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RAPER, P.E: Pleknaamkundige Praktyk RAPER, P.E. & MOLLER. L.A: Bronnegids Vir Toponomie En Topologie /Source Guid for Toponymy and Topology (AND) Naamkunde Bronnegids Deel 2 1971-1978 / Onomastics Source Guide Part 2 1971-1978 NIENABER, G.S. & RAPER, P.E: Toponymica Hottentotica A* A-G; A** H-Z; B: A-Z
LANGENHOVEN, P.H: Sanger Van Die Suikerbosrand. Die Lewensverhaal Van Wyle Dr. A.G.Visser LOURENS, Leonard D., Compiled By: A Fit of Coffin DU PLESSIS, I.D: Poltergeists of the South
FERREIRA, O,J,O, (& D P M BOTES): Adamastor Gees Van Die Stormkaap, Met 'n Afrikaanse Verwerking Van Die Adamastor-Gedeelte Uit Os Lusiadas Van Luis De Camoes OLIVIER, S.P: Die Pioniertrekke Na Gazaland KOTZE, C.S: Doornkloof-Wereld ..
MEIRING, Jane: The Magic Calabash LAMPLOUGH, R.W: Matabele Folk Tales ADDY, Sidney Oldall (Introduction J D A WIDDOWSON): Folk Tales and Supertitions
ALBERTS, Andries: Swart Weerlig. Ware Verhale En Lewensbeskrywinge, Plus Drie Legendes Uit Angola En Namibie Van Der Horst, Sheila: African Workers in Town LOOTS, W.J.G: Die Herkoms, Ontwikkeling En Verspreiding Van Die Reisiesverhale. 'n Verhandeling Vir Die Graad Philosophiae Doctor Ingelewer Aan Die Universiteit Witwatersrand
BASCOM, William R: African Dilemma Tales TREVEYAN, Marie: Folk-lore and Folk-Stories of Wales STALDER, Valerie: Legends and Folktales of Lappland
BOWMAN, James Cloyd & BIANCO, Margery, Illustrated by Laura Bannon: Tales from a Finnish Tupa COLLEDGE, E. (Edited and Introduced by): Reynard the Fox and Other Mediaeval Netherlands Secular Literature LEVER, Henry: Ethnic Attitudes Of Johannesburg Youth
WAY, Lewis: Adler's Place in Psychology. An Exposition of Individual Psychology WEST, D.J: Homosexuality HERZBERG, Alexander: Active Psychotherapy
BRINK, Andre P: Voorlopige Rapport. Beskouings Oor Die Literatuur Van Sewentig BRINK, Andre P: 'N Droe Wit Seisoen BRINK, Andre P: Waarom Literatuur?
CARTER, Gwendolen & KARIS, Thomas & STULTZ, Newell: South Africa's Transkei: The Politics Of Domestic Colonists NIENABER, G.S. & RAPER, P.E: Hottentot (Khoekhoen) Place Names DU PLESSIS, E.J: 'n Ondersoek Na Die Oorsprong En Betekenis Van Suid-Afrikaanse Berg- En Riviername
CHILVERS, Hedley: The Seven Lost Trails of Africa. A Record of Sundry Expeditions, New and Old, in Search of Buried Treasure SCHRIJNEN, Jos: Nederlandsche Volkskunde TILLOTSON, Robert G. (Edited MENKES, Diana D.): Museum Security. La Securite Dans Les Musees
SADLER, Celia, Comp: Never A Young Man: Extracts from the Letters And Journals Of the Rev William Shaw ZIERVOGEL, D. (Compiled by): Swazi Texts, with an English Translation HAECKEL, Ernst: Ueber Unsere Gegenwartige Kenntniss Vom Ursprung Des Menschen. Vortrag Auf Dem Vierten Internationalen Zoologen-Congress in Cambridge am 26 August 1898
WEISMANN, August: Uber Germinal-Selection Eine Quelle Bestimmt Gerichteter Variation WEISMANN, August: Neue Gedanken Zur Vererbunsfrage. Eine Antwort an Herbert Spencer BUCHNER, Ludwig: Die Macht Der Vererbung Und Ihr Einfluss Auf Den Moralischen Und Geistigen Fortschritt Der Menschheit
TIRRONEN, T.E: Ndonga-English Dictionary MONSELL, J.R: Balderdash Ballads CONTENSOU, Bernadette (and Others: Robert Sonia Delaunay. Musee D'art Moderne Paris 14 Mai to 18 Septembre 1985
DUNDES, Alan: The Study of Folklore THOMPSON, Stith: The Folktale TER LAAN, K: Folkloristisch Woordenboek Van Nederland En Vlaams Belgie
SCHMIDT, Sigrid: Hansel Und Gretel in Afrika. Marchentexte Aus Namibia Im Internationalen Vergleich HARKORT, Frtitz; PEETERS, Karel C.; WILDHABER, Robert: Volksuberlieferung. Festschrift Fur Kurt Ranke Zur Vollendung Des 60. Lebensjahres CHRISTIANSEN, Reidar Thorwald (Edited by): Folktales of Norway
DEGH, Linda (Edited by): Folktales of Hungary BRIGGS, Katharine & TONGUE, Ruth L. (Edited by): Folktales of Hungary NOY, Dov (Edited by): Folktales of Israel
EBERHARD, Wolfram (Edited by): Folktales of China PAREDES, Americo (Edited by): Folktales of Mexico MEGAS, Georgios A. (Edited by): Folktales of Greece
PINO-SAAVEDRA, Yolando (Edited by): Folktales of Chile MASSIGNON, Genevieve (Edited by): Folktales of France WYKES, Alam: Snake Man: The Story Of C.J.P. IONIDES
MAINE, Henry Sumner: Dissertations on Early Law and Custom DE VRIES, Hugo: Van Amoebe Tot Mensch. Laatste Les Aan De Universiteit Van Amsterdam Op 13 Juni 1918 Gegeven GERHART, Gail M: Black Power in South Africa. The Evolution of an Ideology
FREDRICKSON, George M: The Comparative Imagination. On the History of Racism, Nationalism and Social Movements LIGHTBODY, Charles Wayland: The Judgements of Joan. Joan of Arc. A Cultural History SMITH, Percy J: Lettering. A Handbook of Modern Alphabets
HERBERT, Robert K. (Edited by): Language and Society in Africa. The Theory and Practice of Sociolinguistics SNYMAN, J.P.L: The Works Of Sarah Gertrude Millinn MARIJNISSEN, R.-H: Bruegel De Oude
CASSOU, Jean & LEYMARIE, Jean: Leger. Dessins et Gouaches MARLIER, Georges: Hedendaagsche Vlaamsche Schilderkunst PARKES, Margery: Wheatlands. The Story of a Family and a Farm 1849-1879
SUTTON, Denys: Nicolas De Stael PLENDERLEITH, H.J: The Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art. Treatment, Repair and Restoration DU TOIT, J.D: Dr. S.J. Du Toit in Weg En Werk. 'N Periode Van Afrikaanse Oplewing
DU TOIT, S.J: Fergelijkende Taalkunde Fan Afrikaans En Engels / Comparative Grammar of English and Cape Dutch GOMBRICH, E.H: Norm and Form (Studies in the Art of the Renaissance I) GOMBRICH, E.H: Symbolic Images (Studies in the Art of the Renaissance II)