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ROSEN, Marjorie: Popcorn Venus. Women Movies & the American Dream
THOMPSON, Hunter S: Hell's Angels. A Strange and Terrible Saga
RAPHAEL, Frederick: Lindemann
MANLEY, Cyril: Decorative Victorian Glass
PEQUIGNOT, C.A: Tunnels and Tunneling
MACLAREN, Hamish: Sailor with Banjo
HEATH, Thomas: Aristarchus of Samos. The Ancient Copernicus. A History of Greek Astronomy to Aristarchus Together with Aristarchus's Treatise on the Sizes and Distances of the Sun and the Moon. A New Greek Text with Translations and Notes
PARTINGTON, J.R: A History of Chemistry VOL.3
JONES, William Powell: The Rhetoric of Science. A Study of Scientific Ideas and Imagery in Eighteenth Century English Poetry
CROSLAND, Maurice: The Society of Arcueil. A View of French Science at the Time of Napoleon I
VITA-FINZI, Claudio: The Mediterranean Valleys. Geological Changes in Historical Times
BAUDELAIRE, Charles (Intro. Richard Church): Flowers of Evil (Lesd Fleurs Du Mal ). Rendered Into English By Florence Louis Friedman
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SEPAMLA, Sipho: Selected Poems
THOMPSON, Laurence: Time To Laugh
SILESKY, Barry: Ferlinghetti. The Artist in His Time
BRITTON, Karl: Philosophy and the Meaning of Life
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PALMER, W.G: A History of the Concept of Valency to 1930
VAN OYE, Paul: George Sarton. De Mens En Zijn Werk Brieven Aan Vrienden En Kennissen
SANSOM, William: Among The Dahlias
LI, Weng (editor): Hutongs of Beijing
TATON, R: Reason and Chance in Scientific Discovery
BURCKHARDT, Titus: L'alchimie Science et Sagesse
ANDRE-FELIX, Annette: Les Debuts De L'industrie Chimique Dans Les Pays Bas Autrichiens
TRENEER, Anne: The Mercurial Chemist. A Life of Sir Humphrey Davy
GUSDORF, Georges: Les Sciences Humaines et La Pensee Occidentale: Vol 1: De L'histoire Des Sciences a L'histoire De La Pensee
TAYLOR, Gordon Rattray: Histoire Ilustree De La Biologie
BRENGUES, Jacques (Ed) (DUCLOS, Charles): Correspondance De Charles Duclos
CARLID, Gote and NORDSTROM, Johan (Edited by): Torbern Bergman's Foreign Correspondence Volume One: Letters from Foreigners to Torbern Bergman
FERNIE, Donald: The Whisper & the Vision. The Voyages of the Astronomers
MIQUEL, Rene & SCHALL, Roger: Reflets De France. Preface De Henri Montherlant
VOGT, Georges: La Porcelaine
GRIMES, W.F: The Excavation of Roman and Mediaeval London
ERNSTOFF, Marc S.; HEANEY, John A. & PESCHEL, Richard E: Prostate Cancer
ERNSTOFF, Marc S.; HEANEY, John A. & PESCHEL, Richard E: Testicular and Penile Cancer
DUGGAN-CRONIN, A.M: The Bantu Tribes of South Africa. Vol.II Section III Plates LIII- LXXVIII. The Suto-Chuana Tribes Subgroup III The Southern Basotho
GLUCKMAN, Henry: Lectures on Gonorrhoeal and Syphilitic Affections with a Special Lecture on the Thermo Electrical Treatment of Gonorrhoea
MONTESQUIEU, Monsieur De: Oeuvres De Monsieur De Montesquieu. Nouvelle Edition Revue, Corrigee & Considerablement Augmentee Par L'auteur
BRANDT, G: Daghwyzer Der Geschiedenissen Kortelyk Behelzende Verscheide Gedenkwaardige Zaken, Op Elken Dag Van 't Jaar, Door De Gansche Werelt Voorgevallen, Met De Geboorte En Sterfdagen Van Vermaarde Vorsten, Helden, Geleerde Mannen En Kunstenaren
BLOCK, Lawrence: The Specialists
STEWART, Cecil: A Prospect of Cities. Being Studies Towards a History of Town Planning
RUTGERS, A & NORRIS, K.A: Encyclopaedia of Aviculture
ROSCOE, John: The Baganda. An Account of Their Native Customs and Beliefs
NCWANA, S. M. Bennett: Souvenir Of the Mendi Disaster February 21 1917
MASSAIN, R: Chimie et Chimistes. Preface De Louis De Broglie
CALLOT, Emile: Maupertuis Le Savant et Le Philosophe
DE ANDRADE, Primo Nunes: The Foundations of Physical Cosmology and the Principles of Conservation and Relativity
DELORME, Suzanne and Others: Fontenelle Sa Vie et Son Oeuvre 1657 - 1757
GODDEN, Geoffrey A: Victorian Porcelain
FISHER, Arthur T: Through the Stable and Saddle Room
GRESWELL, William: Our South African Empire
GOODIS, David: Of Tender Sin
MABERLY, Charles Astley (revised By Richard GOSS): Maberly's Mammals of Southern Africa
HAWKINS, R.E. (selected by): Jim Corbett's India
GOODIS, David: The Moon In The Gutter
WILLIAMS, Hugo: Dock Leaves
SETH, V.K: The Weaver Of God's Name
HERTZ, Peter: Malheren L.A .Ring 1854-1933
ELIOT, T.S: The Waste Land
DUNN, Douglas: Elegies
WARREN, Robert, Penn: Fifty Years of American Poetry
PRINGLE, Thomas: African Sketches
GIBBS, F.W: Joseph Priestley. Adventurer in Science and Champion of Truth
WHITE, R.J: The Anti-Philosophers
LE ROUX, Servaas: Baanbrekers En Jagters Van Suid Afrika 1760 - 1890
KOFOS, Evangelos: Greece & the Eastern Crisis 1875 - 1878
BRADBURY, S & TURNER, G. L'E: Historical Aspects of Microscopy. Papers Read at a One-day Conference Held By the Royal Microscopical Society at Oxford 18 March 1966
HECKER, Professor: Kunst Die Krankheiten Der Menschen Zu Heilen Nach Den Neuesten Verbesserungen in Der Arzneiwissenschaft