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HAVERFIELD, F: The Romanization of Roman Britain CICERO (Edited W.W.HOW): Cicero Select Letter, with Historical Introductions, Notes and Appendices ACHESON, G.J: Agricola. An English Version of a Roman Tale
ENGLAND, Jane: The Bull Whip HILL, G.F. (Collected and Arranged By) (Edited R. MEIGGS & A. ANDREWES): Sources for Greek History Between the Persian and Pelopnnesian Wars OERTEL, Friedrich: Herodots Agyptischer Logos Und Die Glaubwurdigkeit Herodots
DAVIDSON, A.B: Hebrew Syntax KAUTZSCH, E. (Revised A.E.COWLEY): Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar DELF, George: Jomo Kenyatta. Towards Truth About "The Light of Kenya"
HARRISON, E.J: The Fighting Spirit of Japan. The Esoteric Study of the Martial Arts and Way of Life in Japan MARKAKIS, John: Ethiopia Anatomy of a Traditional Polity LAVIN, Mary: A Memory & Other Stories
STEWART, J.I.M: Cucumber Sandwiches MANNIN, Ethel: Land of the Crested Lion. A Journey Through Modern Burma OESTERREICH, T. Konstantin: Occultism and Modern Science
HOWLETT, Hamilton: Highland Constable. The Life and Times of Rob Roy MacGregor PAHLAVI, Mohammed Reza Shah: Mission for My Country TAMBIAH, S.J: Buddhism And the Spirit Cults in North East Thailand
LAPOINTE, Francois H. & LAPOINTE, Claire C: Claude Levi-Strauss and His Critics. An International Bibliography of Criticism (1950-1976), Followed By a Bibliography of the Writings of Claude Levi-Strauss FOTHERGILL, John, and others: The Fothergill Omnibus For Which Eighteen Eminent Authors Have Written Short Stories Upon One And The Same Plot KERSH, Gerald: Brain and Ten Fingers
DUGGAN, Alfred & BRIGGS, Raymond: Look at Churches YORKE, F.R.S. & GIBBERD, Frederick: Modern Flats WELLESZ, Emmy: Akbar's Religious Thought Reflected in Mogul Painting
BEST, R.D: Brass Chandelier. A Biography of R.H.Best of Birmingham TEAGUE, Walter Dorwin: Design This Day GOTLOP, Philip: The Technique of Nude Photography
FERGUSON, F.O: Architectural Perspective with Hints on Pen and Ink Drawing KUHNE, Louis: Science of Facual Expression FYFE, Theodore: Architecture in Cambridge
ADAMS, Marcus: The Fhythm of Children's Features HENSCHEN, Folke: The Human Skull. A Cultural History DICKINS, Bruce (Edited by): Runic and Heroic Forms of the Old Teuronic Peoples
BUCHANAN, Walter: A Recent Trip Into the Chumbi Valley Tibet.)in The Geographical Journal Vol. LIII No.6 June 1919) ALDERMAN, H.M: Old-World Villages of the Isle of Wight SALWEY, Jasper: Sketching in Lead Pencil for Asrchitects and Others
HIRSCH, Lee: Murder Steals The Show ROSENGARTEN, A. (Translated By W. COLLETT-SANDARS): A Handbook of Architectural Styles HODGSON, Janet: The God of the Xhosa. A Study of the Originas and Development of the Traditional Concepts of the Supreme Being
SPIEGEL, A.D. & McALLISTER, P.A. (Edited by): Tradition and Transition in Southern Africa. Festschrift for Philip and Iona Mayer. (African Studies Fiftieth Anniversary Volume) FORDE, Darryl (Edited by): African Worlds. Studies in the Cosmological Ideas and Social Values of African Peoples LHOTE, Andre: Figure Painting
BLOCH, Alice: The Body Beautiful. Physical Culture for Women WHITNEY, David D: Family Treasures. A Study of the Inheritance of Normal Characteristics in Man HAVARD, F.T: Refractories and Furnaces. Properties, Preparation and Application of Materials Used in the Construction and Operation of Furnaces
JOHNSON, J.E: Blast-Furnace Construction in America ALFRED HERBERT LIMITED: Abridged Catalogue of MacHine Tools No.46 CHESTERTON, Gilbert Keith, Illustrated by Robert Austin: The Ballad of the White Horse
FRANCIS, S.W: Ironmongery and Ironmongers' Accounts (Pitman's Traders' Handbooks) YARROW, Lady: Alfred Yarrow His Life and Work HALL, Richard T: Prince Alfred's Guard: Its History. With Notes Relating to the Volunteer Movement in Port Elizabeth
HALSE, Albert O: Architectural Rendering. The Techniques of Contemporary Rendering ROBBINS, Lionel: An Essay on the Nature and Significance of Economic Science MARSHALL, Alfred: Principles of Economics
BAYKOV, Alexander: The Development of the Soviet Economic System PIGOU, A.C: The Economics of Welfare ROBINSON, Joan: Introduction to the Theory of Employment
AMERY, L.S: The Washington Loan Agreements. A Critical Study of American Foreign Economic Policy KLEIN, Lawrence: The Keynsian Revolution ORCHARD, Andy: Dictionary of Norse Myth and Legend
MACMULLEN, Ramsay: Corruption and the Decline of Rome DURNING-LAWRENCE, Edwin: Bacon is Shake-Speare, Together with a Reprint of Bacon's Promus of Formularies and Elegances STRIEBER, Whitley: Black Magic
COYSH, A.W.; MASON, E.J.; WAITE, V: The Mendips RAYNAUD, C. (Edited by): Nuclear Medicine and Biology Advances I: Proceedings of the Third World Congress of Nuclear Medicine and Biology August 29 to September 2 1982 Paris France TAZIEFF, Haroun: South from the Red Sea
ROSENBERG, Ethel & Julius: The Rosenberg Letters SPOHR, O.H. (Translated with Notes by): The Natal Diaries of Dr. W.H.I. Bleek 1855-1856 KRAMER, Samuel Noah: From the Tablets of Sumer. 25 Firsts in Man's Recorded History
THOMPSON, C. Patrick (Introduced by): World Prize Stories Second Series. Selected from the World Prize Stories Competition Series BARNES, James J: Free Trade in Books. A Study of the London Book Trade Since 1800 VALENTINE, Lucia N: Ornament in Medieval Manuscripts
LANE, Margaret: The Tale of Beatrix Potter. a Biography BELL, Roy F: Gordon & Gotch. The Story of the G. & G. Century 1853-1953 BUCHANAN, E.S: The Records Unrolled. The Story of the Most Ancient MSS of the New Testament