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ABERDARE, Lord (Edited by): Rackets, Squash Rackets, Tennis Fives & Badminton
BRAMBLE, A. York: Air-Plane Flight
FREDERICK, Charles and Numerous Others: Fox-Hunting
MITCHINER, Philip H: Medical Organisation and Surgical Practice in Air Raids
TANNER, Hans: The Ferrari
RONDOT, Pierre: The Changing Patterns of the Middle East
SAYERS, R.S: Financial Policy 1939-45 (History of the Second World War)
KALLAS, Aino: The Wolf's Bride
WUNDT, Wilhelm: Sinnlkiche Und Unbersinnliche Welt
BONAPARTE, Napoleon-Ludwig (Introduction By SCHULTE, Franz): Ideen Napoleons
BRAIN, Peter: South African Radar in World War II
EVANS-PRITCHARD, E.E: The Sanusi of Cyrenaica
FREEDBERG, S.J: Painting of the High Renaissance in Rome and Florence
MALRAUX, Andre: Days Of Contempt
MACHADO, Jose De Sousa: Brasoes Ineditos
ARGYLL, George Douglas, Duke of (EDited By the Dowager Duchess of Argyll ): Autobiography and Memoirs
FERENS ART GALLERY HULL: Catalogue of Works By Frank Brangwyn R.A., LL.D. In the Permanent Collection
ANGIER, R.H: Fiearm Blueing and Browning
STEINBECK, John: Nurning Bright
SHAFFER, Peter: Five Finger Exercise
GUINNESS, H. Grattan: The New World of Central Africa, with a History of the First Christian Mission on the Congo
RANSOME-WALLIS, P: Locomotives Through the Lens
ADELPHOI: His Kingdom in Kenya
WELLS, H.G: A Propos Of Dolopres
KENYON, Michael: The Shooting of Dan McGrew
FEULNER, Adolf: Bayerisches Rokoko
TODHUNTER, I: A History of the Mathematical Theory of Probability from the Time of Pascal to That of Laplace
RUST, Frances: Dance in Society. An Analysis of the Relationship Between the Social Dance and Society, in England, from the Middle Ages to the Present Day
PENZANCE, James Plaisted Wilde, Baron: Lord Penzance on the Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy. A Judicial Summing Up
VAN DER POST, Laurens: The Voice of Thunder
PALMER, Stuart: Nipped in the Bud
MASTERSON, Whit: Hunter of the Blood
PARKER, Robert B: The Judas Goat
POPPELREUTER, Walter: Richtlinien Der Praktisch-Psychologischen Begutachtung
LEISHMAN, J.B: Translating Horace. Thirty Odes, Translated Into the Original Metres with the Latin Text and an Introductory and Critical Essay
PLAUTUS, T. Maccius (Edited, with an Introduction and Notes By Nicholas MOSELEY & Mason HAMMOND): Menaechmi
BLAKE, William: These Mtres Meet. Six Poems
WILLIAMS, valentine: The Return Of Clubfoot
GREAVES, John: Dickens at Doughty Street
KENEALLY, Thomas: Confederates
NEVIN, Thomas A: The Quivering Spear. A Journey Through Legendary South Africa in Words, Art & Photography
STOCK, Dennis: Alaska
BAGSTER (BIBLE): The Analytical Greek Lexicon Consisting of an Alphabetical Arrangement of Every Occurring Inflexion of Every Word Contained in the Greek New Testament Scriptures, with a Grammatical Analysis of Each Word and Lexicographical Illustration of the Meanings:
(GUIDE BOOK): A Pictorial and Descriptive Guide to the Isle of Man
PULVER, Jeggrey: A Biographical Dictionary of Old English Music
ASIMOV, Isaac: The Currents of Space
EDMOND, John: Troopiesongs (MPL 30004)
EDMOND, John: Troopiesongs Phase II (MPL 30007)
EDMOND, John: Troopiesongs Phase III (TJC 13031)
ROTH, H. Ling: Great Benin. Its Customs, Art and Horrors
CONWELL, Russell H: The Life, Travels, and Literary Career of Bayard Taylor
O'CURRY, Eugene: Lectures on the Manuscript Materials of Ancient Irish History
HAAS, Arthur: Das Naturbild Der Neuen Physik
PRINGSHEIM, Peter: Fluorescenz Und Phosphorescenz Im Lichte Der Neueren Atomtheorie
PLANCK, Max: Kausalgesetz Und Willensfreiheit. Offentlicher Vortrag Gehalten in Der Preussischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften am 17 Februar 1923
SALMON, John: The Ancient Irish Church as a Witness to Catholic Doctrine
McKANE, Kathleen: Lawn Tennis. How to Improve Your Game
HAUGHTON, S.H: Gondwanaland and the Distribution of Early Reptiles (Alex L. Du Toit Memeorial Lectures No.3)
GEVERS, T.W: The Life and Work of Dr. Alex L. Du Toit
PENTECOST, Hugh: Murder In High Places
GARNETT, Richard (Introduction by): Journal of Edward Ellerker Williams. Companion of Shelley and Byron in 1821 and 1822
BLUNDEN, Edmund: The Waggoner and Other Poems
WEBB, Marion St. John, Illustrated by Margaret W. Tarrant: The Littlest One's Third Book
WOSTINHOLM, J.B. & STONES. H.H. (Compiled by): Yorkshire County Cricketr Club. Tenth Annual Issue. List of Officers. Fixtures for Season 1902. Rules. Laws of Cricket. Members. Matches and Averages 1901. County Records. List of Players Who Have Played for the County. Diary for Season 1902 &c. &c
MOYES, Patricia: Dead Men Don't Ski
MACKENZIE, Compton: Hunting The Fairies
GASH, Jonathan: Gold from Gemini
GOSLING, Paula: The Woman in Red
DAY LEWIS, C (From the French of Paul VALERY): The Graveyard from the Sea
MACKENZIE, M. Compton: Poems
VARMA, Devendra P: The Gothic Flame, Being a History of the Gothic Novel in England: Its Origins, Efflorescence, Disintegration and Residuary Influences
BEAR, Cecil (Edited by): British Olympic Association. Official Report of the London Olympic Games 1948
DE LA MARE, Walter: The Winnowing Dream
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BOYER, Richard L: The Giant Rat of Sumatra