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BISCARETTI DI RUFFIA, Carlo: Museo Dell'automobile Carlo Biscaretti Di Ruffia Torino Catalogo Generale OLSZANSKI, Kasimierz: Juliusz Kossak EGERTON, F. Clement C: Angola in Perspective. Endeavour and Achievement in Portuguese West Africa
TEN BRINK, J: Gerbrand Adriaensen Brederoo. Historiesch-aesthetische Studie Van Het Nederlandsche Blijspel Der Zeventiende Eeuw SCHUTTE, Hedwig: Die Klingenbergs in Sudafrika 1859-1968. Familiejubilaumsbuch (BOXERS MARSHALL CAVENDISH VIDEO COLLECTION): Muhammed Ali V. George Foreman 30 Oct 1974; v Sonny Liston 25 Feb 1964 (Boxers 1)
(BOXERS MARSHALL CAVENDISH VIDEO COLLECTION): Roberto Duran V. Ken Buchanan (boxers 3) (BOXERS MARSHALL CAVENDISH VIDEO COLLECTION): Randolph Turpin V. Sugar Ray Robinson 10 July 1951 (Boxers 6) (BOXERS MARSHALL CAVENDISH VIDEO COLLECTION): George Foreman V.chuvalo; V.Frazier; and V. Morton (Boxers 7)
(BOXERS MARSHALL CAVENDISH VIDEO COLLECTION): Sugar Ray Leonard V. Wilfred Benitez (Boxers 8) (BOXERS MARSHALL CAVENDISH VIDEO COLLECTION): Power Punchers (Boxers 9) (BOXERS MARSHALL CAVENDISH VIDEO COLLECTION): Sugar Ray Robinson V. Randolph Turpin 12 Sept 1951; V. Carl 'Bobo' Olsen 13 Mar 1952 (Boxers 10)
(BOXERS MARSHALL CAVENDISH VIDEO COLLECTION): Larry Holmes V. Scott Frank 10 Sept 1983; V.marvis Frazier 25 Nov 1983; v Mike Tyson 22 Jan 1988 (boxers 11) MILNE, R.S. & MAUZY, Diane K: Malaysian Politics Under Mahatir ABE, Kobo: The Ruined Map
DRYSDALE, Alasdair M: The Golf House Club, Elie. A Centenary History STOKES, H.G: Winter Sports Simplified CAMPBELL, Malcolm: My Greatest Adventure. Searching for Pirate Treasure in Cocos Island
SPALDING, Frances: Dance Till the Stars Come Down. A Biography of John Minton NORRIE, Mavis & Ian (Edited by): The Book of Hampstead FRASER, John Foster: America at Work
MINNAAR, A. De V: Conflict and Violence in Natal/kwaZulu: Historical Perspectives O'DONNELL, Peter: I, Lucifer HINE, Reginald L. (Edited by): The Natural History of the Hitchin Region
MOSSOP, E.E. (Translated and Edited By): Journals of the Expeditions of the Honourable Ensign Olof Bergh (1682 and 1683) and the Ensign Isaq Schrijver (1689) BAXTER, William T: The House of Hancock. Business in Boston 1724-1775 PATRICK, Clarence H: Alcohol, Culture and Society
VAN JAARSVELD, F.A.; VAN WIJK, Theo; MULLER, C.F.J.; SCHOLTZ, G.D: Die Hervertilking Van Ons Geskiedenis CAPONIGRI, A. Robert: History and Liberty. The Historical Writings of Benedetto Croce LANDSTROM, Bjorn: The Quest for India
GRAPHIC-SHA (Edited by): Storefront 2 Pubs and Restaurants KOONTZ, Dean: Santa's Twin DE HAMEL, Christopher: A History of Illuminated Manuscripts
AUSTIN, H.H: Some Rambles of a Sapper PETRIE, Glen: The Dorking Gap Affair. A Mycroft Holmes Adventure NORDFORS, Jill: Needle Lace & Needle Weaving
JACKSON, J, Hampden: Jean Jaures His Life and Work BRITTAIN, Vera: Envoy Extraordinary. A Study of Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit and Her Contribution to Modern India DYOTT, G.M: On the Trail of the Unknown in the Wilds of Ecuador and the Amazon
ESSOP, Ahmed: The Visitation COBBETT, William: Cobbett's Weekly Political Register Volume XX July-December 1811 AMBROSE, Kay & HASKELL, Arnold L: Balletomane's Sketch-book
BINYON, Laurence: The Secret Sixty Poems NASH, Ogden: Bed Riddance A Posy for the Indisposed MINISTRY OF INFORMATION: Bomber Command Continues. The Air Ministry Account of the Rising Offensive Against Germany July 1941-june 1942
MINISTRY OF INFORMATION: "United We Conquer". Combined Operations 1940-1942 MINISTRY OF INFORMATION: Roof Over Britain. The Official Story of the A.A.Defences 1939-1942 (ANON): They Fight for Freedom
WOLFRAM, Walt & CHRISTIAN, Donna: Appalachian Speech KEYSER, Samuel Jay & POSTAL, Paul M: Beginning English Grammar ISNARD, H: Algeria
BUSSCHAU, W.J: The Measure of Gold. The Role of Gold as International Money CRESSWELL, Ruth Alston (Compiled by) (Foreword By V SACKVILLE-WEST): Spirit of the Trees. An Anthology of Poetry Inspired By Trees CHURCHILL, Winston S. (Introduction By Cameron HAZLEHURST): The People's Rights
LEARY, Timothy: High Priest BROWN, W. Sorley: The Life and Genius of T.W.H. Crosland ROBINSON, A.M.Lewin (Edited by) (LEIGHTON, Stanley): Notes on a Visit to South Africa February March April 1889
WILLANS, Geoffrey: My Uncle Harry WILLANS, Geoffrey: Admiral on Horseback JORDAN, Humphrey: No One Way
HANNAH, Walton: Darkness Visible. A Revelation and Interpretation of Freemasonry BAKER, Silvia: Journey to Yesterday CAPES, Renalt: Poseidon. A Personal Study of Admiral Lord Nelson
THOMSON, G.P: The Blue Pencil Admiral. The Inside Story of Press Censorship WRIGHT, Noel: Sun of Memory IRVING, John: Royal Navalese. A Glossary of Forecastle and Quarterdeck Words and Phrases
THOMAS, A. Noyes: I Defy! The Story of Lieutenant Dennis Lankford FORESTER, C.S: Hunting the Bismark BOWEN, Frank: Ships
GALLAGHER, Thomas: Fire at Sea. The Story of the Morro Castle MULLALLY, Frederick: Fascism Inside England RUGBY PROGRAMME: National Pictorial Souvenir Programme Springboks Vs. Wallabies Rugby Union 1963
AMERY, Colin: Period Houses and Their Details BAXTER, Alan: Olympus the First Forty Years COOK, Ray: Armstrong-Siddeley the Parkside Story 1896-1939