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OPPENHEIM, E. Phillips: The Amazing Quest of Mr. Ernest Bliss PARKMAN, Sydney M: Uncharted LE QUEUX, William: The Double Shadow
WILLIAMS, Valentine: Courier to Marrakesh BOOTHBY, Guy: A Bid for Fortune HORLER, Sydney: Princess After Dark
ROHMER, Sax: The Quest of the Sacred Slipper ROHMER, Sax: Brood of the Witch Queen SELTZER, Charles Alden: The Boss Of the Lazy 'Y'
ROHMER, Sax: Dope LANGSTAFF, J. Brett: Dr. Bard of Hyde Park APTHEKER, Herbert (Edited by): Marxism and Alienation. A Symposium
LEVYNS, J.E.P. (Edited by): Insnar'd with Flowers. The Memoirs of a Great South African Botanist Dr. M.R.B. Levyns BROUWER, Norman: International Register of Historic Ships AUSTIN, L.F: At Random. Essays and Stories
BULAWAYO CHRONICLE (FYNN, T.C. Introduction by): Matabeleland 1893-1933. An Illustrated Record of the Fortieth Anniversary Celebrations of the Occupation ISOM, John Shaddox: Fox Grapes. Cherokee Verse SIMONDS, William Adams: Henry Ford. A Biography
HOWARD, N.E: Handbook for Telescope Making DILNOT, George: Man Hunters. Great Detectives and Their Achievements NATHAN, Robert: The Darkening Meadows. Poems, Including 'Dunkirk'
O' CONNOR, Frank: The Mirror In the Roadway DEVITT, Napier: Legal Atmospherics. Stories of the Courts of Justice O'BRIEN, R. Barry: The Life of Lord Russell of Killowen
HAINES, Lynn and Dora B: The Lindberghs HANNA, Shenouda: Who are the Copts HOURMOUZIOS, Stelio: No Ordinary Crown. A Biography of King Paul of the Hellenes
MERRFILD, Knud: A Poet And Two Painters : A memoir Of D.H Lawrence HERD, Norman: Counter Attack. The Story of the South African Shopworkers DEANE, Philip: Captive in Korea
KAYE, M.M: Shadow of the Moon SMITH, Philip H: Tuning for Speed and Economy SMITH, Philip H: Design and Tuning of Competition Engines
BITMEAD. Richard: French Polishing and Enamelling. A Practical Work of Instruction, Including Numerous Recipes for Making Polishes, Varnishes, Glaze-Lacquers, Revivers, Etc ROBERTS, C.E. Bechofer: The Trial of Reginald Sidney Buckfield. Edited, with a Foreword and Note on Crime and Insanity SCOTT, Justin: Stone Dust
CREW, Albert: The Old Bailey. History: Constitution: Functions. Notable Trials CECIL, Hugh: The Speeches of Lord Birkenhead STEPNIAK: The Russian Peasantry
MILLS, John FitzMaurice: Acrylic Painting STEYN, Peter, Illustrated by Graeme Arnott: Birds of Prey of Southern Africa. Their Identification & Life Histories GLAZERSON, Matityahu: Letters of Fire. Mystical Insights Into the Hebrew Language
TUNSTALL, Brian: William Pitt Earl of Chatham ARMFIELD. Jim: Fighting Back DAVIS, Mac: Jews Fight Too!
PRYCE-LEWIS, O: When First We Practice, or the Life of Jan Michiel Endres, Surgeon COPE, Zachary: The Royal College of Surgeons in England. A History MENCKEN, H.L: A Mencken Chrestomathy
MENCKEN, H.L: The Days of H L Mencken. Happy Days. Newspaper Days. Heathen Days MENCKEN, H.L: The Bathtub Hoax and Other Blasts & Bravos from the Chicago Tribune FORGUE, Guy J.(Edited by): Letters of H L Mencken
NOLTE, William H. (Edited by): H.L.Mencken's Smart Set Criticism RIGGIO, Thomas P. (Edited by): Dreiser-Mencken Letters. The Correspondence of Theodore Dreiser and H L Mencken 1907 - 1945 MANCHESTER, William: Disturber of the Peace. The Life of H L Mencken
FLOERKE, Hanns (Translated by): Die Memoiren Von Des Herzogs Von Saint-Simon LEY, J.W.T: The Dickens Circle. A Narrative of the Novelist's Friendships WEALE, Putnam: The Unknown God
INCHLEY, William: The Theory of Heat Engines MAYNARD, Kenneth: First Lieutenant DUXBURY, GEO, R: David And Goliath: The First War Independence 1880-1881
PRESCOTT, John: Mechanics of Particles & Rigid Bodies DELACORTA: Diva POWELL, Lester: A Count of Six
BERGMANS, John: Schoon Oisterwijk. Officieele Geillustreerde Gids VAN HEERDEN, Ernst: Etikette Op My Koffer. Bladsye Uit 'n Amerikaanse Reisjoernaal CAMERON, Hector Charles: Joseph Lister the Friend of Man
YOUNG, A.F. & ASHTON, E.T: British Social Work in the Nineteenth Century BAYNE, Charles S., Illustrated by C.F Tunnicliffe: Exploring England BANKS, T.C: History Of The Ancient Family Of Marmyun; Their Singular Office of King's Champion By the Tenure of the Baronial Manor of Scrivelsby in the County of Lincoln; Also, Other Dignatorial Tenures and the Services of London, Oxford Etc on the Coronation Day...
CHURCHILL, Winston S: Arms and the Covenant BACKWELL, H.F. (New Introductory Note By M. HISKETT): The Occupation of Hausaland 1900-1904. Being a Translation of Arabic Letters Found in the House of the Wazir of Sokoto, Bohari, in 1903 AICARDI, Maurice; BOZO, Dominique; LEIRIS, Michel; CHAR, Rene: Picasso. Oeuvres Recues En Paiement Des Droits De Succession. Grand Palais 11 Octobre 1979 - 7 Janvier 1980
NILANT, F.G: Contemporary Pottery in South Africa MONTAIGNE, Michel De (Introduction and Notes By G. MICHAUT): De L'institution Des Enfants. Edition Critique CROUZET, Michel: Stendahl. Quatre Etudes Sur Lucien Leuwen