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MORRELL, David: Testament
SILLITOE, Alan: Guzman Go Home
BEIER, Ulli: African Mud Sculpture
POORTENAAR, Jan: An Artist In the Tropics
MITFORD-BARBERTON, Ivan: Ivan Mitford Barberton: Beeldhouer
MITFORD-BARBERTON, Ivan: Ivan Mitford Barberton: Sculptor
SILLITOE, Alan: The Ragman's Daughter
JEFFERSON, Louise, E: The Decorative Arts Of Africa
FAGG, William: Afro-Portuguese Ivories
SMITH, Edwin, W: The Life And times Of Daniel Lindley 1801-80
PYRAH, G.B: Imperial Policy And South Africa 1902-10
CAIRNS, H.A.C: Prelude To Imperialsm
KARSTEN, Mia, C: The Old Company Garden At The Cape And Its Superintendents
LACOUTURE, Jean & Simonne: Egypt In Transition
SIMMONS, Charles: Powdered Eggs
CERVENKA, Zdenek: The Organization Of African unity And Its Cgarter
HILL, Richard: Egypt In The Sudan 1820-1881
DU PREEZ, Sophia: Advontuur In Angola
KESTELL, J.D & VAN VELDEN, D.E: Die Vredesonderhandelingen Tusschen Boer En Brit In Zuid Afrika
NEWBURY, C.W: The Western Slave Coast And Its Rulers
FIELDHOUSE, D.K: The Colonial Empires
THOMAS, Leslie: The Love Beach
CLARK, J. Desmond: The Pre History Of Africa
CASALIS, E: The Basutos Or Twenty Three Years In South Africa
HAGGARD, H. Rider: The Days Of My Life
KENNELLY, D.H: Marine Shells Of Southern Africa
FIEDLER, Arkady: The Madagascar I love
THOMAS, Ross: Chinamans Chance
STEYN, Peter: Eagle Days: A Study of African Eagles At The Nest
RAVEN, Simon: Bring Forth The Body
QUENTIN, Patrick: Suspicious Circumstances
KEATE, E.M.C: The mimic
THIRKELL, Angela: Love At All Ages
TRAVER, Robert: Anatomy Of A Murder
TROLLOPE, Joanna: The choir
TUDOR, David: Swank
TREW, Anthony: Sea Fever
TREW, Anthony: The Sea Break
GALLICO, Paul: Mrs Harris MP
STEGNER, Wallace: All The Little Live Things
WILSON, A.N: Wise Virgin
URIS, Leon: The Angry Hills
UHNAK, Dorothy: The Witness
WILDEN, Theodore: The Exchange
WILHELM, Kate: Welcome Chaos
SPARK, Muriel: The Drivers Seat
WODEHOUSE, P.G: Uncle fred In Springtime
GREENAWAY, Peter Van: The Medusa Touch
GREENAWAY, Peter Van: Doppelganger
TENNANT, Emma: Queen Of Stones
VAN DINE, S.S: The Gracie Allen Murder Case
ROBERT, Earl: The Rand of Hope And Glory Under Martial Law January 1914
SCHUBERT, G.H and Others: Palastina: New Album Of The Holy Land]
ISAACMAN: The Tradition Of resisyance In Mozambique
HERIKSEN: Mozambique
PACHAI, Bridglal: South Africa's Indianss
RAY, Cyril: Algiers To Austria: A History Of 78 Division In The Second World War
OMER-COOPER, J.D: The Zulu Aftermath: A Nineteenth Century Revolution Bantu Africa
MACLENAN, Ben: A Proper Degree Of Terror: John Graham And The Cape's Eastern Frontier
COUPLAND, R: The Exploitation Of East Afica 1856-1890 The Slave and The Scramble
FRASER, J.G & BRIGGS, James: Sotho War Diaries 1864-1865
PORTER, A.N: The Origins Of The South African War
ROSS, Robert: Adam Kok's Griquas
SIMENON, Georges: Violent Ends
HARGREAVES, John, D: West Africa Partitionedd Vol 1: the Loaded Pause 1885-89
LAURENTS, Arthur: West Side Story
JOHNSON, Pamela Hansford: Night and Silence Who Is here?
RATHBONE, Julian: Base Case
SANSOM, William: The loving Eye
SIMMEL, Johannes Mario: Dear Fatherland
PARSONS, Denys: It Must be True
TREVOR, Elleston: The V.I.P
SPARK, Muriel: Not To Disturb
NASH, Ogden: Everyone But Thee And me
WEISKOPF, F.C: Hundred Towers: An Anthology of Creative Czechoslovak writing