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COMPTON, Theodore: William Cookworthy
CALDECOTT, W. Shaw: The Second Temple in Jerusalem. Its History and Its Structure
HUMPHREYS, Christmas: The Great Pearl Robbery of 1913. A Record of Fact
NEUSTATTER, W. Lindesey: The Mind of the Murderer
GLAISTER, John: The Power of Poison
CORNELL, Julien: The Trial of Ezra Pound. A Documented Case of the the Treason Case By the Defendant's Lawyer
JOUGHIN, G. Louis & MORGAN, Edmund H: The Legacy of Sacco and Vanzetti
HIGH, James L. (Edited by): Speeches of Lord Erskine While at The Bar
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HYDE, H. Montgomery (Edited by): Trial of Roger Casement
HYDE, H. Montgomery: Oscar Wilde: The Aftermath
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PECK, William, H: Drawings From Ancient Egypt
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AYERS, Gwendolyne M: England's First State Hospitals 1867 - 1930
LOTHROP, S.K: Treasures of Ancient America
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CRAIG, Robert & JARVIS, Rupert: Liverpool Registry of Merchant Ships
NASSIBIAN, Akaby: Britain and the Armenian Question 1915 - 1923
MARSHALL, P.J: The Impeachment of Warren Hastings
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CURREY, C.H: Sir Francis Forbes. The First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of New South Wales
PARRY, Leonard A: Some Famous Medical Trials
MAZAHERI, A: Les Tresors De L'tran
DIDEROT: Recueil De Planches Sur Les Sciences, Les Arts Liberaux et Les Arts Mechaniques, Avec Leur Explication. Septieme Livraison Ou Huitieme Volume
SMITH, Thorne: The Glorious Pool
DE BERNIERES, Louis: The War Of Don Emmanuel's Nether Parts
EDELSTEIN, Melville Leonard: What Do Young Africans Think? An Attitude Survey of Urban African Matric Pupils in Soweto with Special Rederence to Stereotyping and Social Distance. A Sociological Study
CHUN, Byung Ok: Decorative Designs in the Houses of Chosun Dynasty Period
LUCIAN (Transl. Niclas Von WYLES): Lucians Esel
MEYER-ECKHARDT, Victor: Dionysos
BRISCOE, Walter A & STANNARD, H. Russell: Captain Ball V.C. The Career of Flight-Commander Ball, V.C., D.S.O
PANOFSKY, Erwin: Tomb Sculpture
CHEETHAM, Jack: Caught By the Springboks. An Account of the South African Cricket Tour in Australia and New Zealand 1952-53
BLOOM, Alan: Steam Engines at Bressingham. The Story of a Live Steam Museum
ORCZY, Baroness: The Man in Grey, Being Episodes of the Chouan Conspiracies in Normandy During the First Empire
LEACOCK, Stephen: The Unsolved Riddle of Social Justice
(ANON): Natal Field Artillery Centenary 1862 - 1962
SIMPSON, Eve Blantyre: Sir James Y. Simpson
CULLEN, Anthony: Downey's Africa
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GOULD, Tony: In Limbo. The Story of Stanley's Rear Column
MAYER, Adrian C: Peasants in the Pacific. A Study of Fiji Indian Rural Society
KARGON, Robert H: Science in Victorian Manchester. Enterprise and Expertise
NICHOLS, J.G: The Poetry of Sir Philip Sidney. An Interpretation in Thge Context of His Life and Times
GREYVENSTEIN, Chrtis: This Brutal Glory
SANGSTER, Jimmy: Touchfeather, Joo
(ANON): The Life and Death of Gamaliel Ratsey, a Famous Thief, of England, Executed at Bedford the 26th of March Past. 1605
McMINNIES, W.G: Practical Flying. Complete Course of Flying Instruction
CHASE, James Hadley: You Never Know with Women
OPLER, Morris Edward: An Apache Way of Life. The Economic, Social and Religious Institutions of the Chiricahua Indians
AIKEN, William Appleton & HENNING, Basil D (Edited by): Conflict in Stuart England. Essays in Honour of Wallace Notestein
RUDE, George: The Crowd in the French Revolution
WILSON, Charles: Anglo-Dutch Commerce and Finance in the Eighteenth Century
JOHNSTON, Paul: Body Politic
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DAVIS, Lindsey: Last Act in Palmyra
LANGA, Ben J. (Edited by): Creativity and Black Development
BLAIR, Peter Hunter: An Introduction to Anglo-Saxon England
WEBSTER, Nesta H: Secret Societies and Subversive Movements
JACOB, E.F: Essays in Later Medieval History
MILNER, Marion: The Hands of Living God. An Account of a Psycho-Analytic Treatment
BOND, Frederick Bligh: The Gate of Remembrance. The Story of the Psychological Experiment Which Resulted in the Discovery of the Edgar Chapel at Glastonbury. Fourth Edition with a Record of the Finding of the Loretto Chapel in 1919
COOPER Simon: The pretty Boys
BURNHAM, John B: The Rim of Mystery. A Hunter's Wanderings in Unknown Siberian Asia
LE CORBUSIER: Towards a New Architecture
SOUTHERN AFRICAN ASSOCIATION OF ARTS: The First Quadrennial Exhibition of South African Art / Die Eerste Vierjaarlikse Tentoonstelling Van Suid-Afrikaanse Kuns 1956
BETTANY, Lewis: Edward Jerningham and His Friends. A Series of Eighteenth Century Letters