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WOOD, F.A.S.; GAILEY, T.W.H. And Others: The People's Carriage 1874 - 1974. Bristol, The History of Bristol Tramways Co. Ltd, Bristol Tramways & Carriage Co. Ltd; Bristol Omnibus Co. Ltd
PAWLIK, Hans Peter & SLEZAK, Josef Otto: Wiener Strassenbahn Panorama. Bilder Aus Der Zeit 1865 Bis 1982
MILLAR, Alan: British Buses of the 1930's
WARREN, Philip & LINSKEY, Malcolm: A Photographic History of Taxicabs
YEOMANS, J.R: `the Lynton & Barnstaple Railway
STEVENS-STRATTON, S.W: British Lorries 1945 - 1975
BALDWIN, Nick (Compiled by): Vintage Lorry Album
ROBERTS, John: British Bus and Trolleybus Systems. Number Four. Brighton Hove & District
HOLMES, Peter: British Bus and Trolleybus Systems. Number Three. Thames Valley
OGDEN, Eric: British Bus and Trolleybus Systems. Number Seven. Lancashire United /SLT
HESS, Alan: The Inianapolis Records
(BIBLE), Illustrated by Ru Van Rossem: The Song of Songs
(BIBLE): The English Version of the Polyglot Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments
RHEAD, G. WOOLLISCROFT: Etching (Darton's Manuals for Home Work )
JARVIS, C.S: Arab Command. The Biography of Lieutenant Colonel F.G. Peake Pasha
MORRAH, Patrick: Andre Simon. Gourmet and Wine Lover
FRANSES, Jack: Tapestries and Their Mythology
SOLLAS, W.J: Ancient Hunters
CHITTY, Susan: That Singular Person Called Lear
LLOYD, John: The Story of E.R.A
LISTER-KAYE, Charles: The Popular Welsh Corgi
AYTON, C.J: The Hamlyn Guide to Japanese Motor Cycles
O'TOOLE, Laurence: The Roseland Between River and Sea
WOOD, Clement: King Henry the Rake (Henry VIII)
BUDDY, W: The Worlds Land Speed Record
A HAND ON EARTH SOUTH AFRICA: Early Impressions of Life in the Unseen
HAYDON, Peter: The English Pub. A History
HARVIE, Christopher: The Lights of Liberalism. University Liberals and the Challenge of Democracy 1860 - 1886
SLOT, B.J: The Origins of Kuwait
CARRE, Meyrick H: Realists and Nationalists
NORTHEY, W.Brook & MORRIS, C.J: The Gurkhas. Their Manners, Customs and Country
PRADHAN, Kumar: The Gorkha Conquests. The Process and Consequences of the Unification of Nepal, with Particular Reference to Eastern Nepal
DUNNING, William Archibald: A History of Political Theories. (1) Ancient and Mediaeval (2) From Luther to Montesquieu (3) From Rousseau to Spencer
OXENHAM, Elsie J: Two Queens at the Abbey
EARLE, G: The Making and Testing of Portland Cement and Concrete
CONRADI, Hans: Kleingaragen Hallengaragen
ROBINSON, JOAN: Essays in the Theory of Employment
STOKER, Bram: The Lady of the Shroud
STOKER, Bram: Dracula's Guest
STOKER, Bram: The Jewel of Seven Stars
KIRBY, Frederick Vaughan: In Haunts of Wild Game. A Hunter-Naturalist's Wanderings from Kahlamba to Libombo
ROUSE, W.M: Notes on the Rotary Photogravure Process
Automobile Year#10
SERVICE, Robert W: The Pretender. A Story of the Latin Quarter
PETRIE, Charles: Earlier Diplomatic History 1492 - 1713
SKAIFE, S.H: Dwellers in DarknessAn Introduction to the Study of Termites
HOFMANN, Michael & LASDUN, James (edited by): After Ovid: New Metamorphoses
GRIGSON, Geoffrey: The Cornish Dancer
ELON, Florence: Self-Made
FISHER, H.A.L: Pages from the Past
HANDOVER, P.M: A History of the London Gazette 1665 - 1965
MASSART, Jean: The Secret Press in Belgium
KIRKE, Dorothea: Domestic Life in Rumania
CRAGG, Rowland: Anvil and Loom
BROWN, Frederick: An Impersonation of Angls: A Biography of Jean Cocteau
ASQUITH, Cynthia: Diaries 1915 - 1918
FARRELL, James: Fifteen Selected Stories
MUMFORD, Lewis: City Development: Studies in Disintegration and Renewal
LE CARRE, John: Der Spioen der aus der Kalte Kam.
MONTAGU OF BEAULIEU, Lord: The Motoring Montagus
HAHN, Otto: Andre Masson
VAN BORK-FELTKAMP, A.J: Some Remarks on Skulls and Skull Fragments of the Fraser Middens (British Columbia)
AMIS, Kingsley: How's Your Glass?
SOLOVEYTCHIK, George: Potemkin. A Picture of Catherine's Russia
GRAY, Camilla: The Russian Experiment in Art 1863 - 1922
LEFROU, G: Le Noir D'Afrique. Anthropo-Biologie et Raciologie
RAVEN, Simon: Doctors Wear Scarlet
STEWART, J.I.M: A Palace of Art
BARKER, A.L: The Joy-Ride and After
JAHN, Janheinz: Neo-African Literature. A History of Black Writing
GREY, Zane: Stropers Van Die Spaanse Pieke
JANKOWITZ, W.J: Aloes of South West Africa
NEHRLING, Arno & Irene: Easy Gardening With Drought Resistant Plants
MERSMANN, Hans (edited by): Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart