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BARNES, H: Apparatus and Methods of Oceanography. Part One: Chemical ROBERTSON, J.G. (Edited Dorothy REICH): A History of German Literature COUSTEAU, Jacques-Yves & DUCAN, James (Edited by): Captain Cousteau's Underwater Treasury
GARDINER, A.G: The Life of Sir William Harcourt FOLSOM, Justus Watson: Entomology with Special to Its Ecological Aspects COSTA, Giancarlo: Figureheads. Carving on Ships from Ancient Times to Twentieth Century
FET, Afanasy: I Have Come to Greet You GLUCK, Louise: The First Four Books of Poems: Firstborn; The House on Marshland; Descending Figure; the Triumph of Achilles THOMAS, Dylan (Edited By Ralph MAUD): The Notebook Poems 1930 - 1934
CARTIER - BRESSON, Henri: Henri Cartier - Bresson Photographer THOMAS, Dylan (Edited By Walford Davies andRalph MAUD): Collected Poems 1934 - 1953 McCLATCHY, J.D: The Rest of the Way
BRODSKY, Joseph: So Forth (Poems) HEANEY, Seamus & GIESE, Rachel, Illustrated by Rachel Giese: Sweeney's Flight SULLIVAN, Charles (Edited by): Ireland in Poetry, with Pasintings, Drawings, Photographs and Other Works of Art
SULLIVAN, Charles (Edited by): America in Poetry BLUM, Joshua; HOLMAN, Bob & PELLINGTON, Mark (Eds): The United States of Poetry CASSIDY, William L: The Complete Book of Knife Fighting. The History of Knife Fighting Techniques and Development of Fighting Knives, Together with a Practical Method of Instruction
NAKAYAMA, M: Dynamic Karate WYNMALEN, Henry, Illustrated by Michael Lyne: The Horse in Action PARRY, Greth & PUTMAN Rory: The Country Life Book of Birds of Prey
ROBERTSON, E. Graeme and Joan: Cast Iron Decoration. A World Survey PINNEY, Thomas (ed.) (KIPLING, Rudyard): The Letters of Rudyard Kipling VOLUME 1: 1872 - 89; VOLUME 2: 1890 - 99 MOORE, Marcisa & DOUGLAS, Mark: Jackie Onassis: Astrology in Action
JOHNSON, A.E: The Book of Frank Reynolds JOHNSON, A.E: The Book of Tom Browne COLLIER, John Payne: The History of English Dramatic Poetry to the Time of Shakespeare and Annals of the Stage to the Restoration
WEINGARTNER, Felix (Conductor): The London Symphony Orchestra Thirt Second Series Thursday February 3rd 1938 GOODIER, Alban: The Public Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ HUTTON, Richard: Essays Theological and Literary
GODFEY, W, Earl: The Birds of Canada MUIR, William: The Coran Its Composition and Teaching and the Testimony it Bears to the Holy Scriptures LUCAS, F.L: Seneca and Elizabethan Tragedy
SOUTHERN, Richard: Proscenium and Sight Lines. A Complete System of Scenery Planning GAY, John: Trivia,or the Art of Walking the Streets of London. With an Introduction and Notes By W.H.Williams JOHNSON, Edgar (Edited by) (DICKENS, Charles): Letters from Charles Dickens to Angela Burdett Coutts 1841 - 1865
DESAI, Anita: Games at Twilight and Other Stories ANGELL, Norman: The Foundations of International Polity OOSTERHOF, A.P. & BOUMAN, A: Orgelbouwkunde. Hand En Leerbook Voor Orgelbouwers, Adviseurs Bij Orgelbouw, Architecten En Organisten
WELTY, Eudora: The Optimist's Daughter VIGIL, Carlos: Aves Argentinas Y Sudamericanas VALLIER, Dora: Serge Poliakoff
PARKER, K.T: The Drawings of Antoine Watteau BROWNING, Iain: Palmyra TIETZE-CONRAT, E: Mantegna. Paintings Drawings Engravings Complete Edition
HOLT, Elizabeth Gilmore (selected by): The Expanding World of Art 1874 - 1902. Volume 1: Universal Expositions and State Sponsored Fine Arts Exhibitions KLINTOWITZ, Jacob: Mascaras Brasilieras FREUD, Sigmund: An Autobiographical Study
SEHERR-THOSS, Sonia P & Hans C: Design and Color in Islamic Architecture LAMBERT, Frederick: Letter Forms, 150 Complete Alphabets SCOTT, Harold: The Early Doors. Origins of the Music Hall
FERGUSON, John H: American Diplomacy and the Boer War MUMFORD, Louis: The Human Prospect JAHN, Michael: The Six Million Dollar Man. The Rescue of Athena One
GJERSTAD, Ole: Mulheres Mocamicanas Women of Mozambique BRITISH MUSEUM: Reproductions from Illuminated Manuscripts. Series 1: Fifty Plates NACENTA, Raymond (Intro. by): Ecole De Paris 1956 (ART et STYLE #41)
PIENAAR, Philip: With Steyn and De Wet WATSON, Lyall: Sea Guide to Whales of the World SOMMERFELD, Arnold: Atomic Structure and Spectral Lines
LEWIS, Wyndham: Paleface LEWIS, Wyndham: Self Condemned BIRKINSHAW, Philip: The Livingstone Touch
MACBETH, George: The Orlando Poems MACBETH, George: Dizzy's Woman MACDIARMID, Hugh: The Uncanny Scot
MACKENZIE, Compton: Paper Lives MACKENZIE, Compton: Cats' Company MACKENZIE, Faith Compton: The Crooked Wall
MACNEICE, Louis: The Dark Tower MACNEICE, Louis, Illustrated by Nancy Sharp: Zoo CLARK, Ronald: The Alps
MACNEICE, Louis: Autumn Sequel. A Rhetorical Poem in XXVI Cantos MACNEICE, Louis: Springboard. Poems 1941 - 1944 MAILER, Norman: The Deer Park A Play