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KNIGHT, E.F: With the Royal Tour. A Narrative of the Recent Tour of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York Through Greater Britain, Including His Royal Highness's Speech Delivered at Guildhall on December 5 1901
ALATAS, Syed Farid: Democracy and Authoritarianism in Indonesia and Malaysia. The Rise of the Post-Colonial State
DUNCANSON, Dennis J: Government and Revolution in Viet Nam
BAILLIE, G.H: Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World (VOLUME I)
GIBBON, John Murray: Steel of Empire. The Romantic History of the Canadian Pacific, the Northwest Passage of Today
WESTERMAN, Percy, F: With Beatty Off Jutland
HICKS, David: On Bathrooms
BELL, Gerda: Ernest Dieffenbach
DE LA BILLIERE, Peter: Looking for Trouble. SAS to Gulf Command. The Autobiography
COLE, G.D.H: The Means to Full Employment
FLYING OFFICER X (H.E.BATES Pseud.): How Sleep the Brave
HOWE, Maud: Sicily in Shadow and in Sun. The Earthquake and the American Relief Work
TEAGUE, John: Morgan Plus 4 Super Profile
ELLIS, John: Visible Fictions. Cinema Television Video
BAZIN, Andre: What is Cinema? VOLUME II
VANDENBROUCKE, Russell: Truths the Hand Can Touch. The Theatre of Athol Fugard
ELAM, Keir: The Semiotics of Theatre and Drama
BEJA, Morris (Edited by): James Joyce: Dubliners, and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
LYONS, John: Language and Linguistics
PRANCE, Claude A: Peppercorn Papers
MOORE, Thomas: Handbook of Practical Smithing and Forging. Engineers and General Smiths Work
JOHNS, W.E: Biggles Flies North
BOCCACCIO, Giovanni (Translated By John PAYNE): The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio (Il Boccaccio) Now First Completely Done Into English Prose and Verse
HESELTINE, Nigel: From Libyan Sands to Chad
WILLIAMSON, Jack: The Humanoids
ADAIR, Hazel & MARRIOTT, Ronald: Stranger from Space
SYMONS, Arthur: From Toulouse-Lautrec to Rodin With Some Personal Impressions
COOKE, F.B: Cruising Hints
BOLDREWOOD, Rolf (Pseud T A BROWNE): War to the Knife, or Tangata Maori
BERGIN, Allen E. & STRUPP, Hans H: Changing Frontiers in the Science of Psychotherapy
EYSENCK, H.J. (Edited by): Behaviour Therapy and the Neuroses. Readings in Modern Methods of Treatment Derived from Learning Theory
HAYEK, F.A: The Sensory Order. An Inquiry Into the Foundations of Theoretical Psychology
SYKES, Friend: Humus and the Farmer
ESTERHUYSE, D.J. / FOURIE, S: Preliminary Note on Phallic Objects from Spitskop / Notes on a New Tritylodontid from the Cave Sandstone of South Africa
CLARK, Kenneth: Moments Of Vision
HOFFMAN, A.C. & BAARD, E: Bushman Engravings on Walking Sticks, Magic Sticks, A Calabash and Ostrich Egg-Shells
BETTELHEIM, Bruno & JANOWITZ, Morris: Social Change and Prejudice
PETTIGREW, Thomas F: A Profile of the Negro American
FORD, Donald H. & URBAN, Hugh B: Systems of Psychotherapy. A Comparative Study
TAYLOR, Tom, Illustrated by Birket Foster: Birket Foster's Pictures of English Landscape (Engraved By the Brothers Dalziel), with Pictures in Words By Tom Taylor
DIEZ, F.M. (After STIELER, Adolf): Deutschland, Konigr. Der Niederlands, Konigr. Belgien Und Die Schweiz nebst Theilen der angränzenden Länder bis Oxford, Portsmouth, Havre, Tours, Lyon, Genua, Bologna, Pesth, Warschau, Königsberg, Odense etc. Nach Adolf Stieler's Entwurf. .......
POSTHUMUS, Cyril: World Sports Car Championship
DURAS, Marguerite: La Douleur
McLEAN, Angus: Vive La Legion
LIAS, Godfrey (Introduction John Bagot GLUBB): Glubb's Legion
INNES, Michael: An Awkward Lie
CHURCHILL, Winston: A Churchill Anthology
ZUID-AFRIKAANSCHE REPUBLIEK: Correspondentie Van De Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek Met Betrekking Tot De Kwestie Van Aziatische Gekleurde Personen. Nos. 1 / 2 / 3
ZUID-AFRIKAANSCHE REPUBLIEK: Officiele Bescheien Omtrent De Munt-Conferentie Te Pretoria Gehouden Op Maandag Den 6den Februari 1893, En Volgende Dagen
ZUID-AFRIKAANSCHE REPUBLIEK: Correspondentie Van De Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek Met Betrekking Tot Eenige Wetten En Tractaten in Verband Met De Conventie Van Londen Van 1884 (AND) Verdere Correspondentie...
ZUID AFRIKAANSCHE REPUBLIEK: Rapport Over De Mapochsgronden
ROWSE, A.L: Christopher Marlowe. a Biography
STRATTON-PORTER, Gene: The Harvester
HASLUCK, Paul: Terra-Cotta Work. Modelling Moulding and Firing
SAYCE, R.U: Primitive Arts and Crafts. An Introduction to the Study of Material Culture
LEROUX, Gaston: Cheri-bibi and Cecily
GLOVER, P.E. , and Others (Edited by): East African Wildlife Journal Volume 1: August 1963
GLOVER, P.E. , and Others (Edited by): East African Wildlife Journal Volume 2: August 1964
HINCHCLIFF, Peter: Calendar of Cape Missionary Correspondence 1800-1850
LANGHAM-CARTER, R.R: Old St. George's. The Story of Cape Town's First Cathedral
SCHAUDER, Colin D: The Historic Village of Bethelsdorp
POSSELT, F.W.T: Fact and Fiction. A Short Account of the Natives of Southern Rhodesia
MALAN, J.S: Swazi Culture
BECKER, Peter: Rule of Fear. The Life and Times of Dingane King of Zulu
NEWMAN. EHLERS. IMPEY: Prize Essays on Leprosy
MARCHIAFAVA and BIGNAMI; MANNABERG: Two Monographs on Malaria and the Parasites of Malarial Fevers
SOUTHWORTH, P.J.M: Some Early Robey Steam Engines
LASLETT, Thomas: Timber And Timber Trees
WOLFSON, Harry Austryn: Repercussions of the Kalam in Jewish Philosophy
ROBINSON, William: Heavy-oil Engines of Akroyd Type. Being Developments of Compression-Ignition Oil Engines, Including Modern Applications to Land Purposes, Marine and Airship Prpopulsion, and Railway Traction
RYDER, John: A Suite of Fleurons or A Preliminary Enquiry Into the History & Combinable Natures of Certain Printers' Flowers
LANE, Allen: Boxwood & Graver. A Miscellany of Blocks
DREYFUS, John: William Caxton and His Quincentenary
MORISON, Stanley: Letter Forms Typographic and Scriptorial. Two Essays on Their Classification, History and Bibliography