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CLARK, kenneth: Animals And men
DE LA REY, P: Manne En Motors : Die Verhaal Van Ons Motorsport
LINDSAY, Jack: The Ancient World Manners And morals
ROSENBERG, Jakob: On Quality In Art: Criteria Excellence Past And Present
CONWAY: The Alps
ORTEGA Y GASSET, Jose: Velazquez Goya And The Dehuminization Of Art
KENNEDY, Douglas: English Folk Dancing - Today And Yesterday
LIEVEN, peter: The Birth Of The Ballets-Russes
HILL, Anthony, Ed: Directions In Art, Theory And Aesthetics
GREGORY, R.L & GOMBRICH, E.H: Illusion In Nature And Art
SECKEL, Dietrich: The Art of Buddhism
FOCILLON, Henri: The art of the West In The Middle Ages Vol 2: Gothic Art
AYRTON, Michael: The Rudiments Of Paradise Various Essays On Various Arts
SORELL, Walter: The Duality Of Vision : Genius Into versatility In The Arts
WOODCOCK, George: Herbert Read The Stream And the Scource
PRAZ, Mario: On Classicism
IRWIN, David: English Neoclassical Art: Studies in Inspiration And Taste
GOMBRICH, E.H: Meditations On A Hobby Horse And other Essays On the theory Of Art
COOPER, W, Heaton: The Tarns of Lakeland
JAMES, Angela & HILLS, Nina: The Life Of Mrs John Brown Including Her Reminiscences of Olive Schreiner
GRAVES, Robert, O'PREY, paul: Between Moon And Moon: Selected Letters of Robert Graves 1946-1972
ENGSTROM, J, Eric: The Medallic Portraits Of Sir Winston Churchill
ARENDT, Erich: Art and Architecture On The Mediterranean Islands
COHEN, Louis: Napoleonic Anecdotes
SCHUR, Ernst: Der Moderne Tanz
HUISH, MB, ALLINGHAM, Helen: Happy England
BRINSON, peter: The Ballet In Britain
NIKITINA: Nikitina
RICHARDSON, P.J.S: The Special Dances Of The19th Century
SCHNEIDER, Ilya Ilyitch: Isadora Duncan In The Russian Years
DUNCAN, Isadora & MACDOUGALL, Allan Ross: Isadora Duncan's Russian days
GAUTIER, Theophile: The romantic Ballet
LIFAR, Serge: A History Of russian Ballet
PERCIVAL, John: Nureyev: Aspects Of the dancer
HILL, Lorna: La Sylphide The Life of Maria Taglioni
SHARP, cecil, J & OPPE, A.P: The dance: An Historical Survey Of dancing In Europe
ENKELMANN, S: Ballett In Deutschland
GIBBON, Monk: The Red Shoes Ballet
KORTVELYES, Geza & LORING, Gyorgy: The Budaoest Ballet: The Ballet Ensemble of the Hungarian State Opera House
NETTLEFORD, Rex: Roots And Rhythms
JESTY, Simon: River Niger
GREGO, Joseph: Cruiukshank's Water Colours
PARKER, George, Howard: Animal Colour Changes And Their Neurohumours: A Survey of Invesigations 1910-1843
SNEAD, Stella: Ruins In Jungle
HUBERT, Jean & PORCHER, Jean & VOLBACH, W.F: Europe in The dark Ages
CLARK, J.D: Prehistoric Europe, the Economic Basis
MORRIS, john: A Winter in Nepal
JONES, Clement: Sea Trading and Sea Training
BASHAM, A.L: The Wonder that Was India A Survey Of The Culture Of the indian Subcontinent Before the Coming Of the Muslims
KUHNEL, Ernst: Islamic Art
CUTTING, Sudyam: The Fire Ox and other Years
KENSLEY, Brian: Seashells Of Southern Africa : Gastropods
PATERSON, Alan, J.S: The Golden Years of the Clyde Steamers (1889-1914)
SREJOVIC, Dragoslav: Lepenski VIR : Europe's Firts Monumental Sculpture
KIDDER, Edward: Ancient Japan ( The Making Of the Past)
FONTEIN, Jan & WU, Tung: Unearthing China's Past
WILLETTS, Williah: Foundations Of Chinese Art from Neolithic Pottery to Modern Architecture
PHILLIPSON: The later Prehistory Of Eastern And Southern Africa
DART, Raymond, A & CRAIG, Dennis: Adventures With the Missing Link
PATERSON, Alan, J.S: Classic Scottish Paddle Steamers
CHENG -W, Fei: Brush Drawing In the Chinese Manner
VAN BRIESSEN: The Way Of The Brush : Painting TYechniques of China And Japan
ELMHURST, L.K and others: Proceedings Of the Fourth Internantional Conference of Agricultural Economists, Heldale St Andrews Scotland 30 August To September 1936
EDWARDS, A: Rock Gardens
CRIDLAND, Robert, B: Practical Landscape Gardening
GROENEWALD, J.W & BOYAZOGLU, P.A: Animal Nutrition Concepts And Application
TALBOT, F.A: The Oil Conquest Of The World
BERTON, Kathleen: Moscow An Architectural History
HUSAIN, Asad: British India's Relations With The Kingdom Of Nepal 1857-1957
SEIKE, Kiyosi & TERRY, Charles: Contemporary Japanese Houses
KESWICK, Maggie: The Chinese Garden
ALLISON, Sonia: Lots of Fun To Cook With Rupert
BARBEAU, Anne, T: The Intellectual Design Of John Dryden's Heroic Plays
BRECHT.Berttolt: Life Of Galileo
KEACH, William: Elizabethan Erotic Narratives Irony and pathos In The Ovidian poetry of Shakespeare Marlowe and their contemporaries