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ADAMS, Spencer L: The Long House of the Iriquois
ANDEREGG, Francois; SCHWEIKHARA, Lutz; DRISCOLL, C.Fred (Edited by): Non-Neutral Plasma Physics IV. Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas San Diego California 2001
THOMPSON, T.E. & BROWN, G.H: Biology of the Opisthobranch Molluscs VOLUME II
DETTERBECK, Frank C; RIVERA, M. Patricia; SOCINSKI, Mark A.; ROSENMAN, Julian G: Diagnosis and Treatment of Lung Cancer. An Evidence-Based Guide for the Practicing Physician
HATSUMI, Masaki: The Way of the Ninja. Secret Techniques
BLOEDEL, James R.; EBNER, Timothy J.; WISE, Steven P. (Edited by): The Acquisition of Motor Behavior in Vertebrates
WEHLING, Martin: Genomic and Non-Genomic Effects of Aldosterone
HYAMSON, Albert H: Palestine A Policy
STERN, Rudi: Contemporary Neon
SOYFER, Jura (Selected and Translated Horst JARKA): "It's Up to Us". Collected Works of Jura Soyfer
BOTHA, C.Graham (Introduction by) (CARTER, George / VAN REENEN, J.): The Wreck of the Grosvenor, Comprising a Narrative of the Loss of the Grosvenor Wrecked on the Coast of Caffraria 1782; ...(and) Journal of a Journey from the Cape of Good Hope in 1790 and 1791...
BANKS, F.R: Your Guide to the Canary Islands
GRAY, Jack (Edited by): Modern China's Search for a Political Form
FARRIS, John: The Captors
AL-NAKAWA, Israel Ibn (Edited H G ENELOW): Menorat Ha-maor PART II
POWELL, Dawn: Sunday Monday and Always
TRENCH, Richard & HILLMAN, Ellis: London Under London. A Subterranean Guide
LINDEMANN, Mary: 140 Jahre Israelitisches Krankenhaus in Hamburg. Vorgeschichte Und Entwicklung
AUDEN, W.H: Academic Graffiti
ENDACOTT, G.B. & HINTON, A: Fragrant Harbour. A Short History of Hong Kong
MAITLAND, Alexander: Speke and the Discovery of The Source of the Nile
DAWSON, Lucy: Neighbours
CHEIRO: Cheiro's Language of the Hand. A Complete Practical Work on the Sciences of Cheirognomy and Cheiromancy Containing the System and Experience of Cheiro
SPIKER, S.H: Travels in England, Wales and Scotland in the Year 1816
DAVIS, Alexander: The Native Problem in South Africa, with a Review of the Problem in West and West-Central Africa By W R Stewart
YEATS, W.B: The Shadowy Waters
WILD LIFE PROTECTION AN CONSERVATION SOCIETY OF SOUTH AFRICA, Eastern Province Branch: Knysna Elephant Symposium March 1 1968
MULLHAUPT, F. & BUFFAT, E: Carte Du Canton De Vaud Indiquant Les Distances Kilometriques Pour Velocipedistes
SNAFFLES (PAYNE, Charlie Johnson): 'Osses and Obstacles
MATTERA, Don: The Storyteller
BUCKLE, Catherine: Beyond Tears. Zimbabwe's Tragedy
HIPGNOSIS & DEAN, Roger: Album Cover Album
SHAFFER, Peter: The Private Ear & the Public Eye
GUNN, J.Alexander: Spinoza the Maker of Lenses
STANTON, Hannah: Go Well Stay Well South Africa 1956-1960
EXHIBITION CATALOGUE: Alfred Hrdlicka, Druckgraphik Und Zeichnungen
STEELE, Nick: Bushlife of a Game Warden
WILLIAMS, Walter E: Africa's War Against Capitalism
MAUPASSANT, Guy De: La Maison Tellier. Histoire D'une Fille De Ferme
RUSKIN, Cindy: The Quilt. Stories from the NAMES Project
CHAYEFSKY, Paddy: Altered States
GOLDSMITH, Oliver: The Traveller. A Poem (AND) The Deserted Village. A Poem (AND) Retaliation, A Poem, Containing Epitaphs...... The Eigth Edition with Large Additions, Particularly The Hermit; The Haunch of Venison; The Gift; Essay on Friendship; Sabinus and Olinda; ....
HULUGALLE, H.A.J: Ceylon Yesterday. Sri Lanka Today
RIDINGER, Johann Elias: Vorstellung Und Beschreibung Derer Schul Und Campagne Pferden
GUTHRIE, Malcolm: The Bantu Languages of Western Africa
CARPENTER, Eduard: Cantuar. The Archbishops in Their Office
RICHARDS, Frank: Billy Bunter the Bold
HEY, Douglas: Water the Source of Life
DU RY, C.J: Cecil Higgs A Retrospective Exhibition
(EXHIBITION CATALOGUE): Arte Sul-Africana / Suid Afrikaanse Kuns / South African Art Sao Paolo 1975
SMOLLETT, Tobias (Edited and with Introduction By Arthur CALDER-MARSHALL): Selected Prose of Tobias Smollett
SMART, Christopher (Edited By TODD, Ruthven ): Selected Poems
COLERIDGE, Samuel Taylor (Edited By Geoffrey GRIGSON): Selected Poems
GANT, Roland (Edited by): A Book of Ballads
DENNIS, Ivor (Music by) & HASSALL, Christopher (words by): Only an Idle Fancy
PRICE, Julius M: My Bohemian Days in Paris
LEES-MILNE, James: Earls of Creation. Five Great Patrons of Eighteenth Century Art
RICHARDS, Frank: A Bargain for Bunter
MARCHAL, Omer: Au Rwanda
WATTS, John (Edited by): The Donizetti Society Journal Number 2
WEATHERSON, Alexander (Edited by): The Donizetti Society Journal Number 4
WATSON, R.L.A: The Geology of the Cashel, Melsetter and Chipinga Areas
FORBES, Archibald: Souvenirs of Some Continents
LAMBRECHTS, Hugo L: Namibia a Thirstland Wilderness
GAVRON, Daniel: Saul Adler Pioneer of Tropical Medicine
HARRIES, Lyndon: A Grammar of Mwera
POPE, Dudley: Ramage's Challenge
ALBANY, Prince Michael of: The Forgotten Monarchy of Scotland. The True Story of the House of Stewart and the Hidden Lineage of the Kings and Queens of Scots
SCHALLER, George B: Stones of Silence. Journeys in the Himalayas
MURRAY, Jean M. (Edited by): The Newfoundland Journal of Aaron Thomas 1794
GRINNELL-MILNE, Duncan: Baden Powel at Mafeking
WANNENBURGH, A.J: Diamond People
JACOBSOHN, Margaret: Himba. Nomads of Namibia
TINLEY, Lynne: Drawn from the Plains. Life in the Wilds of Southern Africa