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STEINER, Rudolf: Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment HOLDEN, W. Clifford: A Brief History of Methodism and of Methodist Missions in South Africa MUNRO, Alice: Somthing I've Been Meaning to Tell You
ROWLEY, Henry: The Story of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa from Its Commencement Under Bishop Mackenzie, to Its Withdrawal from the Zambesi GIBSON, Walter B & Litzka R: The Complete Illustrated Book of Divination and Prophecy MEEK, George & HARRIS, Bertha: From Seance to Science
FORD, Arthur: Unknown But Known PHILLIPS, P: Here and There. More Psychic Experiences POLE, Wellesley Tudor: Writing on the Ground
GUIRDHAM, Arthur: A Foot in Both Worlds WHITE, Ruth & SWAINSON, Mary: Seven Inner Journeys WHITE, Ruth & SWAINSON, Mary: Gildas Communicates
ROBERTS, Jane: Psychic Politics THORNTON, Edward: The Diary of a Mystic STARR, Irina: The Sound of Light
AGRIPPA, Henry Cornelius: Occult Philosophy or Magic RUSSELL, Walter: The Message of the Divine Iliad RUSSELL, Lao: Why You Cannot Die!
HEATON, Peter: The Sea Gets Greyer VILLIERS, Alan: Pioneers of the Seven Seas ALDERMAN, H.M.A: The Charm of Old Surrey
GRIMSHAW, Beatrice: In the Strange South Seas JAMESON, William: The Most Formidable Thing. The Story of the Submarine from Its Earliest Days to the End of World War I GRATTIDGE, H (in Collaboration with Richard COLLIER): Captain of the Queens
LETHBRIDGE, T.C: Herdsmen and Hermits. Celtic Seafarers in the Northern Seas FARNOL, Jeffrey,: The Glad Summer LEWIS, Michael: England's Sea Officers
GULLY, James Manby: The Water Cure in Chronic Disease HALEVI, Z'ev Ben Shimon: Adam and the Kabbalistic Tree GELLHORN, Martha: Pretty Tales For Tired People
BARKER, Gray: Gray Barker at Giant Rock BLAVATSKY, H. P: Isis Unveiled FRIEDMAN, Sanford: Totempole
LEMESURIER, Peter: The Great Pyramid Decoded ZINK, David: The Stones of Atlantis GOODWIN, John: A View Of Fuji
WALTHAM, Clae: Shu Ching Book of History. A Modernized Edition Based on the Translations of James Legge TRUNGPA, Chogyam: Mudra MARCH, Joseph Moncure, Illustrated by Art Spiegelman: The Wild Party
KEARSEY, A: Shenandoah Valley Campaign 1861 - 1862. A Study Of the Strategy and Tactics of the Campaign THOMAS, R.C.W: The Battles of Alam Halfa and El Alamein KEROUAC, Jack: Big Sur
LLOYD GEORGE, David: The Great War WORDLEY, Derek: The Third Front Europe's Underground Press LENNHOFF, Eugene: Agents of Hell. Himmler's Fifth Column
ROOSEVELT, Eleanor: The Moral Basis of Democracy MANOLAS, C.J: The Facts About Greece. A Summary of The Events Preceding and Following December 1944 RADHAKRISHNAN, Sarvepalli (Edited by): The Cultural Heritage of India
PRABHAVANANDA, Swami: The Spiritual Heritage of India SHAH, Idries: The Way of the Sufi EL EFLAKI, Shemsu-'D-Din Ahmed: Legends of the Sufis. Selections from Menaqibu' L'arifin
LINGS, Martin: A Sufi Saint of the Twentieth Century. Shaikh Ahmad al 'Alawi. His Spiritual Heritage and Legacy SARTRE, Jean Paul: Intimacy STAM, K.D: Rays
PARACELSUS (Edited Jolande Jacobi): Selected Writings BOEHME, Jacob: Mysterium Magnum, or an Exposition Ofm the First Book of Moses Called Genesis WAGNER, Henry Raup (With the Collaboration of Helen Rand PARISH): The Life and Writings of Bartolome De Las Casas
RAMPA, Mama San Ra-Ab: Pussywillow RAMPA, Mama San Ra-Ab: Tigerlily RAMPA, T. Lobsang: Candlelight
RAMPA, T. Lobsang: Twilight QUILLER-COUCH, Arthur: Dead Man's Rock RAMPA, T. Lobsang: The Hermit
VILAYAT, Pir: Sufi Masters HARTMANN, Franz: Paracelsus. Life and Prophecies BLOCH, Chayim: The Golem. Mystical Tales from the Ghetto of Prague
SHAH, Idries: Special Problems in the Study of Sufi Ideas BERRYMAN, John: Stephen Crane KHAN, Hazrat Inayat: The Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan. VOLUME IV Health Mental Purification The Mind World
CHUANG TSU: Inner Chapters. A New Translation By Gia-Fu Feng and Jane english) HOLLEMAN, J.F: Shona Customary Law HUMPHREY, Seth K: Loafing Through Africa
HILLER, V.W: A Guide to the Public Records of Southern Rhodesia Under the Regime of the British South Africa Company 1890 - 1923 SIMPSON, J.H. & RICHARDS, R.S: Physical Principles and Applications of Junction Transistors LETHBRIDGE, T.C: Painted Men