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FRANKEL, Hermann: Early Greek Poetry And Philosophy VERNANT, Jean-Pierre: The Origins Of Greek Thought GOULD, Gerald & ROBERTS Denys KIlham & LEHMANN, John: The Years poetry 1935
CAMPBELL, Roy: Lorca HARRISON, Harry: The Men From P.I.G and R.O.B.O.T HORLER, Sydney: They Called Him Nighthawk
HARRY, Joseph Edward: The Greek Tragic Poets: Emendations, Discussions And critical Notes THEOCRITUS: Bion Et Moschus, Graece Et latine FRIEDRICH, paul: The Meaning Of Aphrodite
ARNHEIM, Michael, T.W: Aristocracy In greek Society GOMME, A.W: More essays In Greek history And Literature MURRAY, Gilbert: The Oresteia
FLACELIERE, Robert: A Literary History Of Greece PEDERSON, Carlth & BECHER, Jan: Developments In The Organic Chemistry Of Sulphur BARNES, Peter & STOCKLEY, Robert, A: Molecular Biology Of Lung Disease
PORTER, Katherine Anne: Flowering Judas And Other Stories with a new introduction by the author CLUTTON-BROCK, T.H & ALBON, S.D: Red Deer In The Highlands WILLIAMS, Valentine: The Clue of the Rising Moon
MEZEY, Alex: Muse In Torment : The Psycho-Pathology Of Creative Writing STOBBS, W.M (Edited by): Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy : A Selection Of papers From The Third Internantional Conference STEINBECK, John: The Snake And Johnny Bear, Read By John Steinbeck
PLIMPTON, George & ARDERY, Peter: The American Literary Anthology 2 : The Second Annual collection Of The Best From The Literary Magazines KUMMER, Frederic Arnold: The Scarecrow Murders MURPHY, Margaret: Goodnight My Angel
COLLIER, Richard: The Sound Of Fury: An Account Of the Indian Mutiny MANCHESTER, Duke Of: Court And Society From Elizabeth To Anne, Edited From the Papers At Kimbottom STEPHEN, Leslie: History Of English Thought In The Eighteenth Century
LYNES, H: Review Of Genus Cisticola LISTER, Raymond: How to identify Old Maps And Globes FISCHER, John: The Afikaners
BENSO/RAU: The Independent Venda YOUNG, George: Farewell To The Tramps: The Unsung Heros NERMAN: Caricature
Korean Arts : Painting And Sculpture, ceramics, Architecture LACOUR-GAYET, R: Histoire De L'Afrique Du Sud CUBITT, Gerald & RICHTER, Johann: South West
COCKRAM, G.M: South West African Mandate RENCKEN, C.R.C: Union Buildings ; The First 75 Years VAN Der Watt, Tony: The Republic Of Ciskei: A Nation In Transition
FLACELIERE, Robert: A lirerary History Of greece CAMERON, Averil & KUHRI, Amelie: Images Of Women In Antiquity MOORE, R.W: The Roman Commonwealth
PALMER, L.R: The Interpretation Of Mycenean Greek Textx BEVAN, Edwyn: Later greek religion MURRAY, Gilbert: The Rise of the Greek Epic
LATEINER, Donald: The Historical Method Of Herodotus McLELLAN, R.S: Anchor Line 1856-1956 GLOVER, T.R: The Challenge Of the Greek and Other Essays
DILLON, E.J: Russia Today And yesterday CUST, Lionel: Notes on the Authentic Portraits of Mary Quenn Of Scots HARRIS, J.R: Angler's Entomology
DICK, R & F (BALATA): Dick's Belting NEWTON, BEAN & Mitchell c.a 1930: Steam Engines MABER, John, M: North Star to Southern Cross
Kalender Fur Das Jahr 1939 Mit Deutsche Gedenktagen HERBERT, W.H: Description Adjustments And Methods Of Use Of The Six-Inch Micrometer, Block Survey Reiterating Transit Theodolite 1912 Pattern MACLEOD, M.N ed: Conference Of Empire Survey Officers 1931: Report Of Proceedings
WILD & CO: The Wild Stereo Plotting Machine Model A6 INWARDS, Richard: William Ford Stanley : His Life And Work COOPER, Herbert, J: Scientific Instruments
MENZIES, G.H: The Otjivasandu Base -Line Measurement South West Africa (July 1953) BOWEN, Frank, C: The Flag of the Sothern Cross BERCHTOLD, E: Wild Autograph Model A5: Description And Instruction
F.REDDAWAY & CO: Textile Belting Price Guide BACCHELLI, Riccardo: Il Fregio E La Stele Di Francesco Barbieri Nel Salone Della Banca Commerciale Italiana In Bari BISILLIAT, Maureen & VILLAS-BOAS, Orlando & VILLAS-BOAS, Claudio: Xingu: Tribal territory
SCOBIE, ALASTAIR: Animal Heaven BOWEN, Frank, C: The Flag of the Southern Cross. 1939-1945 McCUTCHAN, Philip: Halfhyde And The Chain Gangs
McCUTCHAN, Philip: Halfhyde To The Narrows McCUTCHAN, Philip: A Time For Survival McCUTCHAN, Philip: Sladd's Evil
McMULLEN, Mary: Until Death Do Us Part LOCKRIDGE, Richard: Murder In False Face BRITISH GOVERNMENT: Merchantmen at War: The official story of the Merchant Navy 1939-1944