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SHENTALINSKY, Vitaly: The KGB'S Literary Archive: The Discovery of the Ultimate Fate of Russia's Suppressed Writers
BOMHOLT, Julius and Others: Hans Christian Andersen. His Life and Work
MAXWELL, Stuart & HUTCHISON, Robin: Scottish Costume 1550 - 1850
OLIVER, Roland: The African Experience
HIRSCH, W: Rabbinic Psychology. Beliefs About the Soul in Rabbinic Literature of the Talmudic Period
HARRIS, Thomas: Silence of the Lambs
BYRNES, Robert F: Pobedonostsev. His Life and Thought
HOLLES, Gervase: Memorial Of the Holles Family 1493-1656
LA CROIX, Isobyl: Malawi Orchards Volume 1 Epiphytic Orchards
CREAGER, William , Pitcher: Masionry Dams
HATCH, F.H And RASTALL, R.H And BLACK, Maurice: The Petrology of the Sedimentary Rocks
TRAEGER, Jorg: Philipp Otto Runge
BALDRY, Alfred, Lys: The Life and Work of Marcus Stone R.a
DAWSON, Robert Macgregor (edited by): The Development of Dominion Status 1900 - 1936
WILSON, Ralph, Pinder: Islamic Art
MACKE, August: Tunisian Watercolours and Drawings
MILLAR, Oliver Editor: Italian Drawings and Paintings in the Queen's Collection
EVELYN, John (Edited William BRAY and Henry WHEATLEY): Diary of John Evelyn Which are Added a Selection from His Familiar Letters and the Private Correspondence Between King Charles I and Sir Edward Nicholas...
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GRAM, Ernst & WEBER, Anna: Plant Diseases in Orchard Nursery and Garden Crops
CHITTENDEN, Fred J. (Edited by): The Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. A Practical and Scientific Encyclopaedia of Horticulture
ARAGON, Louis: Holy Week
KOEGEL, Otto S: Walter S. Carter. Collector of Young Masters or the Progenitor of Many Law Firms
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WALKER, Linda M: Bonsai
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ISAAC, Peter C.G. (edited by): The Treatment of Trade Waste Waters and the Prevention of River Pollution
WALKER, Winifred: All the Plants of the Bible
PERRY, Frances: The Garden Pool
TRAILL, H.D. & MANN, J.S: Social England. A Record of the Progress of the People in Religion, Laws, Learning, Arts, Industry, Commerce, Science, Literature and Manners, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day
OKEY, Thomas, Illustrated by Erichson: The Story of Venice
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MACLEAN, Alistair: FLoodgate
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GARBETT, Colin, Sir: The Ringing Radiance
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STODDARD, F, Walcott: Tramps Through Tyrol, Life Sport and Legend
LANGBAUM, Robert: The Modern Spirit, Essays on the Continuity of Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Literature
MARAIS, Eugene: My Friends the Baboon
MEECHAM, H.G: The Epistle to Diognetus, the Greek Text with Introduction, Translation and Notes
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VALERY, Paul (MATHEWS, Jackson Editor): Dialogues, (Volume IV of the works)
FERMOR-ELLIS, Una: The Jacobean Drama, An Interpretation
WELCH, A.C: Jeremiahj His Time and Work
WHITELOCK, Dorothy: The Audience of Beowulf
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TILDEN, Wm T: Aces, Places and Faults
MACLEAN, Alistair: The Lonely Sea
KERSH, Gerald: They Die with Their Boots Clean
KERSH, Gerald: The Horrible Dummy
TURNER, W.J: Henry Airbubble in Search of a Circumference to His Breath, Being the Second Hemisphere of the History of Henry Airbubble
FORTUNE, Dion: The Mystical Qabalah
KLEIN, Harry (edited by): Springbok Record
SAMPSON, David: After Tobruk: The Conducted Tour
TIME: Time the Weekly Newsmagazine April 23 1945 Vol.XLV Number 17.Mediterranean Pony Edition
THOMAS, Dylan: A Prospect of therSea
FARRER, Reginald: On the Eaves of the World