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WILLIAMS, P.B: In Lightest Africa and Darkest Europe
ROBBINS, David: The 29th Parallel. A South African Journey
FRANCK, Frederick: Days with Albert Schweitzer. A Lamabarene Landscape
WILKS, Terry: Douglas Mitchell
REYNOLDS, Reginald: Beware of Africans. A Pilgrimage from Cape to Cairo
SPITZNER, Karl Walter & SCHAFER, Heinrich: Die Karakoelteelt in Suidwes-Afrika En Die Huis Thorer
VAN DER MERWE, H.J.J.M: Scheepsjournael Ende Daghregister (Fragmente Uit 17de-Eeuse Nederlandse Scheepsjoernale En 'n Verkorte Weergawe Van Jan Van Riebeeck Se Daghregister Volgens Die Kaapse Teks)
REX, John: Race Relations in Sociological Theory
KOFFKA, K: The Growth of the Mind. An Introduction to Child-Psychology
ABBEY, Edward: The Fool's Progress
BECKETT, Arthur (Edited by): The Sussex County Magazine VOLUME 1
BECKETT, Arthur (Edited by): The Sussex County Magazine VOLUME 2
BECKETT, Arthur (Edited by): The Sussex County Magazine VOLUME 3
BECKETT, Arthur (Edited by): The Sussex County Magazine VOLUME 5
BECKETT, Arthur (Edited by): The Sussex County Magazine VOLUME 6
BECKETT, Arthur (Edited by): The Sussex County Magazine VOLUME 9
BECKETT, Arthur (Edited by): The Sussex County Magazine VOLUME 10
KITCHIN, S.B. (Edited by): South African Law Journal Together with Index and Annual Digest. VOLUME XXX
HOWES, R.B. (Edited by): South African Law Journal Together with Index and Annual Digest. VOLUME XXXV
HOWES, R.B. (Edited by): South African Law Journal Together with Index and Annual Digest. VOLUME XXXVII
HALL, C.G. (Edited by): South African Law Journal Together with Index and Annual Digest. VOLUME LXIV
HAHLO, H.R. & McKERRON, R.G. (Edited by): South African Law Journal Together with Index and Annual Digest. VOLUME LXVIII
HAHLO, H.R. & McKERRON, R.G. (Edited by): South African Law Journal Together with Index and Annual Digest. VOLUME LXIX
PERRY, Clarence Arthur: Housing for the Machine Age
VAIHINGER, Hans: Die Philosophie Des Als Ob. System Der Theoretischen, Praktischen Und Religiosen Fiktionen Der Menschheit Auf Grund Eines Ideakistischen Positivismus. Mit Einem Anhang Uber Kant Und Nietzsche
ROGOW, A.A. & SHORE, P: The Labour Government and British Industry 1945-51
ABRAMS, Charles: The Future of Housing
PHELPS BROWN, E.H: The Growth of British Industrial Relations. A Study from the Standpoint of 1906-14
WOODHOUSE, A.S.P. (Selected and Edited with Introduction by): Puritanism and Liberty, Being the Army Debates (1647-9) from the Clarke Manuscripts with Supplementary Documents
TURBERVILLE, A.S.(edited by): Johnson's England. An Account of the Life and Manners of His Age
INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION: International Indian Ocean Expedition. Collected Reprints
BEADNELL, C.M: An Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Science and War
GOEBBELS, Joseph (Translated and Edited By Louis P. LOCHNER): The Goebbels Diaries
RUNYON, Damon: Runyon on Broadway. A Runyon Omnibus. (More Than Somewhat; Furthermore; Take it Easy)
CAMPBELL, Joseph: Oriental Mythology (The Masks of God Volume II)
BERRY, W.H: The New Motoring
GUERSHOON, Andrew: Russian Proverbs
WINGO Jr., Lowdon: Cities and Space: The Future Use of Urban Land
SILK, Leonard: Sweden Plans for Better Housing
GRAHAM, J: Housing in Scandinavia Urban and Rural
McCALLUM, Ian R.M (Edited by): Physical Planning. The Ground Work of a New Technique
PETERS, W.H. (Co-ordinated and Supervised By): Luderitz and Environs: A Study in Conservation
MASHABELA, Harry & NARSOO, Monty: The Boksburg Boycott
TOTEMEYER, Gerhard; KANDETU, Vezera; WERNER, Wolfgang (Edited by): Namibia in Perspective
VAN KESSEL, Inneke: Aspects of the Apartheid State. A Bibliographical Survey
HAINES, Richard & BUIJS, Gina (edited by): The Struggle for Social and Economic Space: Urbanization in Twentieth Century South Africa
MACARTNEY, C.A: Hungary and Her Successors. The Treaty of Trianon and Its Consequences 1919-1937
DALE, Henry Hallett: An Autumn Gleaning. Occasional Lectures and Addresses
BRAIN, Russell: William Harvey Neurologist (The Harveian Oration of 1959)
PICKERING, George: Physician and Scientist (The Harveian Oration of 1964)
COHEN of BIRKENHEAD, Lord: On the Motion of Blood in the Veins (The Harveian Oration 1970)
SMITH, G. Elliott: The Diffusion of Culture
FLORENCE. P. Sargant: The Logic of British and American Industry
CAMBLIN, Gilbert: The Town in Ulster. An Account of the Origina and Building of the Towns of the Province and the Development of Their Rural Setting
DARTFORD, Mark: Falklands Armoury. The Weapons, Webbing, Insignia and Trophies from the Falklands
GIUDICE, Elio & Vittorio: L'Armata Rossa e Le Sue Uniformi (1917-1945)
CAHILL, Richard A: Strandings and Their Causes
BRYANT, Clifton D: Khaki-Collar Crime. Deviant Behavior in the Military Context
HURD, Archibald & BASHFORD, H.H: Sons of the Admiralty. A Short History of the Naval War 1914-1918
HUGHES-BULLER, R., and Others: A Gazetteer of Baluchistan
PEARCE, Robert R: A Guide to the Inns of Court and Chancery, with Notices of Their Ancient Discipline, Rules, Orders and Customs, Readings, Moots, Masques, Revels and Entertainments; Including an Account of the Eminent Men of the Honourable Societies...
AMBLER, Eric: The Mask of Dimitrios
GILBERT, Michael: Close Quarters
BERGER, Thomas: Houseguest
DENTLER, Clara Louise: Famous Foreigners in Florence 1400-1900
DOUGLAS, Alfred: The Authobiography of Lord Alfred Douglas
CHARNOCK, G.F: Mechanical Technology, Being a Treatise on the Materials and Preparatory Processes of the Mechanical Industries
ANDERSON, Ian F: To Introduce the Hebrides
HURRELL. F.G.(Introduction By Andre MAUROIS): The Lantern Show of Paris
EBERHART, M.G: Five Passengers from Lisbon
KEARTON, William J: Steam Turbine Practice. A Textbook for Engineering Students
SPENCE, C.F: Mocambique. East African Province of Portugal
GILLESPIE, A. Lockhart: The Natural History of Digestion