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HENR, E.R: Classification and Uses of Finger Prints VALENTINE & SONS: Grand Photographic View Album of Dinas Mawddwy AMICHAI, Yehuda: A Life of Poetry 1948 - 1994
MERRILL, James: A Scattering of Salts MILOSZ, Czeslaw: The Collected Poems 1931 - 1987 ROSENBERG, Isaac: The Collected Works. Poetry. Prose. Letters. Paintings and Drawings
AKHMATOVA, Anna: The Complete Poems LITTLE, Carl: Edward Hopper's New England LEVIN, Gail: Hopper's Places
LEVIN, Gail: Edward Hopper the Complete Prints SCHMIDT, Michael: Lives of the Poets HARPER, Charles G: The Newmarket, Bury, Thetford and Cromer Road. Sport and History on an East Anglian Turnpike
PFANNSCHMIDT, Ernst Erik: Fountains and Springs LINDRUM, Horace: Snooker Billiards and Pool KUHAULUA, Jesse: Takamiyama. The World of Sumo
BURNLEY, Kenneth: The Illustrated Portrait of Wirral ZIERVOGEL, D. And Others: Handbook of the Speech Sounds and Sound Changes of the Bantu Languages of South Africa ENGEL, Claire Elaine: A History of Mountaineering in the Alps
RAPPOPORT, Angelo S: The Folklore of the Jews BENNE, Chris: Lamborghini Countach CECIL, Henry: Unlawful Occasions
LARTEGUY, Jean: The Bronze Drums BURTON, Richard (Edited with Notes By C.W.NEWBURY): A Mission to Gelele King of Dahome BUNIM, Irving: Ethics from Sinai, an Eclectic Wide Ranging Commentary on the Pirke Avoth
CORDER, Hugh: Judges at Work. The Role and Attitudes of the South African Apellate Judiciary 1910 - 1950 LAQUEUR, Walter: The Terrible Secret. An Investigation Into the Suppression of Hitler's "Final Solution" DOUGHTY, Charles: Arabia Deserta
FRANK, Tenney: An Economic History of Rome SETH, Vikram: All You Who Sleep Tonight MARCH, Joseph Moncure: The Wild Party. The Set Up. A Certain Wildness
CLARK, G & WAGNER, L: Potters Of Southern Africa O'NEILL, Michael: The Stripped Bed KASTNER, Erich: Let's Face it
SALKEY, Andrew (Chosen, Edited and Introduced by): Breaklight. An Anthology of Caribbean Poetry HARRISON, Tony: Selected Poems DRONSFIELD, John (Edited By Denis Hatfield Bullough): Satires and Verses
BRASIL, Emanuel & SMITH, William Jay (Edited by): Brazilian Poetry 1950 -1980 HARTNETT, David: At the Wood's Edge BLANCHOT, Maurice: Death Sentence
FET, Afanasy: I Have Come to You to Greet You ZURITA, Raul: Anteparadise COURTNEY, Roger: Claws Of Africa
ERDRICH, Louise: Jacklight CROWLEY, Aleister: Selected Poems KENNEY, Richard: The Evolution of the Flightless Bird
HULSE, Michael: Eating Strawberries in the Necropolis GUPPY, Shusha: The Blindfold Horse. Memories of a Persian Childhood CAUDWELL, Christopher: Collected Poems
NADAL, Rafael Martinez: Lorca's the Public. A Study of His Unfinished Play El Publico and of Love and Death in the Work of Federico Garcia Lorca BENN, Gottfried: Primal Vision. Selected Writings SELWYN, Victor (editor in chief): The Voice of War. Poems of the Second World War
CAMUS, Albert: The First Man STRAUSS, Jennifer (Edited by): The Oxford Book of Australian Love Poems PAZ, Octavio (Selected, with Notes, by): New Poetry of Mexico
HEATH-STUBBS, John: Selected Poems EMANTS, Marcellus (Translated with an Introduction By J.M.COETZEE): A Posthumous Confession EYBERS, Elizabeth: Noodluik. Notausgang. Afrikaanse Gedichte Mit Ubertragungen Ins Deutsche
SALTER, W.H: Zoar. The Evidence of Psychical Research Concerning Survival BOWEN, J.C.E: A New Selection from the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam ARBERRY, A.J: The Romance of the Rubaiyat. Edward Fitzgerald's First Edition Reprinted with Introduction and Notes
COLLINGWOOD, W.G: Northumbrian Crosses of the Pre-Norman Age SCHREINER, O.D: The Nettle. Political Power and Race Relations in South Africa GWATKIN, H.M. & WHITNEY, J.P: The Cambridge Medieval History. VOLUME 1: The Christian Roman Empire and the Foundation of the Teutonic Kingdoms
BAILEY, Abe: A Catalogue of Valuable Africana Consisting of Books, Pamphlets, Pictures and Prints, Busts and Bronzes, Etc., Also a Large Selection of Miscellaneous Books Being the Collection of the Late Sir Abe Bailey, Bart, K.C.M.G., to be Sold By Public Auction .. STEWART, Charles Jones (Edited By Frederick P. Schmitt): "Home At Last". A Voyage of Emigration to Liberia, West Africa, in 1861- 1862 SPIES, Werner: Christo: Surrounded Islands
BAYLISS, Wyke: The Higher Life in Art, with a Chapter on Hobgoblins By the Great Masters PRIESTLEY, J.B: Letter To A Returning Serviceman STEVENS, W.G: Freyberg, V.C. The Man 1939 - 45
FARLEIGH, John (Edited by): Fifteen Craftsmen on Their Crafts BERRY, Burton Y: Out of the Past LINTON, John: The Cross in Modern Art. Descriptive Studies of Some Pre-Raphaelite Paintings
RICE, D. Talbot: Byzantine Art SHARP, William and Elizabeth: Progress of Art in the Century WIND, Edgar: Art and Anarchy