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FUCHS, Ernst: Lehrbuch Der Augenheilkunde
DAVIS, Angela: An Autobiography
HILL, Peter: The Hunters
RIGAL, D. (And others): L'Epithelium Corneen
GRANGE, J.D: La Retinopathie Diabetique
MONDON, H. & METGE, P: La Myopie Forte
DIALLO, J.S: Manifestations Ophtalmologiques Des Parasitoses
OFFRET, G.; DHERMY, P.; BRINI, A.; BEC, P: Anatomie Pathologique De L'oeil et De Ses Annexes
BOUDET, C: Plaies et Contusions Du Segment Anterieur De L'oeil
BEC, P.; RAVAULT, M.; ARNE, J.L.; TREPSAT, C: La Peripherie Du Fond D'oeil
HAYE, C.; JAMMET, H.; DOLLFUS, M.-A: L'oeil et Les Radiations Ionisantes
CAMPINCHI, R.; FAURE, J.P.; BLOCH-MICHEL, E.; HAUT, J: L'uveite Phenomenes Immunologiques et Allergiques
CONNOLLY, M: A Revised Reference List of South African Non-Marine Mollusca: With Descriptions of New Species in the South African Museum (Annals of the South African Museum Vol.XI Part III)
RUBIN, I.C: Collected Papers 1910-1954
STEPHENSON, Sydney: Epidemic Ophthalmia. Its Symptoms, Diagnosis and Management with Papers on Allied Subjects
KOPYTOFF, Igor (edited with an Introduction by): The African Frontier. The Reproduction of Traditional African Societies
TURNER, V.W: Schism and Continuity in an African Society. A Study of Ndembu Village Life
HALLPIKE, C.R: The Foundations of Primitive Thought
FREELING, Nicolas: One Damn Thing After Another
TURNER, Victor W: The Ritual Process. Structure and Anti-Structure
LA FONTAINE, J.S. (Edited by): The Interpretation of Ritual. Essays in Honour of A.I.Richards
BARRETT, Leonard: The Sun and the Drum. African Roots in Jamaican Folk Tradition
RODARI, P: Grundriss Der Medikamentosen Therapie Der Magen- Und Darmkrankheiten Eischlirsslich Grundzuge Der Diagnostik
SHARPEY-SCHAFER, Edward Albert (Edited by): Text-book of Physiology
PAYR, Erwin & KUTTNER, Hermann (Edited by): Ergebnisse Der Chirurgie Und Orthopadie. ERSTER BAND
WRIGHT, Joseph (Edited by): The English Dialect Dictionary, Being the Complete Vocabulary of All Dialect Words Still in Use, or Known to Have Been in Use During the Past Two Hundred Years
BOURNE, John (Edited by): Treatise on the Steam Engine in Its Application to Mines, Mills, Steam Navigation and Railways, By the Artizan Club
SEMON, Richard: In the Australian Bush and on the Coast of the Coral Sea, Being the Experiences and Observations of a Naturalist in Australia, New Guinea and the Moluccas
SIEGFRIED, W.R. (Edited by): Proceedings of a Symposium on Research in the Natural Sciences at Saldanha Bay and Langebaan Lagoon
TROUESSART, E.L: Microbes, Ferments and Moulds
VAN BENEDEN, P.J: Animal Parasites and Messmates
LUBBOCK, John: A Contribution to Our Knowledge of Seedlings
HARTMANN, Robert: Anthropoid Apes
SCHMIDT, Oscar: The Mammalia in Their Relation to Primeval Times
BASTIAN, H. Charlton: The Brain as an Organ of Mind
HEILPRIN, Angelo: The Geographical and Geological Distribution of Animals
STEBBING, Thomas R.R: A History of Crustacea Recent Malacostraca
KEW, Harry Wallis: The Dispersal of Shells. An Inquiry Into the Means of Dispersal Possessed By Fresh-Water and Land Mollusca
ROMANES, G.J: Jelly-fish, Star-fish and Sea-Urchins, Being a Research on Primitive Nervous Systems
HUXLEY, T.H: The Crayfish. An Introduction to the Study of Zoology
AVEBURY, Lord: Ants Bees and Wasps. A Ecord of Observations on the Habits of the Social Hymenoptera
FALLS, Cyril (Compiled by): Military Operations Macedonia from the Spring of 1917 to the End of the War (History of the Great War)
WILLIAMS, Donovan (Edited by): The Journal and Selected Writings of the Reverend Tiyo Soga
YEAGER, Bunny: How I Photograph Nudes
MOSLEY, Charles: Lichfield in Retrospect
CLYNE, Jim (Edited by) (Introduction Donald BARTHELME): Exquisite Creatures
ELLIS, Bret Easton: The Informers
GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang Von: Memoirs of Goethe Written By Himself
KRAUSS, Ferdinand: Synthetische Edelsteine
MURPHY, E.F: They Struck Opal! Tales of Men and Mines in the Heyday of Australian Opal
CHURCH, A.H: Precious Stones
OYVED, Moysheh: Visions & Jewels. An Autobiography
GRANT, Ted: The Unbroken Thread. The Development of Trotskyism Over 40 Years
BABA, Yasuhiko (and Many others): History of Pneumoconioses in Japan
STRONG, L.A.G: The Last Enemy
MARKS, Edward C.R: Notes On the Construction and Working of Pumps
TURNER, John R: What the Press Artist Should Know
NORTHAM, John: Ibsen's Dramatic Method
RHYS, Ernest: Lyric Poetry
STERN, G.B: A Name to Conjure with
STRONG, L.A.G: Green Memory
MUMFORD, Lewis: The Human Prospect
HAMILTON, Ian: Robert Lowell
MARKS, Jeanette: Genius and Disaster. Studies in Drugs and Genius
HOPKINS, Kenneth: The Powys Brothers. A Biographical Appreciation
SOKEL, Walter H: The Writer in Extremis. Expressionism in Twentieth-Century German Literature
HAMILTON, G. Rostrevor: Hero or Fool? A Study of Milton's Satan
DOBREE, Bonamy: The Unacknowledged Legislator
KER, W.P: The Dark Ages
ELLIS, Havelock: My Confessional. Questions of the Day
NICHOLS, Leigh (Dean Koontz): The House Of Thunder
MITCHISON, Naomi & GIELGUD, Lewis: As it Was in the Beginning. A Play in Three Acts
DEFOURNEAUX, Marcelin: Daily Life in Spain in the Golden Age
KLINGEL, Gilbert: Wonders of Inagua