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HANEKOM, Leandre & WESSELS, Elria: Woman Thy Name is Valour. An Overview of the Role of Afrikaner and Uitlander Women and Children Inside and Outside Anglo-boer War Concentration Camps 1899-1902 LETCHER, Owen: Congo Belge. A Work to Commemorate the Founding of the Congo Free State and to Describe the Civilization of the Heart of Africa Under Belgian Rule 1885-1935 AITKEN, R.D: Who is My Neighbour? The Story of a Mission Hospital in South Africa
TRINKLER, Emil: Through the Heart of Afghanistan EVANS, E. Estyn: Irish Heritage. The Landscape the People and Their Work HOOPER, Wilfrid: Reigate Its Story Through the Ages Including Redhill
MANNIX, Daniel: A Sporting Chance. Unusual Methods of Hunting HORSFIELD, Thomas Walker: The History, Antiquities And Topography of the County of Sussex ORSZAGH, Laszlo: A Concise Hungarian-English Dictionary / Magyar-angol Keziszotar
BULLOCK, Charles: The Queen's Resolve: "I Will be Good". With Royal Anecdotes and Incidents. A Jubilee Memorial CARPENTER, Edward (Edited by): Iolaus. An Anthology of Friendship MILO INSTITUUT VIR LIGGAAMLIKE VOLMAAKTHEID: 'N Doeltreffende En Praktiese Kursus....PARTS1-4
MURRAY, L.G: First City / Cape Town Highlanders in the Italian Campaign. A Short History 1943-1945 HAYWARD, Richard: In the Kingdom of Kerry MAXWELL, Gerald: The Military Map. Elements of Topography
SIMON, Paul: One Enemy Only - the Invader. A Record of French Resistance PASCAL, Blaise: Pensees MONCHABLON, E.J: Dictionnaire Abrege d'Antiquites Pour Servir a L'intelligence De L'histoire Ancienne, Tant Sacree Que Profane, & a Celle Des Autuers Gercs et Latins
CALVERT, Michael: Prisoners of Hope FARRAR-HOCKLEY, Anthony: Opening Rounds. Lessons of Military History 1918-1988 DeVRIES, Kelly: Medieval Military Technology
CARLSNAES, Walter: Ideology & Foreign Policy. Problems of Comparative Conceptualization WRIGHT, Frank Lloyd: Frank Lloyd Wright on Record (TC-1064) PORTER, Katherine Anne: Pale Horse, Pale Rider. Complete Short Novel. (Selections from Her Writings Read By the author) TC1007
BOESIGER, W. & GIRSBERGER, H: Le Corbusier 1910-1965 STEINGRABER, Erich: Antique Jewellery. Its History in Europe from 800 to 1900 CONRADS, Ulrich & SPERLICH, Hans G: Fantastic Architecture
YARWOOD, Doreen: The English Home. A Thousand Years of Furnishing and Decoration RAWSON, Philip S: Indian Painting LETHABY, W.R. (Revised D. Talbot RICE): Medieval Art from the Peace of the Church to the Eve of the Renaissance 312-1350
SLADE, James: Annotations on the Epistles, Being a Continuation of Mr. Elsley's Annotations.. ROBERTSON, William & PRESCOTT, William H: History of the Reign of Charles the Fifth, with an Account of the Emperor's Life After His Abdication MICHELL, George, PETHERBRIDGE, Deanna and Others: Temples and Tenements. The Indian Drawings of Deanna Petherbridge
CLIFFORD, Timothy (introduction by): Deanna Petherbridge. Drawings 1968-1982 DEEPWELL, Katy: Themata. New Drawings By Deanna Petherbridge (GENADENDAL): Geschied-Verhaal Van Genadendal De Eerste Zendings-Statie in Zuid Afrika Van 1737 Tot 1806
HADFIELD, P: Traits of Divine Kingship in Africa REID, Thomas (Edited with Notes Etc. By G N WRIGHT): Essays on the Active Powers of the Human Mind; An Inquiry Into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense; and an Essay on Quantity (AND) Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man, to Which is Annexes an Analysis of Aristotle's Logic NOWELL-SMITH, Simon: The House of Cassell 1848-1958
KLUGE, Friedrich (Translated By John Francis DAVIS): An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language CRAVEN, D (Foreword by): S.A.Rugby Year Book - Jaarboek. Lion's Tour 1974 National Souvenir Programm THOMAS, Edward: Feminine Influence on the Poets
(SOVIET INFORMATION BUREAU): Orel the July Battle 1943 BUCKLEY, Holland: The Airedale Terrier JONES, Ernest: What is Psychoanalysis?
LAW, C: Nature First and Last BROOKS, George S. & LISTER, Walter B: Spread Eagle GUIZOT, M: On the Causes of the English Revolution of 1640-1688. A Discourse Designed as an Introduction to the History of the Reign of Charles the First
BITHELL, Jethro: German Pronunciation and Phonology RICHARDSON, Henry Handel: Myself When Young BENSON, Theodora (Edited by) (Contributions By Louis GOLDING, Rose MACAULAY, Evelyn WAUGH, P.G.WODEHOUSE etc): The First Time I....
JONES, Frederic Wood: Habit and Heritage HUME, Fergus: The Golden Wang-ho MIKSCHE, F.O: The Failure of Atomic Strategy and a New Proposal for the Defence of the West
WERTH, Alexander: Leningrad WERTH, Alexander: The Year of Stalingrad. An Historical Record and a Study of Russian Mentality, Methods and Policies WILSON, Albert: Unfinished Man. A Scientific Study of the Psychopath or Human Degenerate
DIDEROT, Denis (Edited By Jonathan KEMP): Diderot Interpreter of Nature. Selected Writings MUIR, Edwin: Essays on Literature and Society MACKIEWICZ, S: Russian Minds in Fetters
NICOLSON, Harold: Marginal Comment January 6 - August 4 1939 WOOD, James (Revised and Much Enlarged By Thomas LUND): The Elements of Algebra Designed for the Use of Students in the University TODHUNTER, Isaac: The Conflict of Studies and Other Essays on Subjects Connected with Education
STANCIOFF, Anna: Recollections of a Bulgarian Diplomat's Wife RAJAN, B.(Edited by)(Contributiion E E CUMMINGS): The Novelist as Thinker (FOCUS Four) DAVIDSON, M: The Free Will Controversy
SOUTAR, Andrew: A Chinaman in Sussex. Sly Reflections of a Wordly Peke JOHNSON, Martin: Art and Scientific Thought. Historical Studies Towards a Modern Revision of Their Antagonism WHATELEY, Richard: Elements of Rhetoric Comprising an Analysis of the Laws of Moral Evidence and of Persuasion, with Rules for Argumentative Composition and Elocution
CROWTHER, J.G. (Edited by) (PLANCK, Max, Contributes to): Science Today. The Scientific Outlook on World Problems Explained By Leading Exponents of Modern Scientific Thought JESPERSEN, Otto: Mankind Nation and Individual from a Linguistic Point of View HOVENDEN, Frederick: What is Life? Or Where are We? What are We? Whence Did We Come? And Whither Do We go?
NEEDHAM, Joseph: Time the Refreshing River (Essays and Addresses 1932-1942) BROCKWAY, Fenner (Introduction By J B PRIESTLEY): Socialism Over Sixty Years. The Life of Jowett of Bradford PIAGET, Jean: The Moral Judgment of the Child