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MASEFIELD, John (Adapted and Partiallyb Translated from the French of Jean RACINE): Berenice (A Tragedy) FRANKAU, Gilbert: The Judgement of Valhalla HYDE.H. Montgomery (Edited by): The Trials of Oscar Wilde Regina (Wilde) V. Queensbury. Regina V. Wilde and Taylor
RANSOME, Arthur: Oscar Wilde. A Critical Study WOODCOCK, George: The Paradox of Oscar Wilde GRAHAM, Harry, Illustrated by Fougasse: The World's Workers
WILDE, Oscar: For the Love of the King NAVAL INTELLIGENCE DIVISION, NAVAL STAFF, ASMIRALTY: A Handbook of the Uganda Protectorate BENZ, Ernst: Messianische Kirchen, Sekten Und Bewegungen Im Heutigen Afrika
BLELOCH, W.E: The Far East and Its Reefs, Mines and Share Values STONEHOUSE, Bernard: Wideawake Island. The Story of the B.O.U. Centenary Expedition to Ascension BALANDIER, Georges: Ambiguous Africa
BEEBE, William: Jungle Peace MACFARLANE, D.R: On Some Remarkable Gravel Deposits on the Kornet Spruit, Basutoland MACFARLANE, D.R: Evidence in Support of a Pre-Chellean Culture from the East London Clays
MACFARLANE, D.R: On the East London Levallois ROSE-INNES, James; BURTON, H; DOUGLAS, R.B.; FREMANTLE, Prof.; M'TIMKULU, A: Native Disabilities in the Union of South Africa. Speeches Delivered in the City Hall (Banqueting Room) Capetown at a Crowded Meeting of Citizens on 28th January 1931 MADELEY, W.B.; BRIGGS, J.D.F.; CLEMENTS, E.A.; PAYNE, A.C.; McPHERSON, J; WEINBREN, B: Our Common Enemy. A Warning to South African Workers
HENNING, Graham A; HENNING, Stephen F.; JOANNOU, John G.; WOODHALL, Stephen E: Living Butterflies of Southern Africa. Biology. Ecology. Conservation. VOLUME 1: Hesperiidae, Papilionidae and Peridae of South Africa BERRY, L: Tanzania in Maps GREIFF, Constance; GIBBONS, Mary W.; MENZIES, Elizabeth G.C: Princeton Architecture. A Pictorial History of Town and Campus
(PERIODICAL): HALI: The International Journal of Oriental Carpets and Textiles VOL.3 No.2 CZICHOS, Raymond I: Frederic Remington 1861-1909. "He Knew the Horse" PLANGGER, Albert: Serima. Towards an African Expression of Christian Belief / Ein Versuch in Afrikanisch-Christlicher Kunst
BLACK, David & LOVELESS, Clive (Edited by): Woven Gardens. Nomad and Village Rugs of the Fars Province of Southern Persia WALKER, Barbara G: Charted Knitting Designs SELANDER, Malin: Swedish Hand Weaving
GREER, Gertrude: Adventures in Weaving DAVISON, Marguerite P: A Handweaver's Pattern Book MAIRET, Ethel: Handweaving Notes for Teachers
ATWATER, Mary Meigs: The Shuttle-Craft Book of American Weaving BLACK, Mary E: New Key to Weaving. A Textbook of Hand Weaving for the Beginning Weaver BLOCK, Mary: Den Stora Vavboken. En Praktisk Handledning I Vavkonsten for Nyborjare Och Mera Forfarna
FORMAN, W. & B. And WASSEF, Ramses Wissa: Tapestries from Egypt Woven By the Children of Harrania DUBUS, Pascale: Domenico Beccafumi MARAIS, J.S: The Colonisation of New Zealand
SAMPSON, Anthony: Drum. A Venture Into the New Africa COSTER, William: Songs and Poems "MOME": The Off-Wheeler Ballads and Other Verses
KOLBE, F.C: Additional Verses ABBOTT, H.H: An Essex Harvest & Other Poems SITWELL, Edith: The Collected Poems of Edith Sitwell
MAGRAW, John Edward: Some Favorite Verses Some Fresh Verses SCRIMGEOUR, A.C.S: A Little Book of Verse DAVIES, W.H., Illustrated by Dora M Batty: A Poet's Alphabet
MARBURG, Theodore, Illustrated by J. Le Blant: In the Hills. Poems HOFMEYR, Jan H: South Africa (The Modern World Series) ROSS, J.H: The Acacia Species of Natal
SITWELL, Osbert & BARTON, Margaret: Brighton KAFKA, Franz (translated By Richard and Clara WINSTON): Letters to Friends, Family and Editors FORSTER, E.M: The Life to Come and Other Stories.(Abinger Edition Volume 8)
MAFDAN, A.C: An Outline Grammar Intended as an Aid In the Study of Bantu and Kindred Languages GRAHAM, Thomas: The Diseases of Females. A Treatise Describing Their Symptoms, Causes, Varieties and Treatment, Including the Diseases and Management of Pregnancy and Confinement, Designed as a Companion to the Author's "Modern Domestic Medicine"... STAMP, L. Dudley: Some Aspects of Medical Geography
LOUW, C.S: A Manual of the Chikaranga Language, with Grammar, Exercises, Useful Coversational Sentences and Vocabulary (english - Chikaranga and Chikaranga - English) HOUGHTON, Claude: This Was Ivor Trent HURST, Arthur F: Essays and Addresses on Digestive and Nervous Diseases and on Addison's Anaemia and Asthma
MITCHELL, G.A: Crane and Hoist Engineering. A Complete Reference Book on Design, Construction and Application of Cranes SHEPPARD, Tan Sri Dato Mubin: Living Crafts of Malaysia AGAR-HAMILTON, J.A.I & TURNER, L.C.F: Crisis in the Desert May - July 1942
NAIDOO, S.R. & Bramdaw Dhanee: Sastri Speaks PENUELI, S.Y. & UKHMANI, A: Anthology of Modern Hebrew Poetry WARREN, Kenneth: Fifty Years of the Green Line
DARLI, V.H: London Bus and Tram Album Second Series DRYHURST, Michael: London Bus and Tram Album Second Series JOWETT, Robert E: A Silence of Trolleybuses
BOOTH, Gavin (Edited by): Buses Annual 1974 BOOTH, Gavin (Edited by): Buses Annual 1973 WATTS, G.W: Buses Seventy One
ANDERSON, R.C: A History of Crosville Motor Services ANDERSON, R.C. & FRANKIS, G.G.A: A History of Royal Blue Express Services ANDERSON, R.C. & FRANKIS, G.G.A: A History of Western National
MADVIG, I.N: A Latin Grammar for the Use of Schools HAI, Hui (Translated By John BLOFELD): The Path to Sudden Attainment. A Treatise of the Ch'an (Zen) School of Chinese Buddhism CLOETE, Stuart: Watch for the Dawn