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(PERIODICAL): Sudan Notes and Records Vol. XX (PERIODICAL): Sudan Notes and Records Vol. XVII (PERIODICAL): Sudan Notes and Records Vol. XXII
(PERIODICAL): Sudan Notes and Records Vol. XXVIII SCHUMANN, C.G.W: Structural Changes and Business Cycles in South Africa 1806 - 1936 I.C.S. STAFF: Woolen Carding and Spinning
ANDREAE, Aug: Uber Die Anlage Von Springbahnen, Den Bau Von Turnier-Hindernissen Und Solchen Zum Einspringen Von Pferden FIGUIER, Louis: The Day After Death, or Future Life According to Science AUTOBOOKS TEAM OF WRITERS AND ILLUSTRATORS: Land-Rover 2, 2A, 3 1959 - 78 Autobook. Land-Rover Series 2 2 1/4 Litre Petrol 1959-61; Series 2A, Petrol, Diesel 1961-71; Series 3, Petrol, Diesel 1971-78
MAURICE, F: The Life of Lord Wolseley DE SADE, Marquis: Quartet BEN-ISRAEL, Hedva: English Historians On the French Revolution
O'GORMAN, F: The Whig Party and the French Revolution LEWIS, P.S: Later Medieval France. The Polity BROWN, P.A: The French Revolution in English History
SHAW, George Bernard: Music in London 1890 - 1894 ROBINSON, Douglas H: The Dangerous Sky. A History of Aviation Medicine CASTORF, Heino and Others: Der Verein Deutscher Papierfabrikanten. Festschrift Zum 50 Jahrigen Jubilaum Des Vereines
PINDAR: Odes, Including the Principal Fragments AESCHYLUS (translated By Herbert Weir SMYTH): (Works) Suppliant Maidens / Persinas / Prometheus / Seven Against Thebes / Agamemnon / Libation-Bearers / Eumenides / Fragments / the Appendix Containing the More Considerable Fragments Published Since 1930 ... HONIG, Lucy: Picking Up
LEES-SMITH, H.B: Second Chambers in Theory & Practice NORTHCLIFFE, Lord: Motors and Motor Driving MANNING, Frederic: The Vigil of Brunhild. A Narrative Poem
SPEDDING, James: Evenings with a Reviewer or MacAulay and Bacon STODDART, Anna M: John Stuart Blackie. A Biography SINCLAIR, Upton: No Pasaran, (They Shall not pass.)
LEGG, L.G. Wickham (Edited by): British Diplomatic Instructions 1689 - 1789. VOL.II: France 1689 - 1721 CHANCE, James Frederick (Edited by): British Diplomatic Instructions 1689 - 1789. VOL.V: Sweden 1727 - 1789 CHANCE, James Frederick (Edited by): British Diplomatic Instructions 1689 - 1789. VOL.III: Denmark
LEGG, L.G. Wickham (Edited by): British Diplomatic Instructions 1689 - 1789. VOL.VI: France 1727 - 1744 PEARSON, Charles: History of England During the Early and Middle Ages WINDELBAND, Wilhelm: Praludien. Aufsatze Und Reden Zur Einfuhrung in Die Philosophie
JEBB, Caroline: The Life and Letters of Sir Richard Claverhouse Jebb ELZE, Karl: William Shakespeare. A Literary Biography SALESKI, Gdal: Famous Musicians of a Wandering Race
SUTCLIFFE, G. Lister (Edited by): The Modern Plumber and Sanitary Engineer, Treating of Plumbing, Sanitary Work, Ventilation, Heating (Electric and other), Hot Water Servcices, Gas-Fitting , Electric Lighting, Bell-work, Glazing , &c WOUK, Herman: The Caine Mutiny BLUMENTHAL, Jedediah (Edited M. Sharon & C.J.Ginsberg): Jedidiah's Vision. Zionism in South Africa. 60 Years of Jedediah Blumenthal's Writings
(TRADE CATALOGUE) ISTITUTO RIZZOLI: Catalogo Dell'officina Ortopedica Dell'istituto Rizzoli in Bologna LEVY-BRUHL, L: The Philosophy of Auguste Comte COLEGATE, Isabel: The Shooting Party
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COLE, Henri: The Look of Things GRAHAM, Jorie: The Errancy. Poems STEINHARDT, Jacob & BARUCH, F: The Book Of Jonah
TAYLOR, Bayard: Eldorado, or Adventures in the Path of Empire BEECHER, Catherine A: An Essay on Slavery and Abolitionism with Reference to the Duties of American Females JOHDANTO, & AMIDEI, Rosanna Barbiellini: Eila Hiltunen
YAMAMOTO, Chikyo: Introduction to Buddhist Art HAMPTON, Duane: Mark Hampton. The Art of Friendship MEAD, Robin: Crete
HUNT, David (Edited by): Footprints in Cyprus. An Illustrated History WATT, Francis: The Book of Edinburgh Anecdote EMERSON, Isabel: Things Seen in Sicily
GERARD, Francis: Malta Magnificent WHITWELL, E.R: Through Corsica with a Paint Brush DUGMORE, H.H. (Edited E.H.CROUCH): Verse
SNOWMAN, A. Kenneth: The Art of Carl Faberge CAMPBELL, Malcolm: Thunder Ahead (TRADE CATALOGUE) (HENRY HOPE): Hope's Leadwork
KNIGHT, Charles: Old England. A Pictorial Museum of Regal, Ecclesiastical, Municipal, Baronial and Popular Antiquities HAY, John, Illustrated by Joseph Pennell: Castilian Days COLES, S.F.A: Spain Everlasting
HUDDLESTON, Sisley: Between the River and the Hills. A Normandy Pastoral RAPHAEL, Mary: The Lure of the Loire RUIZ, Delfin Rodriguez and Others: Francisco Sabatini 1721 - 1797
NISBET, John: Glasgow: A Sketch Book CHEVRILLON, A: Sydney Smith et La Renaissance Des Idees Liberales En Angleterre Au XIXe Siecle COPLESTON, Frederick: Religion and the One. Philosophies East and West
CARRINGTON, Hereward: Psychic Phenomena and the War LAPPENBERG, J.M. (Translated By THORPE, Benjamin ): A History of England Under the Norman Kings, or from the Battle of Hastings to the Accession of the House of Plantagenet BARCLAY, Thomas: Problems of International Practice and Diplomacy, with Special Reference to the Hague Conferences and Conventions and Other International Agreements