The Ultra Spy. An Autobiography
LOUW, Eric H: The Communist Danger
ROBERTSON, William: Verhaal Der Plegtigheden Bij Het Leggen Van Den Hoeksteen Eener Nieuwe Kerk, Voor De Gereformeerde Gemeente Te Riversdale Op Zaterdag Den 13den Januarij 1844
(CHURCH HISTORY) (ANON.): Geene Leervrijheid. De Zaak Van Ds. J.J.Kotze, P.z. Voor De Synode Van 1862en 1863
(CHURCH HISTORY) (ANON.): A Series of Letters Containing Views Against the Establishment of a Theological Seminary in Connection with the Dutch Reformed Church in This Colony, Published in the Newspaper "The Cape Town Mail"
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(CHURCH HISTORY) (ANON.): Nog Iets Oor Aangaande De Zaak Van Den Hr. Van Velden, Verschenenin De "Zuid Afrikaan" Van Den 6den Juny 1850
DU TOIT, S.J: De Teekenen Der Tijden En Onze Roeping....naar Lands En Tijdsbehoeften Voor Zuid-Afrika Bewerkt
HOFMEIJR, N.J: De Kerk En De Regtbank. Beschouwingen En Onderzoekingen Naar Aanleiding Van De Jongste Bemoeijingen Der Regtbankmet Der Zaken Dergereformeerde Kerk
McTAVISH, Jock (Edited by): S.A.Book of Soccer 1974
HEARN, Danny: Crash Tackle
BOETIE, Dugmore: Familiarity is the Kingdom of the Lost
SAUNDERS, Walter (Edited by): Quarry '80-'82. New South African Writing