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BURKE, John: A Hard Days Night LUTYENS, Robert: Sir Edwin Lutyens. An Appreciation in Perspective DOS PASSOS, John: The Garbage Man. A Parade with Shouting
ROLLAND, Romain (Translated Barrett H. CLARK): The Fourteenth of July DOYLE, A. Conan & McCABE, Joseph: Debate on the Truth of Spiritualism FALLADA, Hans: Once We Had a Child
SAUER, Jules Roger: Emeralds Around the World TITCHMARSH, E.C: The Theory of Functions MILNE, William Edmund: Numerical Calculus. Approximations, Interpolation, Finite Differences, Numerical Integration, Curve Fitting
GRINDLEY, Kit: Systematics. A New Approach to Systems Analysis CECIL, Henry: Not Such An Ass SHAVE, Michael: Data Structures
WALTON, James: Local Woodcrafts. 5th October 1940 GLANVILLE, Brian]: The King Of Hackney LARSON, Thomas J: Tales from Okavango
LASTOVICA, Ethleen & Al: Bottles and Bygones. A Guide for South African Collectors O'CASEY ,Sean: Drums under the Window GILBERT, Anthony: A Nice Little Killing
COETZEE, Renata: Spys En Drank. Die Oorsprong Van Die Afrikaanse Eetkultuur Gedurende Die 17de En 18de Eeu LORIMER, E.K: Panorama of Port Elizabeth HEINLEIN, Robert: Citizen of the Galaxy
SCANTAMBURIO, Luigi: Gramatica e Dicionario Da Lingua Criol Da Guibne-Bissau (GCr) FRY, Roger: Architectural Heresies of an Artist SPARRMAN, Andre (Translated M. Le TOURNEUR): Voyage Au Cap De Bonne-Esperance et Autour Du Monde Avec Le Capitaine Cook, et Principalement Dans Le Pays Des Hottentots et Des Caffres
VINTCENT, P.C: Six Addresses Theological and Religious BURKES, James Lee: The Neon Rain SHAW, G. Bernard (Edited by): Fabian Essays in Socialism
(WOOLF, Virginia) WOOLF, Leonard & STRACHEY, James (Edited by), Illustrated by Vanessa Bell: Virginia Woolf & Lytton Strachey. Letters O'CONNOR, Jack: The Art of Hunting Big Game in North America KEARTON, William J: Steam Turbine Theory and Practice. A Textbook for Engineering Students
LAWRENCE, T.E: The Mint By 352087 A/c Ross EPSTEIN, Jacob: Let There be Sculpture VON BULOW, Prince Bernhard: Memoirs
CARTWRIGHT, Justin: Masai Dreaming RAVEN, Simon: Boys Will be Boys. A Miscellany GRODDECK, Georg: Exploring the Unconscious
PRINGLE, J.W.S: Insect Flight FROMM, Erich: Psychoanalysis and Religion ISHERWOODE, Margaret (Introduction Gerald HEARD; Note to Reader By Aldous HUXLEY): The Root of the Matter. A Study in the Connections Between Religion, Psychology and Education
ZUCKERMAN, S: The Social Life of Monkeys and Apes YATES, Dora E: My Gypsy Days. Recollections of a Romany Rawnie CARSON, James C.L: The Fundamental Principles of Phrenology and the Only Principles Capable of Being Reconciled with the Immateriality and Immortality of the Soul
SUZUKI, Beatrice Lane: Mahayana Buddhism. A Brief Outline ANTHONY, Evelyn: The Avenue Of The Dead HALL, J. Clark (Compiled by): The Mercantile Navy List and Maritime Directory for 1889
SCULLY, Frank: Behind the Flying Saucers THOMAS, Paul: Flying Saucers Through the Ages GORDON, C.T: The Growth of Boer Opposition to Kruger (1890-1895)
ADDISON, Brian & TINDALL, Jeremy: Underwater Guide to Coral Fishes of the Indian Ocean PHILLIPS, John: Kwame Nkrumah and the Future of Africa BROD, D.C: Error In Judgement
WEBER, Otto Von: Geschichte Des Schutzgebietes Deutsch-Sudwest-Afrika WILLOUGHBY, W.C: Race Problems in the New Africa. A Study of the Relation of Bantu and Britons in Those Parts of Bantu Africa Which are Under British Control HOFFMANN, C: Wildschwein Und Buffelland. Missionsgeschichten Aus Den Holzbuschbergen Nordtransvaals
WHITTAKER, Edmund & ROBINSON, G: The Calculus of Observations. A Treatise on Numerical Mathematics INCE, E.L: Ordinary Differential Equations NIDA, Eugene A: Componential Analysis of Meaning. An Introduction to Semantic Structures
NIDA, Eugene A & TABER, Charles R: The Theory and Practice of Translation WHATMOUGH, Joshua: Language. A Modern Synthesis BROWN, Christy: A Shadow in Summer
SCHRODINGER, E: Science and Humanism. Physics in Our Time MELLISH, Chris, Illustrated by Tony Grogan: Breede River Revelations McCARTHY, Mary: The Seventeenth Degree. How it Went. Vietnam. Hanoi. Medina. Sons of the Morning
BAILEY, Harold (Captions By Harvey CAMPION): Pietermaritzburg - and the Natal Midlands. Pen and Ink Drawings CHRISTIANSEN, Reidar Th: Studies in Irish and Scandinavian Folktales NOVAK, Miroslav, Illustrated by Jaroslav Serych: Fairy Tales from Japan
FORREST, David: After Me The Deludge STOVICKOVA, Dana and Milada, Illustrated by Eva Bednarova: Chinese Fairy Tales GOULDEN, Shirley, Illustrated by Benvenuti: Tales from Australia
ROBINSON, Roland: Aboriginal Myths and Legends DORSON, Richard M.(Edited by): Folklore Research Around the World. A North American Point of View SMITH, Malvern Van Wyk & MACLENNAN, Don: Olive Schreiner and After. Essays of Southern African Literature in Honour of Guy Butler
BARNARD, Marius & JOHNSON, Anthony: Gees Van Die Karoo GROBBELAAR, Pieter W: Abel Coetzee En Sy Rubriek 'Waar Die Volk Skep'. Vroee Afrikaanse Volkskultuur VAN ROOIJEN, G.H: Kultuurskatte Uit Die Voortrekker-Tydperk ('n Kultuur-Historiese Studie)