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GOLDSMITH, Oliver; COLLINS, William; WARTON, T(Edited, with Life, Critical Dissertation and Explanatory Notes By George GILFILLAN): The Poetical Works
YOUNG, Edward (Edited, with Life, Critical Dissertation and Explanatory Notes By George GILFILLAN): Night Thoughts
POPE, Alexander Edited, with Life, Critical Dissertation and Explanatory Notes By George GILFILLAN): The Poetical Works
SPENSER, Edmund, Illustrated by William Kent: The Faerie Queene, with and Exact Collation of the Two Original Editions Published By Himself at London in Which is Added a New Life of the Author and Also a Glossary
HERBERT, George (Edited George GILFILLAN): The Poetical Works
COTTON, C.A: Landscape as Developed By the Processes of Normal Erosion
COTTON, C.A: Climatic Accidents in Landscape-Making. A Sequel to "Landscape as Developed By the Processes of Normal Erosion"
RICHARDS, C.S: The Iron and Steel Industry in South Africa. With Special Reference to the South African Iron and Steel Corporation Ltd ("ISCOR") More Particularly in Its Relation to the Gold-Mining Industry of the Transvaal. A Survey Up to July 1939 with an Addendum..
SAUER, Hans: The Witwatersrand Goldfield. A Vital Aspect of the British Empire. A Compendium for Investors
SMEATON-STUART, J.R: Safari for Gold
LACEY, J.M: Hydrology and Ground Water. A Practical Text-book....
ENGELBRECHT, S.P.; AGAR-HAMILTON, J.A.I.; PELZER, A.N.; BEHRENS, H.P.H. (Compiled by): Centenary Album. Pretoria's First Century in Illustration
PRIEST, Cecil D: Eggs of Birds Breeding in South Africa
KURETSKY, Susan Donahue: The Paintings of Jacob Ochtervelt (1634-1682)
BERGSTROM, Ingvar: Dutch Still-life Painting in the Seventeenth Century
BRAGDON, Claude: The Beautiful Necessity. Seven Essays on Theosophy and Architecture
EVANS, J.D: Malta
WILSON, D.M: The Anglo-Saxons
LATHRAP, Donald W: The Upper Amazon
RICE, David Talbot: The Byzantines
MOORE, Brian: The Temptation Of Eileen Hughes
CLARKE, R. Rainbird: East Anglia
GIMBUTAS, Marija: The Balts
DE LAET, S.J: The Low Countries
GIOT, P.R: Brittany
ARBMAN, Holger: The Vikings
BOSI, Roberto: The Lapps
MULVANEY, D.J: The Prehistory of Mulvaney
WILSON, Colin: The Black Room
WASSERMANN, Jacob: My Life as German and Jew
KRIGE, E. Jensen & KRIGE, J.D: The Realm of the Rain-Queen. A Study of the Pattern of Lovedu Society
SAUTER, Marc-R: Switzerland from Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest
CULICAN, William: The Medes and the Persians
NEUSTUPNY, E. & J: Czechoslovakia
LANG, David Marshall: The Bulgarians from Pagan Times to the Ottoman Conquest
JAZDEWSKI, Konrad: Poland
MORRIS, H.H: The First 40 Years: Memoirs
JONKMAN, H.F: Mededeelingen Over Zuid Afrika
DEXTER, Will: The Riddle of Chung Ling Soo
HALL, Douglas & TUCKER, Michael: Alan Davie
ADAMSON, J: Notes on Cape Affairs. A Letter to C.B.Adderley, Esq. M.P. (July 12, 1851)
HOLTBY, Winifred (Inscribed to Sarah Gertrude MILLIN): Virginia Woolf
GOODWIN, A.J.H: The Bored Stones of South Africa (Annals of the South African Museum Vol.XXXVII Part I)
JUBB, R.A: Freshwater Fishes of the Cape Province (Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums Volume IV August 1965)
MALLOWS, Wilfrid: The Mystery of the Great Zimbabwe. The Key to a Major Archaeological Enigma
DRON, Peter: The Lamborghini Countach. The Complete Story
HOYNINGEN-HUENE (Text David ROBINSON): Baalbek Palmyra
CARY, Joyce, Illustrated by Joyce Cary: The Horse's Mouth
HUMPHREYS, Chritmas: Seagulls and Othe Poems
JAMES, Will: Home Ranch
ASHMEAD-BARTLETT, Ellis: Port Arthur: The Siege and Capitulation
WHITTING, C.E.J: Hausa and Fulani Proverbs
NEUBAUER, Alfred: Speed Was My Life
FEELY, J.M: Background to the Natural History of Zululand
DARBOIS, Dominique: Yanamale. Village of the Amazon
RUBINSTEIN, H.F. (Edited by) (SCOTT, Paul; BERNHARD, Emil; HEMRO; BLOCK, Toni): Four Jewish Plays
NEMEROV, Howard: A Commodity of Dreams
BENEZIT, E: Dictionnaire Critique et Documentaire Des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs et Graveurs De Tous Le Temps et De Tous Le Pays
COWPER, William (Edited Robert SOUTHEY): The Works of William Cowper Comprising His Poems, Correspondence and Translations, with a Life of the Author
LI-PO (Translated Shegeyoshi OBATA): The Works of Li-po the Chinese Poet
HALL, Marie Boas (Edited by): Nature and Nature's Laws: Selected Documents
FORSTER, Robert & Elborg: European Society in the Eighteenth Century: Selected Documents
SMITH, Denis Mack: The Making of Italy 1796-1866: Selected Documents
MOONEY, Richard E: Gods of Air and Darkness: The Possibility of a Nuclear War in the Past
CASSOU, Jean: Chagall
LASKO, Peter: The Kingdom of the Franks North West Europe Before Charlemagne
UNION DEFENCE FORCE: U.D.F.; A.D.M.; H.Q. M.E.F. Notes on Military Law and Procedure June 1944
SEFTON-JONES, Margaret: Old Devonshire House By Bishopsgate
RUBENS, Bernice: Spring Sonata
REYBURN, H.; HINDERKS, H.E: Friedrich Nietzsche. Ein Menschenleben Und Seine Philosophie
WILSON, John: Decoration and furnishing. Materials and Practice
RICE, David Talbot: Islamic Art
EDWARDS, Ralph: Hepplewhite Furniture Designs
SYMONDS, R.W: Chippendale Furniture Designs
GYNGELL, A. Edmund: Four Lectures on Art Having Reference to Exhibits in the Municipal Art Gallery. Delivered at Johannesburg for the S.A. Lectures Committee November 1913