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NOOTEBOOM, Cees: Rituals
STERN, James: The Stories of James Stern
HUGHES, Langston, Illustrated by Brian Pinkney: The Dream Keeper and Other Poems, Including Seven Additional Poems
FRIED, Erich: 100 Poems Without a Country
Robert (ed): P.E.N. New Poetry I
WODEHOUSE, P.G: Young Men In Spats
STONE, John: The Smell of Matches
HUNTER, Alan: Gently in an Omnibus : Gently Does It; Gently Through the Mill, Gently in the Sun
BUNYAN, John, Illustrated by Harold Copping: The Pilgrim's Progress from This World to That Which is to Come
RUDD, Niall: Lines of Enquiry. Studies in Latin Poetry
Acta of the Fifth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy Cambridge 1967
DENNETT, R.D: At the Back of the Black Man's Mind, or Notes on the Kingly Office in West Africa
LORENZ, Konrad: On Aggression
GRAHAM, Winston: Fortune is a Woman
SHAW-SMITH, David: Ireland's Traditional Crafts
WALPOLE, Hugh: The Wooden Horse
HUGHES, Ted: New Selected Poems 1957 - 1994
The Question of Tibet and the Rule of Law
BATES, H.E: The Day of the Tortoise
DODWELL, Christina: A Traveller on Horseback in Eastern Turkey and Iran
NAHON, Umberto: Holy Arks and Ritual Appurtenances from Italy in Israel (Aronot Kodesh e Arredi Rituali D'Italia in Israele )
HAYWARD, Arthur: The Dickens Encyclopaedia. An Alphabetical Dictionary of References to Every Character and Place Mentioned in the Works of Fiction, with Explanatory Notes on Obscure Allusions and Phrases
MACPHAIL, Andrew: The Medical Services ( Official History of the Canadian Forces in the Great War 1914 - 1919)
FONG, Leo T: Choy Lay Fut Kung Fu
GWON, Pu Gill: Skill in Counterattacks
TACKETT, Tim: Hsing-i Kung-fu
CHOW, David & SPANGLER, David: Kung Fu History Philosophy and Technique
GLAESSNER, Verina: Kung Fu Cinema of Vengeance
JENKS, Harold L. & BROWN, Michael K: Bloody Iron: Practical Knife Fighting
SHAPIRO, Amy: The Language of Martial Arts
TING, Leung: Five Pattern Hung Kuen Part One
TING, Leung: Five Pattern Hung Kuen Part Two
HOUSE, Derek & SANDERSON, Michael: The Sea Chart
FONG, Leo: Wei Kuen Do the Psychodynamic Art of Free Fighting
CHENG, Joseph: Chong Woo Kwan Wing Chun
YING-ARNG, Lee: Iron Palm in 100 Days
JAE, Park Sun: Tae Kwon Do. Da Cintura Bianca a Cintura Verde
HATSUMI, Msaaki & CHAMBERS, Quintin: Stick Fighting. Techniques of Self Defense
EDWARDES, Ernest, L: The Story of the Pendulum Clock
UYEHARA, M: Bruce Lee Farewell My Friend
POTTER, Stephen: The Magic Number. The Story of '57'
WENTWORTH, Lady: The Swift Runner
WILKIN, Peter: Noam Chomsky on Power, Knowledge And Human Nature
HARRISON, E.J: The Manual of Karate
TEGNER, Bruce: Karate: The Open Hand and Foot Fighting. Volume One Self Defense
HOBBS, Richard: Odilon Redon
ROLLESTON, Frances: Mazzaroth. The Constellations Parts I - IV, Including Mizraim: The Astronomy of Europe
TABORSKY, Edwina: Architectonics of Semiosis
BEER, Janet: Kate Chopin, Edith Wharton and Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Studies in Short Fiction
BLOCH, Raymond: Etruscan Art
MOORTGAT, Anton: The Art of Ancient Mesopotamia
ANTAL, Frederick: Florentine Painting and Its Social Background. The Bougeois Republic Before Cosimo de' Medici's Advent to Power: XIV and Early XV Centuries
DUCREY, Marina: Felix Vallotton
DIECKMANN, Erich: Mobelbau in Holz, Rohr Und Stahl
WILM, Hubert: Die Gotische Holzfigur Ihr Wesen Und Ihre Technik
HOFSTATTER, Hans H: Art Nouveau Prints Illustrations and Posters
NOBLE, Professor (ed): The Cape and Its People and Other Essays
HALL, R.N. & NEAL, W.G: The Ancient Ruins of Rhodesia (Monomatapae Imperium )
KIRBY, Michael: The Young Sportsman's Guide to Ice Skating
ADLER, Elkan Nathan: Jewish Travellers
PALEY. Grace: The Little Disturbances of Man
GRIMSCHITZ, Bruno: Johann Lucas Von Hildebrandt
DECKER, Heinrich: Barock Plastik in Den Alpenlandern
BAUM, Julius: Niederschwabische Plastik Des Ausgehenden Mittelalters
MOESSNER, Gustav: Die Taglichen Buchbinderarbeiten. Eine Unterweisung in Den Einfachen Arbeiten Der Buchbinderei
HODIN, J.P: Edvard Munch Edr Genius Der Nordens
WEINBERGER, Martin: Wolfgang Huber
GRAFF, Werner: Innenraume
LUBBECKE, Fried: Die Plastik Des Deutschen Mittelalters
EISINGER, Larry (ed), Illustrated by Andrew Loomis: Pencil Drawing for Fun
SHEPPARD, Raymond: Drawing at the Zoo
SHEPPARD, Raymond: How to Draw Birds
NEWBERRY, Clare Turlay: Drawing a Cat
THORNE, Diana: Drawing Dogs
GIUSTI, George: Drawing Figures