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NEUMANN, Erich: The Origins and History of Consciousness CRAWSHAY-WILLIAMS, Rupert: The Comforts of Unreason. A Study of the Motives Behind Irrational Thought BAYNES, H.G: Mythology of the Soul. A Research Into the Unconscious from Schizophrenic Dreams and Drawings
USPENSKY, J.V: Theory of Equations GOTTFRIED, Kurt: Quantum Mechanics. Volume 1: Fundamentals KABIR, P.K. (Edited by): The Development of Weak Interaction Theory
MORRISON, L. (Edited by): The Quantum Theory of Many-Particle Systems GLIMM, James & JAFFE, Arthur: Quantum Physics. A Functional Integral Point of view/ MOLLER, C: The Theory of Relativity
GOLDBERGER, Marvin L. & WATSON, Kenneth M: Collision Theory FETTER, Alexander L. & WALECKA, John Dirk: Theoretical Mechanics of Particles and Continua MASHKEVICH, V.S: Laser Kinetics
BEAUMONT, Cyril W. & IDZIKOWSKI, Stanislas (Revised Cyril W BEAUMONT): A Manual of the Theory and Practice of Classical Dancing (Classical Ballet) (Cecchetti Method) HALL, Andrew: Safe Behind Bars RIVERS, George R.R: The Governor's Garden. A Relation of Some Passages in the Life of His Excellency Thomas Hutchinson, Sometime Captain General and Governor-In-chief of His Majesty's Province of Massachusetts Bay
HISCOX, Gardner D. (Edited by): Henley's Twentieth Century Book of Recipes, Formulas and Processes FARRIS, John: The Long Light of Dawn THOM, H.B: Die Lewe Van Gert Maritz
KRUGER, D.W: Die Krugermiljoene SYKES, Percy (Edited by) (Contributors Include H. St. John PHILBY; Leonard WOOLLEY; F. KINGDON-WARD; Freya STARK; Ella MAILLART; Bertram THOMAS; E.Denison ROSS; Rosita FORBES): The Story of Exploration and Adventure FARRELL, James, T: A Father And His Son
DAVIDSON, Lionel: A Long Way to Shiloh LYNCH, Patricia, Illustrated by George Altendorf: The Turf-Cutter's Donkey Goesd Visiting HELLMAN, Lilian: Pentimento. A Book of Portraits
McGINLEY, Phyllis: The Love Letters of Phyllis McGinley FORSTER, E.M: Nordic Twilight SHARPE, Tom: Ancestral Vices
DOUGLAS, Charles: Artist Quarter. Reminiscences of Montmartre and Montparnasse in the First Two Decades of the Twentieth Century BRELSFORD, W.V: The Story of the Northern Rhodesia Regiment DE GOURMONT, Remy (Translated with Introduction By Richard ALDINGTON): Letters to the Amazon
SIMS, William L: Two Hundred Years of History and Evolution of Woodworking MacHinery GREENE, Graham: Getting To Know The General JONES, M. Whitmore: Popular Games of Patience. Forty-five of the Best Games Clearly Described and Illustrated
KENT, Charles Foster: Israel's Laws and Legal Prcedents POTTER, John (and Robert ANDERSON & George DUNBAR): Archaeologia Graeca or the Antiquities of Greece LONG, A.W: Irish Sport of Yesterday
MACKAY, Adam: Cruden and Its Ministers, Being an Historical Description of the Parish of Cruden, with Special Reference to Its Ecclesiastical Fortunes SAYCE, A.H: The Races of the Old Testament SAYCE, A.H: The Hittites. The Story of a Forgotten Empire
SAYCE, A.H: The Times of Isaiah as Illustrated from Contemporary Monuments BUDGE, E.A. Wallis: Babylonian Life and History KING, James: Recent Discoveries on the Temple Hill
DAWSON, J.W: Egypt and Syria. Their Physical Features in Relation to Bible History TOMKINS, H.G: The Life and Times of Joseph in the Light of Egyptian Lore GAY, Donn; EMMETT, Victor and Other Contributors: La Paree Stories Vol.II No.4. June 1931
WOOD, Floyd T; KANE, Tom and Other Contributors: Gay Parisenne Volume IV No.8 August 1933 COOPER, Ken, and Other Contributors: La Paree Stories Volume IV No.8 BURKE, J.E: Crazy Woman Blues
McINTYRE, Malcolm, and Other Contributors: Pictorial French Follies Vol.IV No VI February 1932 BEAUPRE, Aubrey, and Other Contributors: Paris Nights Vol.XI No 12 July 1933 ALLAN, W: The African Husbandman
ELOFF, C.C: The So-Called Conquered Territory Disputed Border Area Between the Orange Free State (Republic of South Africa) and Lesotho (Basutoland) MEADE, Mrs. L.T: A Sister of the Red Cross. A Story of Ladysmith TARLING, Alan: Will Carter Printer. An Illustrated Study
FRASER, Olive (Edited By Helena M SHIRE): The Wrong Music. The Poems of Olive Fraser 1909-77 BERNHARD, Thomas: Cutting Timber. An Irritation MARKSTEIN, George: The Goering Testament
FARNOL, Jeffrey, Illustrated by H.M Brock (d.w.): My Lord of Wrybourne. Being an Account of His Further Perils Grief and Joy ROBINSON, John: A Life Time in South Africa, Being the Recollections of the First Premier of Natal STOREY, Gladys: All Sorts of People
WOLFE, Charles (Introductory Memoir By C Litton FALKINER): The Poems of Charles Wolfe DAVISON, M H Davison: The Casket Letters. A Solution to the Mystery of Mary Queen of Scots and the Murder of Lord Darnley BATES, H E: Colonel Julian and Other Stories
DUMINY, Andrew & BALLARD, Charles (Edited by): The Anglo-Zulu War. New Perspectives HOPE, Alice: Yesterdays. The Story of Richmond (Natal) MOIRRIS, James: Pax Britannica. The Climax of an Empire
MEEK, C.K: Land Law and Custom in the Colonies CHARTERIS, Leslie Charteris: Count On The Saint MEEK, C.K., MACMILLAN, W.M.; HUSSEY, E.R.J: Europe and West Africa. Some Problems and Adjustments
MILES, Cecil N: A Glimpse of Madeira MICHIELS, A. & LAUDE, N: Notre Colonie. Geographie et Notice Historique MELLOR, F.H: Sword & Spear
MILLAR, Anthony Kwendall: Plantagenet in South Africa. Lord Charles Somerset MASKEW MILLER: Maskew Miller's 100 Mile Road Map from Cape Town RODERICK, J.P: Cattle and Cackle