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CLARK, Arthur H: The Clipper Ship Era. An Epitome of Famous American and British Clipper Ships, Their Owners, Builders, Commanders and Crews 1843-1869 WAUGH, Alec: The Mule on the Minaret OLDHAM, Mark: New Values
WALLACE, Irving: The Nympho and Other Maniacs SHAW, Irwin and Numerous Other Authros: Short Stories from the New Yorker O'HARA, John: Ten North Frederick
HERZBERG, Frederick: The Managerial Choice. To be Efficient and to be Human LONGRIGG, Stephen H. & JANKOWSKI, James: The Middle East A Social Geography HOFFENBERG, Jack: A Hero for Regis
HOWARD, Richard: Bonaparte's Sons NORMAN, Diana: Daughter of Lir KINGSOLVER, Barbara: The Bean Trees
MAVOR, Elizabeth: Life Withn the Ladies of Llangollen WHITE, Patrick: Flaws in the Glass. A Self-Portrait ELLISON, Katherine: Imelda. Steel Butterfly of the Philippines
AUTOMOTIVE BOOK DEPARTMENT: Chilton's Auto Repair Manual 1940-1953 CHRYSLER: Plymouth 1968 Service Manual DITZLER: Refurbishing Manual for Early Ford V-8 Cars Years 1937 to 1941 and 1945 to 1948
CLARKE, R.M. (Edited by): Packard cars 1920-1942 CLARKE, R.M. (Edited by): MG Cars 1948-1951 ROYAL AIR FORCE: Pilot's Flying Log Book
BANTOCK, Myrrha: Granville Bantock A Personal Portrait OBERHOLZER, Henry A: Recreative Wrestling PULLUM, W.A: Weight-Lifting Made Easy and Interesting
TURNER, Richard: The Eye of the Needle. An Essay on Participatory Democracy KENNEDY, Brian: A Tale of Two Mining Cities. Johannesburg and Broken Hill 1885-1925 LINECAR, Howard W.A: The Crown Pieces of Great Britain and the British Commonwealth
DAVIS, Dolores H: Czechoslovak Coins GOULD, Maurice M: Hawaiian Coins, Tokens and Paper Money PAYNE, Edward Birion: The Soul of Jack London
POUND, Reginald: Gillies Surgeon Extraordinary GALLICO, Paul; SCHAEFER, Jack; KARP, David; LaFARGE, Oliver; BOYLE, Kay and Other Authors (Contribute to): The Saturday Evening Post Stories CROSBY, Laurence A. & AYDELOTTE, Frank: Oxford of Today. A Manual for Prospective Rhodes Scholars
MOLLOY, E. (Edited by): Modern Pumps. A Comprehensive Survey of Modern Pumping Equipment and Practice RHODESIA RAILWAYS: Medical Fund Regulations 1st June 1962 RHODESIA RAILWAYS: Industrial Agreement for the Rhodesia Railways. Staff Regulations Applicable to Salaried Staff 1st June 1962
RHODESIA RAILWAYS: General Appendix to the Working Timetable and Book of Regulations RHODESIA RAILWAYS: Road Motor Services Official Timetables Operative from 1st September 1962 RHODESIA RAILWAYS: Road Motor Services Official Tariff Book Operative from 1st September 1962
RHODESIA RAILWAYS: Working Time Table No.55 for the Information of Officers and Employees of the Rhodesia Railways, with Effect from 27th November 1961 and Until Further Notice RHODESIA RAILWAYS: Eastern Region. Working Time Table No.56 for the Information of Officers and Employees of the Rhodesia Railways, with Effect from 12th April 1965 and Until Further Notice RHODESIA RAILWAYS: Correspondence Course Station Accounts Goods Section
RHODESIA RAILWAYS: Correspondence Course Station Accounts Coaching RHODESIA RAILWAYS: Station Accounts Instruction Book 1st September 1954 RHODESIA RAILWAYS: Official Railway Tariff Book No.27 1st August 1954 Until Further Notice
SOUTH AFRICAN RAILWAYS: Private Working Time Book Natal System. No.201. Durban-Booth-Wests, North Coast, South Coast and Branch Operate from 6th December 1965 Until Further Notice DE BEER, Gavin: Gibbon and His World BOUGHOURIAN, Gay: Catalogue of the Police Library of the Los Angeles Public Library. Police Division Municipal Reference Library Los Angeles California
OSBORNE, Charles C. (Edited by) (DICKENS, Charles): Letters of Charles Dickens to the Baroness Burdett-Coutts NICOLSON, Harold: Journey to Java KESSELRING, Field-marshal: The Memoirs of Field-Marshal Kesselring
DENNING, Alfred: The Road to Justice ENGELMANN, Ursmar: Reichenauer Buchmalerei. Initialen Aus Einem Lektionar Des Fruhen Jahrhunderts FURST, Herbert: The New Anecdotes of Pasinters and Painting
BENTHAM, Graeme: Creative Wood Sculpture from Natural Form STODDART, Jane T: The Old Testament in Life and Literature DIDEROT, Denis & d'Alambert, Jean Le Rond: Charpenterie (AND) Menuisier En Meubles (AND) Cartier (From Encyclopedie, Ou Dictionnaire Raisonnne De Sciences, Des Arts et Des Metiers...)
DIDEROT, Denis & d'Alambert, Jean Le Rond: Horlogerie (AND) Forges Ou Art Du Fer (AND) Marechal Ferrant (AND) Marechal Grossier (From Encyclopedie, Ou Dictionnaire Raisonnne De Sciences, Des Arts et Des Metiers...) BARRON, Harry: Modern Synthetic Rubbers LEVY, H. & ROTH, L: Elements of Probability
HARDY, G.H. & WRIGHT, E,M,: An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers MIDDLETON, Thomas (Edited Roma GILL): Women Beware Women MIDDLETON, Thomas (Edited Alan BRISSENDEN): A Chaste Maid in Cheapside
KIRKE, Betty: Madeleine Vionnet HEGEL, G.W.F. (Translated J B BAILLIE): The Phenomenology of Mind CRAIG, Adrian & HUMMEL, Chris (Introduced and Edited by) (WAHLBERG, Johan August): Travel Journals (and Some letters) South Africa and Namibia / Botswana 1838-1856
LEWIN-ROBINSON, A.M. (Edited by): The Cape Journals of Lady Anne Barnard 1797-1798 MOYANO, Julio and Others: The Argentine Economy Its Protagonists, Enterprises and Institutions GRIGSON, Geoffrey: The Goddess of Love. The Birth, Triumph, Death and Return of Aphrodite
OMAN, Charles: A History of The Art of War in the Middle Ages VOLUME II: 1278-1485 WALLACE, Edgar: Kitchener's Army and the Territorial Forces. The Full Story of a Great Achievement ROBERTS, Owen Nedwill: 31st Field Regiment RA. A Record
THURMAN, Judith (Introduced by) (DINESEN, Isak): Isak Dinesen's Africa AMIN, Mohamed; WILLETTS, Duncan; SKERRETT, Adrian: Aldabra World Heritage Site. Seychelles Islands Foundation BATCHELOR, Leon Dexter & WEBBER, Herbert John (Edited by): The Citrus Industry Volume II: The Production of the Crop