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KENT, Walter, G: An Appreciaiton Of Two Great Workers In hydraulics : Giovanni Battista Venturi Born 1746; Clemens herschel born 1842
BALE, M. Powis: Sawmills Their Arrangement And Management And The Economical Conversion of timber
KERR, J. Lennox ed: Touching the Adventures of Merchantmen in the Second World War
FRANKLIN, Julian, H: Jean Bodin And the Rise Of Absolutist Theory
PODMORE, Frank: Apparitions And Thought Transference
DALLAS, H.A: Mors Janua Vita ; A discussion Of certain Communications Purporting To Come From Frederic W.H Myers
TABORI, Paul: Harry price ; A Biography Of A Ghost Hunter
BARING-Gould, S: Cliff Castles And Cave Dwellers Of Europe
HUBBARD, Arthur, John & George: Neolithic Dew Ponds And Cattle-Ways
VAN GRONINGEN, M David & B.A: Papyrological primer
ABBOTT, G.F: Macedonian Folklore
STEAM PACKET COMPANY: The Centenary of the Isle of Man Steam Packet Co Ltd
VAN GULIKK, Robert: The HauntedMonastery : A Chinese Detective Story
GLOYNE, S, Roodhouse: John Hunter
STEPHENS, J.W.W: Blackwater Fever: A Historical Survey and Summary of Observations made over a Century
HUME, Edgar Erskine: Medical Work of the Knights Hospitalers Of Saint John Of Jerusalem
STARLING, Ernest, H: Mercer's Company lectures on Recent Advances In The Physiology Of Digestion
KOBLER, John: The Reluctant Surgeon (John Hunter)
DE VRIEND, Hubert, Jan: The old English herbarium And Medicina De Quadripedibus
WIEDERSHEIM, R: The structure Of man ; An Index To His Past history
HAMBLETON, F.C: Famous Paddle Steamers
OGILVIE, William Heneage: Surgery Othodox And Heterodox
HUMPHRIES, S.V: The Life of Hamilton bailry ; Surgeon, author and teacher Of Surgery
BELL, E, moberly: Storming The citadel ; The Rise Of The Woman Doctor
GUMPERT, martin: Hahnemann : The Adventurous Career Of A medical rebel
BROWN, J & FORREST, D.W: Letters of Dr John BROWN, with letters from Ruskin Thakeray and others
SCHALLER, George: The Year of the Gorilla
BARNABY, K.C: 100 Years of Specialized Shipbuilding and Engineering
FITZGERALD, Nigel: The Student Body
MAWER, Simon: Mendel's Dwarf
ELLIS, Alice, thomas: Pillars Of Gold
USBORNE, C.V: Smoke On The Horizon Mediterranean Fighting 1914-1918
DOWLY: The Rolling Stones
NICHOLS, Beverli: A Book of old ballads Illustrated by H.M Brock
McQUEEN, Andrew: Echoes of the Old Clyde Paddle - Wheels
POOL, Gerhardus: Die Herero-Opstand 1904-1907
LAMB, Edgar: Stapeliads In Cultivation
Atomobile Year #21 1973-74
Automobile Year #32 1984/85
Automobile Year # 28 1980/81
Automobile Year #30 1982/83
CHATTERTON, F Keble: The Ship Under Sail
Automobile Year #23 1975/76
BARTH, Fritz Eckart & others: Vierradrige Wagen Der Hallstatzeit
KESSEL, joseph: The magic Touch
ROBINSON, Charles N: The British Fleet
COTAR, Charles: A Treatise On The Mineral Waters Of Vichy, for the use of practitioners
BENNETT, Arnold: The human Machine
MANSON _BAHR, Philip: Patrick Manson
GIGON, Fernand: The Epic Of The Red Cross : The Knight-Errant Of Sicily
GARFIELD, Sydney: Teeth, Teeth, Teeth : A treatise Of teeth And related Parts
FISK, Dorothy: Doctor Jenner Of Berkley
CLEGG, WW Paul + STYRING, John S: Steamers of British Railways
BOUMA, P.J: Physical Aspects of Colour : An Introduction To The Scientific Study Of Colour, Stimuli and colour Sensations
BLINN, James: The Aarvark Is ready For War
BEDFORD, Martin: Exit Orange & Red
STRONG, Tony: The poison Tree
UBBELOHDE - DOERING, Heinrich: The Art of Ancient Peru
HEYERDAHL, Thor: American Indians In The Pacific; The Theory Behind the kontiki Expedition
TREVOR-BATTYE, Aubyn: Icebound On Kolguev : A chapter In the exploration Of Arctic Europe
CAREY, William: Travel And Adventure In Tibet, including the diary of Miss Annie, R Taylor's remarkable journey from Tau Chau to Ta-Chien-Lu, through the heart of the forbidden land
ANONYMOUS AUTHOR: His Majesty's Ships
SANDEMAN, Fraser: Angling Travels In Norway
DIXON, Norman: On the Psychology Of Militarty Incompetence
TUTHILL, Mex: Golf Without Gall
HAGEN, H.S & NAYLOR, S.P: Railway Stamps Of South Africa
BEET, Arthur, J: Kimberley : Its history and Diamonds, with a summary of the Siege
HURSTON, Zora: Voodoo Gods : An Inquiry Into Native Myths And Magic In Jamaica and Haiti
ERICKSON, Charlotte: British Industrialists : Steel And Hosiery 1850-1950
WOLF, A: A history of Science Technology And Philosophy In The 16th and 17th Centuries
ELIAS, E.L: The book of Polar Exploration
PERRY, Kenneth & BAAB, Clarence, T: The Binding Of Books
VAUGHAN, Alex, J: Modern Bookbinding
FORSYTH, K, Marjorie: Bookbinding For Teachers, Students and Amateurs
SCHMECKEBIER, Laurence, E: Modern Mexican Art