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ADAMSON, R.S: Notes on the Vegetation of the Kamiesberg
MUIR, J: The Vegetation of the Riversdale Area Cape Province
KILLICK, D.J.B: An Account of the Plant Ecology of the Cathedral Peak Area of the Natal Drakensberg
TIDMARSH, C.E.M. & HAVENGA, C.M: The Wheel-Point Method of Survey and Measurement of Semi Open Grasslands and Karoo Vegetation in South Africa
DELMARCEL, Guy: Flemish Tapestry
HOLMES, T. Rice: The Architect of the Roman Empire 27 B.C. To A.D. 14
SCHIROKAUER, Arno: Lassalle. The Power of Illusion and the Illusion of Power
PENRICE, John: A Dictionary and Glossary of the Koran
CROMPTON, Richmal: William the Fourth
DEPARTMENT OF CIVIC DESIGN UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL (F.J. McCULLOCH and others): Land Use in an Urban Environment. A General View of Town and Country Planning
SKINNER, J.D. & SMITHERS, R.H.N., Illustrated by Dick Findlay: The Mammals of the Southern African Subregion
FARLEIGH, John: Design for Applied Decoration in the Crafts
MEZZROW, Mezz & WOLFE, Bernard: Really the Blues
ROCHE, George: Daumier (Special No. 8 of "Arts et Livres De Provence")
POORTENAAR, Jan: Van Prenten En Platen. De Grafische Technieken in Voorbeelden, Afbeeldingen En Beschrijving
SCHUBRING, Paul: Die Architektur Der Italienischen Fruhrenaissance
MEIER-GRAEFE, Julius: Die Kunst Unserer Tage (Entwicklungsgeschichte Der Modernen Kunst Dritter band)
STOLS, A.A.M: Het Schoone Boek (De Toegepaste Kunsten in Nederland #22)
FORMAN, W. & B: Art of Far Lands
HUGHES, Anne (compiled By BEEDELL, Suzanne): The Diary of a Farmer's Wife 1796 - 1797
HUTTON, Len: Batting Strokes (From a Production By Realist Film Unit)
KELMAN, James; OWENS, Agnes & GRAY, Alasdair: Lean Tales
GREISCHEL, Walther: Der Magdeburger Dom
HILBERSHEIMER, L: Contemporary Architecture. Its Roots and Trends
WALLACE, Edgar: The Mission That Failed: A Tale of the Raid & Other Poems
HENN, Walter: Bauten Der Industrie. Band 1: Planung.Entwurf. Konstruktion. Band 2: Ein Internationaler Querschnitt
SCHNECK, Adolf G: Turen Aus Holz Und Metal. Ein Uberblick Uber Das Gesamtgebiet in Maszstablischen Rissen Und Schnitten Und 164 Photographien
MOSER, Werner M: Frank Lloyd Wright . Sechzig Jahre Lebendige Architektur / Sixty Years of Living Architecture
VOLCKERS, Otto: Bauen Mit Glas. Glas Als Werkstoff. Glasarten Und Glassorten. Glas in Bautechnik Und Baukunst
SINGELENBERG, Peter and Others: H.P. Berlage 1856 - 1934. Een Bouwmeester En Zijn Tijd (Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek 1974 Deel 25 Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art )
YOSHIDA, Tetsuro: Japanische Architektur
Abteilung Bauberatung Des Wurtt. Landesgewerbeamts. Stuttgart Mit Unterstutzung Der Stiftung Fir Forschungen Im Wohnungs Und Siedlungswesen Berlin: Baukunde Fur Die Praxis. III Band: Bauschaden
JOBST, Gerhard: Leitsatze Fur Stadtebauliche Gestaltung
DOHNERT, Horst: Messe Und Ausstellungsbauten
WOLFF, Rainer: Hauser Mit Berufsraumen
ABRAHAMSEN, Helge (Editor): Nordiske Smahus
TOMLONSON, Judy Schroeder: Mennonite Quilts and Pieces
GYSIN, F. And Others: Das Schweizerische Landesmuseum 1898 - 1948. Kunst, Handwerk Und Geschichte. Festbuch Zum 50. Jahrestag Der Eroffnung
PARKER, K.T: The Drawings of Hans Holbein in the Collection of His Majesty the King at Windsor Castle
FUHRMANN, Ernst: Der Grabbau Und Sacralbau
ANELL, Bengt: Contribution to the History of Fishing in the Southern Seas
ANGELINO, P. De Kat, Illustrated by Tyra De Kleen: Mudras Auf Bali. Handhaltungen Der Priester
HART, Clive: The Dream of Flight. Aeronautics from Classical Times to the Renaissance
GANSHOF, F.L: Feudalism
BALY, Denis: The Geography of the Bible
BOURKE-WHITE, Maragaret: Shooting the Russian War
GRIFFITHS, Arthur: The Wellington Memorial. Wellington His Comrades and Contemporaries
DELAGE, Edmond: The Tragedy of the Dardanelles
WASHINGTON, Pat Beauchamp: Eagles in Exile
BURCHETT, W.G: Wingate's Phantom Army
DIVINE, A.D: Road to Tunis
SECRETT, T: Twenty Five Years with Earl Haig
MOYSE-BARTLETT, H: Louis Edward Nolan and His Influence on British Cavalry
MURRAY, W.H: Dark Rose the Phoenix
BENSON, Ben: The Blonde in Black
PANKHURST, Richard: The Ethiopian Borderlands, Essays in Regional History
LANDES, Joan, B: Women and the Public Sphere In the French Revolution
WELCH, June Rayfield: The Texas Courthouse Revisited
HASTIE, Scott: Berkhamsted
SLUTTUM, Judy: Masks of Bali Spirits of an Ancient Drama
PIHNEY, Elliot: Hawk Moths of Central and Southern Africa
TUFTS, Edward, R: Hunneman's Amazing Fire Engines
KEEVIL SOCIETY, Members of: A Book Of Keevil
ARBERRY, A.J: Hafiz Fifty Poems
HUMPHREYS, Christmas: Zen Comes West
OWEN, O.L: The History of the Rugby Football Union
TEUFFEL Wilhelm,and SCHWABE, Ludwig: History of Roman Literature, in Two Volumes
TODD, J.C: Politics & Religion in Ancient Israel. An Introduction to the Study of the Old Testamant
RENAN, Ernest: The Book of Job Translated From the Hebrew. With a Study Upon the Age and Character of the Poem
NEWMAN, Edward: An Illustrated history of British Butterflies Part 1: Papilionidae
KENNETT, Robert H: The Composition of the Book of Isaiah in the Light of History and Archaeology
ORLINSKY, Harry M. (Introduction by): Interpreting the Prophetic Tradition. The Goldenson Lectures 1955 - 1966
ROSENAU, William: Jewish Biblical Commentators
HEUMAN, Fred S: The Uses of Hebraisms in Recent Bible Translations
NOVAK, James, J: Bangladesh, Reflections on the Water