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DOYLE, Arthur Conan (Introduction John FOWLES): The Hound of the Baskervilles DOYLE, Arthur Conan (Introduction Len DEIGHTON): The Valley of Fear YOUNG, Richard Anthony: The Flying Bomb
LEVY, Alan: OLperation Elvis ROHDE, Eleanour Sinclair: The Story of the Garden ELLIOTT, Roy: Alpine Gardening
SWINDELLS, Philip: The Water Gardener's Handbook RUSSELL, Stanley: The Stapley Book of Water Gardens SCHROTER, Ludwig: Taschenflora Des Alpen Wanderers
HEGI, W: Alpenflora. Die Verbreitetsten Alpenpflanzen Von Bayern, Osterreich Und Der Schweiz WALLS, Ian G: The Complete Book of the Greenhouse CUBITT, Geralld + STEELE, David: South African Wildlife and Wilderness
PHILLIPS, G.A.R: The Rock Garden and Alpine Plants FOSTER, Raymond: Trees and Shrubs in Garden Design SCHWANTES, G: The Cultivation of the Mesembryanthemaceae
LIFE MAGAZINE September 1 1941 LEWIS, C.S: Boxen. The Imaginary World of the Young C.S.Lewis HESSE, Hermann: Briefe
MOSTERT, Natasha: The Midnight Side ELISOFON, E, & RADIN, P: African Folktales and Sculpture SMITH, Katie: The Art of Dancing
THOMPSON, C.J.S: The Mystic Mandrake FRANKLIN, Kenneth J: William Harvey Englishman ROBERTS, Field Marshal Lord.of Kandahar: Forty One Years in India from Subaltern to Commander in Chief
POTGIETER, Herman (Text By Guy BUTLER): South Africa. Landshapes Landscapes Manscapes ESSAYS IN CRITICISM. A Quarterly Journal of Literary Criticism HOLTTUM, R.E: Ferns of Malaya (A Revised Flora of Malaya. An Illustrated Systematic Account of the Malayan Flora Including Commonly Cultivated Plants VOLUME II)
SCHELPE, E.A.C.L.E. (Edited By A.W.EXELL & E.LAUNERT): Pteridophyta (Flora Zambesiaca) EXELL, A.W. & MEDONCA, F.A: Conspectus Florae Angolensid. Vol.1 Fasc. 1 Ranunculaceae - Malvaceae Vol.1 Fasc.II Malvaceae - Aquifoliaceae MAYDON, C: Big Game Shooting in Africa
FELBERMANN, Louis: Hungary And Its People - Magyarorszag Es Nepei WHITTY, H.Ramsden (Intro. by): Observers' Tale. The Story of Group 17 of the R.O.C HARPER, Harry: Lords of the Air
MURE, William: A Critical History of the Language and Literature of Ancient Greece DUNCAN, Douglas: Thomas Ruddiman. A Study in Scottish Scholarship of the Early Eighteenth Century MACKENZIE, Agnes Mure: The Passing of the Stewarts
FYFE, J.G: Scottish Diaries and Memoirs 1550 - 1746, and Scottish Diaries and Memoirs 1746 - 1843 STERNBERG, Count: My Experiences of the Boer War, Translated from the German with an Introduction By Lieut.-Colonel G.F.R. Henderson HOOD, T.H: Notes of a Cruise in H.M.S."Fawn" in the Western Pacific in the Year 1862
Greek Merchant Ships: Seamen's Pension Fund Centenary Edition SUMMERS, Roger (Edited by): Prehistoric Rock Art of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland DULAC, Edmund, Illustrated by Edmund Dulac: A Fairy Garland Being Fairy Tales from Old French
STONEHAM, C.T: From Hobo To Hunter MITCHINSON, Alex. Will: The Expiring Continent. A Narrative of Travel in Senegambia with Observations on Native Character, the Present Condition and Future Prospects of Africa and Colonisation, with Map and Sixteen Illustrations HORE, Edward Coode: Tanganyika. Eleven Years in Central Africa
BOON, Martin James: The Immortal History of South Africa, (Complete in Two volumes) The Only Truthful, Political, Colonial, Domestic, Agricultural, Theological, National, Legal, Financial and Intelligent History of the Men, Women, Manners and Facts of the Cape Colony, .... ASLIN, Elizabeth: The Aesthetic Movement. Prelude to Art Nouveau SUTCLIFFE, Herbert: For England and Yorkshire
RANKIN, Daniel J: The Zambesi Basin and Nyassaland The Warburg and Courtauld Institutes: England and the Mediterranean Tradition. Studies in Art History and Literature PITMAN, Emma Raymond: Central Africa, Japan and Fiji. A Story of Missionary Enterprise, Trials and Triumphs
BAKER, Samuel: The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia and the Sword Hunters of the Hamran Arabs THEAL, George McCall: Kaffir Folklore or a Selection from the Traditional Tales Current Among the People Living on the Eastern Border of the Cape Colony DRAYSON, A.W: Among the Zulus or the Adventures of Hans Sterk
BARTER, Charlotte (A Plain Woman): Alone Among the Zulus. The Narrative of a Journey Through the Zulu Country HEINEMANN, Larry: Close Quarters SCHWEINFURTH, Georg: The Heart of Africa. Three Years Travels and Adventures in the Unexplored Regions of Central Africa from 1868 to 1871
CHILVERS, Hedley A: The Story of De Beers. With Some Notes on the Company's Financial, Farming, Railway and Industrial Activities in Africa, and Some Introductory Chapters on the River Diggings and Early Kimberley PIROW, Oswald and Others: Birds of the Kruger and Other National Parks / Voels Van Die Krugerwildtuin En Ander Nasionale Parke LOUW, Juliet Marais: Wagon Tracks and Orchards
EVELEIGH, William: South West Africa (Formerly German South West africa) PLAYFAIR, Charles: "Shot!". Charles Playfair's Bowls Cartoons WILSON, George Henry: A Manual of Dental Prosthetics
ADLOFF, P: Das Gebiss Des Menschen Und Der Anthropomorphen. Vergleichend Anatomischjw Untersuchungen HARDY, Charles E: John Bowes and the Bowes Museum DE KIEWIET, C: The Imperial Factor in South Africa
ELLSWORTH, Robert Hatfield: Chinese Furniture. Hardwood Examples of the Ming and Early Ching Dynasties DALI, Salvador Domenech Felipe Jacinto: Dali: The Wines of Gala MALINA, Frank J: Kinetic Art: Theory and Practice. Selections from the Journal LEONARDO
CREALOCK, John North (ed. R.A.BROWN): The Road to Ulundi. The Water Colour Drawings of John North Crealock (The Zulu War of 1879) "AURIGA" (The War Time Workshops Officer and Peace Time Fleet Engineer): The Book of the Thornycroft, Shewing How to Run and Maintain the War Office "J" Type and Other Lorries Most Efficiently DUMONT, Etiernne: Souvenirs Sur Mirabeau et Sur Les Deux Premieres Assemblees Legislatives
MIGNET, M: Antonio Perez and Philip II ROBERTSON, John Mackinnon: The Saxon and the Celt: A Study in Sociology MACKENZIE, W.C: Andrew Fletcher of Saltoun His Life and Times