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LINDHARD, J: The Theory of Gymnastics
REDGROVE, H. Stanley & FOAN, Gilbert A: Hair Dyes and Hair Dyeing
LANDAU, Thomas: Encyclopaedia of Librarianship
HARROD, L.M. (compiled by): The Librarian's Glossary
CHARNWOOD, Lady: An Autograph Collection and the Making of it
GIFFEN, George: With Bat and Ball. Twenty Five Years' Reminiscences of Australian and Anglo-Australian Cricket
LITTLE, K.L: The Mende of Sierra Leone
RHOODIE, Eschel: Discrimination In the Constitutions of the World
FORDE, Daryll (ed): African Worlds. Studies in the Cosmological Ideas and Social Values of African Peoples
READE, Winford: The Ashantee Campaign
BUTT, Audrey: The Nilotes of the Sudan and Uganda (Ethnographic Survey of Africa: East Central Africa Part IV)
TYLER, Anne: Morgan's Passing
MALINOWSKI, Bronislaw: Sex, Culture and Myth
LAUBSCHER, J.F: Sex, Custom and Psychopathology. A Study of South African Pagan Natives
FIRTH, Raymond: We, the Tikopia. A Sociological Study of Kinship in Primitive Polynesia
WEDECK, H.E: Dictionary of Aphrodisiacs
COLSON, John H.C. & ARMOUR, William J: Sports Injuries and Their Treatment
GOLDING, William: Pincher Martin
LEFF, S. & V: From Witchcraft to World Health
PARROTT, Arthur W: The Queer and Rare Fishes of New Zealand
HANNON, Leslie: The Second Chance, the Life and Work of the Pioneer of Rejuvenation Dr. Paul Niehans
PARMELEE, Maurice: Nudity in Modern Life. The New Gymnosophy
BARTLEY, Ena M: Rhythmbar Dancing in the Ballroom
SEYMOUR, Maurice (Foreword By Leonide Massine): Seymour on Ballet. 101 Photographs
STRAND, Mark: Blizzard of One
WALDMAN, Anne (edited by), Foreword By Allen GINSBERG: The Beat Book. Poems and Fiction from the Beat Generation
TOWER, Christopher: A Distant Fluting: Poems and Sonnets
PERILLO, Lucia: The Oldest Map with the Name America
HARDY, Thomas: The Complete Poems (The New Wessex edition)
WHALEN, Terry: Philip Larkin and English Poetry
SINCLAIR, Andrew: Dylan Thomas. Poet of His People
DRYDEN, John: Mac Flecknoe
MANUEL, Frank E. & Fritzie P: Utopian Thought in the Western World
HIBBEN, Frank C: Hunting in Africa
HEWINS, Ralph: A Golden Dream: The Miracle of Kuwait
LAWSON, Richard: Strange Soldiering
PAULI, Gustav: Die Kunst Des Klassizismus Und Der Romantik
RODENWALDT, Gerhart: Die Kunst Der Antike (Hellas Und Rom)
OSBORN, Max: Die Kunst Der Rokoko
FRIEDLANDER, Max J: Die Niederlandischen Maler Des 17 Jahrhunderts
FISCHER, Otto: Die Kunst Indiens, Chinas Und Japans
GLUCK, Heinrich & DIEZ, Ernst: Die Kunst Des Islam
EBERHART Richard: Collected Poems 1930 -1986
Royal Automobile Club Handbook 1933-34
BECKETT, Samuel: How It Is
CULLEN, Anthony + DOWNEY, Sydney: Saving the Game
READ, Piers, Paul: Game in Heaven with Tussy Marx.]
FLEMING, Ian: The Property of a Lady
BERNHARD, Thomas: Concrete
ROYERE, Jean: Poems D'Amour De Baudelaire, Le Genie Mystique
BLAKMUR, R.P: Poems of R.P Blakmur
PETERS, Carl: New Light on Dark Africa, Being the Narrative of the German Emin Pasha Expedition
LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth: The Hanging of a Crane
ELIOT, T.S., Illustrated by E. McKnight Kauffer: A Song for Simeon
MUDIE, Robert: The Earth
NEAVE, Dorina L: Twenty Six Years on the Bosphorus
MAC NEILL, Eoin: Celtic Ireland
HOLLAND, F.W: Sinai and Jerusalem
EHRENWALD, Jan: Telepathy and Medical Psychology
GILLMORE, Parker: Prairie and Forest. A Guide to the Field Sports of North America
KINROSS, Lord: Within the Taurus. A Journey in Asiatic Turkey
KERENYI, C: The Heroes of The Greeks
GROHMAN, Will: Paul Klee
LEAVITT, David: The Lost Language of Cranes
LAWRENCE, D.H: John Thomas and Lady Jane. The Second Version of Lady Chatterley's ;over
PILLAY, Bala: British Indians in the Transvaal. Trade, Politics and Imperial Relations 1885 - 1906
VACHSS, Andrew H: Flood
MALCOLM, John: Sketches of Persia, from the Journals of a Traveller in the East
FORBES, Charles S: Iceland Its Volcanoes Geysers and Glaciers
BALLESTEROS, Seve: A Fine 8 x 6 Inches Black and White Half length Photograph of Basllesteros Holding the British Open Trophy Aloft, Signed Vertically Between the Subject's Head and the Cup. Mounted on Card
HUTCHINSON, W.N: Dog Breaking. The Most Expeditious, Certain and Easy Method, Whether Great Excellence or Only Mediocrity be Required
WOOD, Charles W: Round About Norway
JACKSON, N. Lane: Sporting Days and Sporting Ways
CLABBY, J: The History of the Royal Army Veterinary Corps 1919 - 1961
JOHNS, W.E: Biggles Air Detective