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LISTER, Raymond: Decorative Cast Ironwork In Great Britain
WEISMANN, August (Edited By POULTON, Edward B; SCHONLAND, Selmar; SHIPLEY, Arthur E.): Essays Upon Heredity and Kindred Biological Problems
WEBBER, Thomas: The Forests of Upper India and Their Inhabitants
YERKES, Robert M: The Dancing Mouse. A Study in Animal Behaviour
AULARD, A: The French Revolution. A Political History 1789-1804
GAUDIN, I.(Continued and Edited By I P MONNARD): Synopsis Florae Helveticaa
KAEMTZ, L.F: A Complete Course of Meteorology
HARRIS, James: Hermes or a Philosophic Inquiry Concerning Universal Grammar
JACKSON, J.G: Reason In Architecture
THORPE, T.E: Essays in Historical Chemistry
FURNIVALL, F.J. (Edited by): The Digby Mysteries
TAINE, H.A: The Revolution ("Les Origines De La France Contemporaine")
SPITTA, Philipp: Johann Sebastain Bach. His Work on the Music of Germany 1685-1750
TOLKIEN, J.R.R: The Lord of the Rings (The Fellowship of the Ring; The Two Towers; The Return of the King)
LUCAS: Running Instructions for the Lucas Electric Lighting and Starting System Combined Unit (A300, A900 and A1000)
LUCAS: Running Instructions for the Lucas Electric Lighting and Starting System Two Unit (six volt) for Light Cars
LUCAS: Running Instructions for the Lucas "Magnodyno" Lighting and Ignition Set and Separate Dynamo Lighting Set for Light Cars
PASCO, Crawford: A Roving Commission. Naval Reminiscences
KEMP, P.K: H.M. Submarines
WILSON, Daniel: Prehistoric Man. Researches Into the Origin of Civilisation in the Old and New World
SWEET, Henry: A History of English Sounds from the Earliest Period with Full Word Lists
MOGGRIDGE, J Traherne: Harvesting Ants and Trap-door Spiders. Notes and Observations on Their Habits and Dwellings
LAWRENCE, T.E: The Essential T.E Lawrence
OKASHA, Sarwat: The Museum Painter And the Divine
ORCHARD, Thomas N: The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'
BROUGHAM, Henry: An Inquiry Into the Colonial Policy of the European Powers
MILLER, E.D: Modern Polo
NASH, William Giles: America. The True History of Its Discovery
STALIN, Joseph: Stalin's Kampf. Joseph Stalin's Credo Written By Himself
DEHEJA, Vidya: Early Buddhist Rock Temples
JONSON, Ben (With Notes Etc. By W. GIFFORD): The Works of Ben Jonson
PHILBY, H. St. J. B: The Empty Quarter Being of the Great South Desert of Arabia Known as the rub' al Khali
HILDEBRANDT, A: Airships Past and Present Together with Chapters on the Use of Balloons in Connection with Merteorology, Photography and the Carrier Pigeon
BRASSEY, Lady: A Voyage in the Sunbeam. Our Home on the Ocean for Eleven Months
LARWOOD, Jacob & HOTTEN, John Camden: The History of Signboards from the Earliest Times to the Present Day
HAYES, Alice M: The Horsewoman. A Practical Guide to Side-Saddle Riding
PINDER-WILSON R. ed: Paintings From Islamic Lands
SMITH, Thomas: The History and Origin of the Missionary Societies, Containing Faithful Accounts of the Voyages, Travels, Labours and Successes of the Various Missionaries...
FEARNSIDE, William Gray & HARRAL, Thomas (edited by) / TROTTER, William Edward: The History of London Illustrated By Views of London & Westminster (BOUND WITH) Select Illustrated Topography of Thirty Miles Tound London, Comprising Views of Various Places Within This Circuit
DARWIN, Francis & SEWARD, A.C. (Edited by): More Letters of Charles Darwin. A Record of His Work in a Series of Hitherto Unpublished Letters
BOSANQUET, Bernard: Logic or the Morphology of Knowledge
MOOKERJI, Rahda Kumud: Indian Shipping. A History of the Sea-Borne Trade and Maritime Activity of the Indians from the Earliest Times
VON TREITSCHKE, Heinrich: History of Germany in the Nineteenth Century
PATTEN, William: The Evolution of Vertebrates and Their Kin
ACKERMANN: The Microcosm of London or London in Miniature
GARDNER, Percy: Sculptured Tombs of Hellas
VIOLLET-LE-DUC, Eugene E. (Translated By BUCKNALL, Benjamin): Lectures on Architecture
RYDBERG, Viktor: Teutonic Mythology
MULLER, F. Max: Contributions to the Science of Mythology
REINACH, Salamon: Cults Myths and Religions
ROBERTS, Stephen H: History of French Colonial Policy (1870-1925)
WEAVER, Lawrence: Memorials and Monuments. Old and New
LILLIE, Arthur: Buddhism in Christendom or, Jesus the Essene
MARRIOTT, Charles & CLAES, Leonard: Allies In Art: A Collection of Works In Modern Art By Artists Of The Allied Nations
HUGHES, Thomas Patrick: A Dictionary of Islam, Being a Cyclopaedia of the Doctrines, Rites, Ceremonies and Customs, Together with the Technical and Theological Terms, of the Muhammadan Religion
WORDSWORTH, John: Fragments and Specimens of Early Latin
FERGUSSON, James: Rude Stone Monuments of All Countries. Their Age and Uses
BIRCH, Samuel: History of Ancient Pottery Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan and Roman
HERSCHEL, John F.W: Outlines of Astronomy
MARTIN, R. Montgomery: History of the British Colonies
EVERARD, John: Second Sitting
MORGAN, C. Lloyd: Habit and Instinct
FLOWER, William Henry & LYDEKKER, Richard: An Introduction to the Study of Mammals Living and Extinct
MULLER, F. Max: The Six Systems of Indian Philosophy
CAXTON, William (Reproduced By James HYATT; Inttoduction and Translation George BULLEN): Sex Quam Elegantissimae Epistolae, Printed By William Caxton in 1483
LANDOR, A. Henry Savage: Tibet & Nepal
WUNDT, Wilhelm: Lectures on Human and Animal Psychology
MORMAN, Henry Wylie & YOUNG, Mrs. Keith (Edited by): Delhi 1857. The Siege, Assault and Captuer as Given in the Diary and Correspondence of the Late Colonel Keith Young, C.B., Judge-Advocate General, Bengal
PUNT, W.H.J ed: The Whitewalled Beauty Of The Cape
DU CHAILLU, Paul: The Viking Age. The Early History, Manners and Customs of the Ancestors of the English-Speaking Peoples
MACPHERSON, James: The Poems of Ossian,...., To Which are Prefixed Dissertations on the Aera and Poems of Ossian
MUKERJI, Raphakamal: The Culture And Art Of India
FISHER, Richard Swainson: The Progress of the United States of America from the Earliest Periods. Geographical, Statistical and Historical
CLOUSTON, W.A: Popular Tales and Fictions. Their Migrations and Transformations
WALKER, William Sidney: Corpus Poetarum Latinorum