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BROOKS, Van Wyck: Helen Keller. Sketch for a Portrait
AGATE, James E: Buzz, Buzz! Essays of the Theatre
TICKELL Jerrard: Appointment With Venus
VON DANIKEN, Erich: According to the Evidence. My Proof of Man's Extraterrestrial Origins
VON DANIKEN, Erich: Return to the Stars. Evidence for the Impossible
VON DANIKEN, Erich: Miracles of the Gods
ALMEDINGEN, E.M: The Almond Tree
COOKE, Grace: Sun-Men of the Americas
COOKE, Joan: Why on Earth. The Light of the Ancient Wisdom on Modern Problems
COOKE, Ivan: The Heavens are Ringing. A True Story About a Real Ghost
COOKE, Ivan: The Tempel Angel
BAKER, Douglas: Esoteric Psychology. The Seven Rays. (Volume Five Part One of the Seven Pillars of Ancient Wisdom )
BAKER, Douglas: Esoteric Healing Part III (Volume Three Part One of the Seven Pillars of Ancient Wisdom )
BAKER, Douglas: Anthropogeny. The Esoteric History of Man's Origin (Volume Six Part One of the Seven Pillars of Ancient Wisdom )
MORLEY, Iris: The Mighty Years
BAKER, Douglas: The Theory Interpretation and Practice of Esoteric Astrology (Volume Four Part Two of the Seven Pillars of Ancient Wisdom )
BAKER, Douglas: The Theory and Practice of Meditation (Volume Two of the Seven Pillars of Ancient Wisdom )
BAKER, Douglas: Esoteric Healing Part Two Stress Disorders (Volume Three of the Seven Pillars of Ancient Wisdom )
BAKER, Douglas: The Jewel in the Lotus (Volume One of the Seven Pillars of Ancient Wisdom )
BAKER, Douglas: The Psychology of Discipleship (Volume Eight of the Seven Pillars of Ancient Wisdom )
BAKER, Douglas: Shakespeare . The True Authorship Volume One
BAKER, Douglas: The Spiritual Diary
LEMPRIERE (Edited Douglas BAKER): Lempriere's Classical Encyclpaedia Greek and Roman Mythology
TRENCH, Brinsley Le Poer: Operation Earth
TRENCH, Brinsley Le Poer: The Flying Saucer Story
TRENCH, Brinsley Le Poer: The Eternal Subject
TRENCH, Brinsley Le Poer: Secret of the Ages: UFO's from Inside the Earth
VAN DER VEER, M.H.J. & MOERMAN, P: Hidden Worlds. Fresh Clues to the Past
TILSEY, Frank: Thicker Than Water
MOONEY, Richard: Colony: Earth. Extraterrestrial Life and Our Origins?
PAUWELS, Louis & BERGIER, Jacques: The Eternal Man
VAN DER MERWE, Nikolaas J. & HUFFMAN, T.N: Iron Age Studies in Southern Africa
JEFFREYS, M.D.W: Lobolo is Child Price (reprinted from African Studies Vol.10 No.4)
SMUTS, J.C: Sidi Rezegh and Its Call / Sidi Rezegh En Sy Oproep
PERHAM, Frank: The Kimberley Flying Column. Being Reminiscences of Service in the South African War of 1899 - 1903
BALLINGER, Margaret: All Union Politics are Native Affairs
BRELSFORD, W.V: African Dances of Northern Rhodesia
KHAMA, Tshekedi: A Statement to the British Parliament and People
HEYER, A: A Brief History of the Transvaal Secret Service System from Its Inception to the Present Time; Its Objects Its Agents, the Disposal of Its Funds and the Result as Seen Today War Against Great Britain
ANON: England and the Boers. The Short History of a Long Strife and the Case for the Outlanders. Reprinted from the Yorkshire Post
CHEYNEY, Peter: Dark Hero
SPENCER, L.J: An Inclusion of Magnetite in Diamond. Reprinted from the Mineralogical Magazine December 1924
SOUTHERN RHODESIA: Report of the Conference on Closer Association in Central Africa. London March 1951
NOCKLER, H.C. And Others: Wissenschaftliche Forschung in Sudwestafrika
BOTHA, C. Graham: The Science of Archives in South Africa. Reprinted from The South African Journal of Science Vol XXXIV Pp.1-17
JOLOBE, James J. R: Poems of an African
COUNCIL OF EDUCATION WITWATERSRAND: South African Universities. Witwatersrand Mayors' Protest
PALMER, Mabel; KUPER, Hilda; NAIDOO, B.A.; LAZARUS, A.D & COOPPAN, S: The Indian as a South African
HICHENS, Robert: The Journey Up
HEUSCHNEIDER, Karin: The Piano Sonata of the Eighteenth Century in Italy
HEUSCHNEIDER, Karin: The Piano Sonata of the Eighteenth Century in Germany
MUNNINGS, A.J: Pictures of Horses and English Life
SINCLAIR, Kevin: Over China
GRIFFIN, John Howard: The Devil Rides Outside
BEERBOHM, Julius: Wanderings in Patagonia or Life Among the Ostrich Hunters
GILLETT, James B: Six Years with the Texas Rangers 1875 - 1881
JOSEPHUS (transl. William WHISTON): The Works of Flavius Josephus
REXROTH, Kenneth: The Signature of All Things
SAYERS, Dorothy: Creed or Chaos? And Other Essays in Popular Theology
MARE, Gerhard & HAMILTON, Georgina: An Appetite for Power. Buthelezi's Inkatha and the Politics of 'Loyal Resistance'
STEER, G.L: A Date in the Desert
SCOTT, Paul: The Birds of Paradise
UNDERWOOD: Switzerland Through the Stereoscope
UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA: Arusha Declaration. Answers to Questions
TANU: The Arusha Declaration and Tanu's Policy on Socialism and Self Reliance
UNIVERSITY OF NATAL: Further Report on the Government's Intention to Remove the Faculty of Medicine from the University of Natal
PARROTT, R.S: The War History of the First Battalion Transvaal Scottish 1939 - 1945, Being a Brief Resume of the Activities of the Battalion During That Time
HUDDLESTOn, Trevor; Collins, John; RAYNES, Father & SCOTT, Michael: Four Words on South Africa
HENOCHSBURG, A.J: An Old Stager's Memories
GERARD, R: Military Formations at the Cape 1652 - 1806
MURRY, John Middleton: Nationalism and Socilaism in "The Adelphi" July 1933
MURRY, John Middleton: The Twelfth Hour (in The Adelphi July 1932)
MURRY, John Middleton: Pacifism and Socialism (in The Adelphi June 1932)
MURRY, John Middleton: The Future of the I.L.P. (in The Adelphi August 1932)
ORWELL, George (as Eric BLAIR): Review of Dawson, Christopher Mediaeval Religion (in The Adelphi November 1934)