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BROOKS, Peter (Edited by): Christian Spirituality. Essays in Honour of Gordon Rupp
SORGE, Henry L (Compiled and Edited by) (HANISH, Otoman Zar-Adusht): The Philosophy of Mazdaznan
PARGETER, Edith: The City Lies Four Square
HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE: Manual of Physical Training
EVANS, Medford: The Secret War for the A-Bomb
MOLLO, Andrew: Uniforms of the SS, Volume 3 SS- Verfugungstruppe 1933-1939
HUTCHINS, Nigel: Restoring Houses of Brick and Stone
MANNING, T.D: The British Destroyer
RATLIFF, Floyd: Paul Signac and Color in Neo Impressionism
GIBBON, Percival: Vrouw Grobelaar & Co 1906
STERRETT, Douglas B: The Production of Precious Stones in 1907
STERRETT, Douglas B: Gems and Precious Stones in 1911
HOUSEHOLDER, Fred W: Linguistic Speculations
CHOMSKY, Noam: Reflections on Language
CHOMSKY, Noam: Cartesian Linguistics
PRANCE, C.R: Mixed Pickles : Sidelightd on life's serio comedy
WILKS, Yorick Alexander: Grammar Meaning and the MacHine Analysis of Language
FIRTH, J.R: Papers in Linguistics 1934 - 1951
REVZIN, I.I: Models of Language
GILBERT, John H. (Edited by): Speech and Cortical Functioning
CRAIK, Kenneth J.W. (Edited By SHERWOOD, Stephen L.): The Nature of Psychology. A Selection of Papers, Essays and Other Writings
PIAGET, Jean & INHELDER, Barbel: The Psychology of the Child
BOUDOT, Jean: Dictionarium Universale Latino Gallicum Ex Omnibus Latinitatis Auctoribus Summa Diligentia Collectum: Cum Variis Multarum, Quae Vulgo Synonyme Videntur, Latinarum Vocum Differentiis.. Decima-Sexto Editio
DE GRIMM, Baron & DIDEROT: Correspondance Litteraire, Philosophique et Critique Adressee a Un Souverain D'allemagne Depuis 1770 Jusqu'en 1782
LYNCH, Jack ("Serowe"): War Memories: A Book of Verse written in the camp's and in the field during the Great War
DE GRIMM, Baron & DIDEROT: Supplement a La Correspondance Litteraire De MM. Grimm et Diderot, Contenant 1. Les Opuscules De Grimm; 2: Tres Lettres De Grimm a Frederic II, Roi De Prusse; 3: Plusiers Morceaux De La Correspondance De Grimm, ... 4: Des Remarques Sur Les 16 Volumes..
FOURNIER, Alfred: Les Affections Parasyphilitiques
MARTINI, JOseph: Bibliotheque Joseph Martini. Livres Rares et Precieux D'autres Provenances....galerie Fischer Grand Hotel National Lucerne
RESCHER, Nichol;as: Scientific Progress. A Philosophical Essay on the Economics of Research in Natural Science
McKIE, Douglas: Antoine Lavoisier. The Founder of Modern Chemistry
CLOW, Archibald & Nan: The Chemical Revolution. A Contribution to Social Technology
MELDRUM, Andrew Norman: The Eighteenth Century Revolution in Science: The First Phase
CAIN, Julien (intro. by): Hommage a Henri Berr 1863 - 1954. Commemoration Du Centenaire De Sa Naissance Au Centre International De Synthese
ANDERSEN, Johannes C., Illustrated by Richard Wallwork: Myths &Legends of the Polynesians
FOSS, Edward: Biographia Juridica. A Biographical Dictionary of the Judges of England from the Conquest to the Present Time 1066 - 1870
SCOTT-GILES, Wilfrid: The Romance of Heraldry
FAIRBAIRN, James (Revised Laurence BUTTERS): Fairbairn's Crests of the Families of Great Britain and Ireland
SCHWARZ, E. H. L: The Kalahari and Its Native Races, Being an Account of a Journey Through Ngamiland and the Kalahari, with a Special Study of the Natives in That Area
LOWE, Charles: Prince Bismarck. An Historical Biography
GROPIUS, Walter: Scope of Total Architecture. A New Way of Life
DUMONT D'URVILLE, Contre-Amiral: Voyage Autour Du Monde
WAGNER, Julius & RIMLI, Eugen Th: Das Goldene Buch Der LA 1939
FRIEDHOFF, G. (Intro. by): Nederlandse Architectuur. Uitgevoerde Werken Van Bouwkundige Ingenieurs
SULLIVAN, Louis H: Kindergarten Chats (revised 1918) and Other Writings
CHAMPIGNEULLE, Bernard: Perret
ARCHITECTURE Formes et Fonctions 1962 - 1963 8e annee/year/jahr/anno
BAUR, Hermann & METZGER, Fritz: Kirchbauten Von Hermann Baur Und Fritz Metzger
ROTH, Alfred: New School Building
SLATER, Francis Carey]: The Sunburnt South
DOUCET, Jerome, Illustrated by Louis Morin: Notre Ami Pierrot. Une Douzaine Du Pantomime
GREATOREX, Eliza: Summer Etchings in Colorado
MURDOCH, Joseph S.F: The Library of Golf 1743 - 1966. A Bibliography of Golf Books, Indexed Alphabetically, Chronologically & By Subject Matter
DA VINCI, Leonardo: Disegni Che Illustrano L'opera Del Trattato Della Pittura Di Lionardo Da Vinci Tratti Fedelmente Dagli Originali Del Codice Vaticano
LAKE, Richard: Contributions to the Art and Science of Otology
BRUHL, Gustav & POLITZER, A: Atlas and Epitome of Otology
GRUNWALD, L: Atlas and Abstract of the Diseases of the Larynx
SCULLY, William Charles: Daniel Vananda : The life story of a human being
BAILEY, Hamilton: Branchial Cysts and Other Essays on Subjects in the Facio-Cervical Region
WOOD, Eric: Rebel Skies
LOBO, Jeronimo (Tranlated By Donald M Lockhart; Edited By M.G.da Costa; Introduction and Notes By C.F.Beckingham): The Itinerario of Jeronimo Lobo
BREWER, Dr: Allison's Guide. The Guide to English History and Biography from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Year 1883
JANSEN, Eirik G.; DOLMAN, Anthony J; JERVE, Alf Morten & RAHMAN, Nazibor: The Country Boats of Bangladesh. Social and Economic Development and Decision Making in Inland Water Transport
BLISH, James: A Clash of Cymbals
McLEAN, R.C. & IVIMEY-COOK, W.R: Textbook of Theoretical Botany VOLS 1 - 3
WHALLEY, Fred, L: Tales From Muizenberg
MASSEY, W.T., Illustrated by James McBey: The Desert Campaigns
NEMBHARD, Mabel, Illustrated by Maud Linley Sambourne; A.L. & M. Bowley; A.S.Gibson; F.Reason: Fantasies
RIVOIRA, G.T: Lombardic Architecture. Its Origin, Development and Derivatives
CRUDEN, Alexander: A Complete Concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament: Or a Dictionary and Alphabetical Index to the Bible
(BIBLE) SCOTT, Thomas: The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments with Original Notes and Practical Observations By the Rev. Thomas Scott, Morning Preacher at the Lock Chapel, to Which are Added a Concordance, General Index and Tables
MILMAN, Helen: Esther's Shrine
KINGSLEY, Charles, Illustrated by Linley Sambourne: The Water Babies. A Fairy Tale for a Land Baby
SCHWARTZ, Richard H: Judaism and Vegetarianism
CAMPBELL, Andrew: The Book of Beer
LOUYS, Pierre, Illustrated by Ed. Zier: Aphrodite: A Novel of Ancient Manners. Complete and Integral Translation Into English