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AGHION, Carole, and Others (Editors): Le Livre Du Richmond III BLUNT, John James: Vestiges of Ancient Manners and Customs Discoverable in Modern Italy and Sicily GRIMBLE, Ian: Scottish Clans and Tartans
MASTERS, N.C. & SHAPIRO, H.A: Medical Secrecy and the Doctor-Patient Relationship HAMILTON, Nigel: The Full Monty. Montgomery of Alamein 1887-1942 WHITE, Antonia (Edited By Susan CHITTY): As Once in May. The Early Autobiography of Antonia White and Other Writings
LOUW, S.A: Afrikaanse Taalatlas DIDEROT, Denis & d'Alambert, Jean Le Rond: Art Militaire: Exercise; Evolutions De L'infanterie; Evolutions De La Cavalerie; Fortification & Artillerie (From Encyclopedie, Ou Dictionnaire Raisonnne De Sciences, Des Arts et Des Metiers...) DIDEROT, Denis & d'Alambert, Jean Le Rond: Artificier (From Encyclopedie, Ou Dictionnaire Raisonnne De Sciences, Des Arts et Des Metiers...)
DIDEROT, Denis & d'Alambert, Jean Le Rond: Formier (From Encyclopedie, Ou Dictionnaire Raisonnne De Sciences, Des Arts et Des Metiers...) STEINER, Rudolf: Occult Reading and Occult Hearing STEINER, Rudolf: The Soul's Probation
STEINER, Rudolf: The Souls' Awakening STEINER, Rudolf: Towards Social Renewal. Basic Issues of the Social Question CALLAN, Michael Feeney: Anthony Hopkins in Darkness and Light. a Biography
SMIT, A.P: Ligglans Oor Die Berge. Eeufeesgedenkboek Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk En Gemeenskap Barkly Oos 1873-1973 HUNTER, Glyn; FARREN, Larry; FARREN, Althea: Voices of Zimbabwe. The Pain. The Courage. The Hope STREET FURNITURE ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Street Scene
MELVILL, Harald: Designing and Painting Scenery for the Theatre EVANS, A.J. (Introduction by) (Captain O'BRIEN): The Escapes of Captain O'Brien R.N SMITH, S.J. (Edited by): Rowalnd Ward's Records of Big Game XXII Edition
LOCKWOOD, N: Designing and Building a Sports Car JARDINE, D.R: Cricket HAWKING, S.W. & ELLIS, G.F.R: The Large Scale Structure of Space-time
FREEMAN, P.C: Modern Pistol Shooting PEARCE, Michael: Sporting Clays. Expert Techniques for Every Kind of Clays Course FULLER, W.H: Small-bore Target Shooting
PULLUM, Bill & HANENKRAT, Frank: Position Rifle Shooting BANKS, A.G: "A.G.'s" Book of the Rifle BANKS, A.G: Random Writings on Rifle Shooting
BROWN, Stewart: Daimler Buses in Camera BLIGHT, G.E.; FOURIE, A.B.; LUKER, I.; MOUTON, D.J.; SCHEURENBERG, R.J. (Edited by): Geotechnics in the African Environment. VOLUME 2 JOHNS, W.E: No Rest for Biggles
JOHNS, W.E: Segeant Bigglesworth C.I.D JOHNS, W.E: Gimlet Comes Home JOHNS, W.E: Wings of Romance
LIVINGS, Frances & LIVINGS, A: Twelve White Flowers PONTANUS, Johannes Isaac: Historische Beschrijvinge Der Seer Wijt Beroemde Coop-Stadt Amsterdam RAMOS, Efren Rivera: The Legal Construction of Identity. The Judicial and Social Legacy of AMERICAN COLONIALISM IN PERTO RICO
BLASS, Bill: Bare Blass KAHAN, Vilem (Compiled and Edited By): Bibliography of the Communist International (1919 - 1979). VOLUME I GRINSTEIN, Louise S.; BIERMANN, Carol A.; ROSE, Rose K: Women in the Biological Sciences. A Biobibliographic Handbook
HANAWALT, Barbara AQ: 'Of Good and Ill Repute'. Gender and Social Control on Medieval England AUGUST, John R: Consultations in Feline Internal Medicine 4 McQUILLAN, Karen A.; VON RUEDIN, Kathryn Truter; HATSOCK, Robi Lynn; FLYNN, Mary Beth; WHALEN, Eileen: Trauma Nursing from Resuscitation Through Rehabilitation
LESTER, David: Suicide in African Americans STANKO, Andric: The Miracles of St. John Capistran WOODWARD, Jo: Elvis in the Post. Catalogue and Guide to Elvis Presley International Postage Stamps
FRIEDMAN, Alan: Agnelli and the Network of Italian Power TRIGGS, Anthony: Portsmouth. History in Hiding MACE, C.A: The Principles of Logic. An Introductory Survey
NADVI, Syed Sulaiman: The Arab Navigation MILLER, Duncan: The Tsodilo Jewellery. Metal Work from Northern Botswana DALTON, Lawrence: Rolls Royce: The Elegance Continues
BESANT, Annie: Four Great Religions SWEDENBORG, Emanuel: Canons of the New Church, or the Entire Theology of the New Church THE MARINE CORPS CORRESPONDENTS (Arranged By O'SHEEL, Patrick and COOK, Gene): Semper Fidelis. The U.S. Marines in the Pacific 1942-1945
POLLARD, A,O: Fire-Eater. The Memoirs of a V.C DE LA BERE, R: A History of the Royal Air Force College Cranwell (TRADE CATALOGUE BETHLEHEM STEEL): Steel Products Catalog 180
PLUMB, Charles (Introduction By Roy CAMPBELL): Toward the Sun PATTERSON, Arthur Henry: Through Broadland By Sail and Motor PROCTOR, Frances & MILLER, Philippa: The Story of Village and Town Signs in Norfolk
DAY, J. Wentworth: Norwich and the Broads MARDLE, Jonathan: Broad Norfolk MALSTER, Robert: Wherries and Waterways. The Story of the Norfolk and Suffolk Wherry and the Waterways on Which it Sailed
SINKANKAS, John: Gem Cutting. A Lapidary's Manual GRIGSON, Geoffrey: The Shell Guide to Trees and Shrubs GRAPES, Sidney: The Boy John Letters
RAY, Cyril (Edited by): Vintage Tales. An Anthology of Wine and Other Intoxications COTMAN, Alice A & HAWCROFT, Francis W. (Compiled by): Old Norwich. A Collection of Paintings, Prints and Drawings of an Ancient City GUNN, Mrs. Aeneas: We of the Never-Bever
WILLANS, Geoffrey & SEARLE, Ronald: Whizz for Atomms WATSON, Wilfred: Friday's Child. Poems SCHROTER, L. & C: Coloured Vade-Mecum to the Alpine Flora