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POWER, Joan + DE HAAN, Karl: The Arab Horses in Mythology, poetry and pictures CARDEN, Guy: English Quantifiers Logical Structure and Linguistic Variation McCORMACK, William C. & WURM, Stephen A: Language and Man. Anthropological Issues
ARDENER, Edwin, and Others: Social Anthropology and Language STORK, F.C. & WIDDOWSON, J.D.A: Learning About Linguistics AITCHISON, Jean: The Articulate Mammal. An Introduction to Psycholinguistics
ANDERSON, James M: Structural Aspects of Language Change MATTHEWS, G.H: Hidatsa Syntax CHOMSKY, Noam: Language and Mind
BULLOUGH, Donald: The Age Of Charlemagne CHOMSKY, Noam: Aspects of the Theory of Syntax LEWIS-WILLIAMS, I. David: The Rock Art of Southern Africa
JUNOD, Henry A: The Life of a South African Tribe BRECHT, Bertolt: Collected Plays Volume 7. 1942 - 1946 HAUSHOFER, Albrecht: Moabit Sonnets
CHARTERIS, Leslie: The Saint Around the World IDYLL, C.P: The Science of the Sea: a history of Oceanography CHARTERIS, Leslie: Senor Saint
WODEHOUSE, P.G: Over Seventy GULLICK, Michael & REES, Ieuan: Modern Scribes and Lettering Artists PEVSNER, Nikolaus: The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire
PEVSNER, Nikolaus: The Buildings of England: North Devon PEVSNER, Nikolaus: The Buildings of England: Middlesex EAST, Sir Norwood: Society And the Criminal
BOND, C & SIEGFRIED, R: Antarctica: No Single Country, No Single Sea JECKS, Michael: Squire Throwleigh's Heir HEMINGWAY Ernest, Illustrated by John Groth: Men Without Women
HUGILL, Beryl: Bring on the Clowns SIMON, Andre, L: The Art of Good Living DROBNY, Jaroslav: The Autobiography of Jaroslov Drobny Champion in Exile
JANE: Jane's Historical Aircraft 1902 -1916 POUND, Ezra: Selected Prose 1909 - 1965. Edited with an Introduction By William Cookson SCHAEFER, Jack: First Blood
CHEEVER, John: Some People Places and Things That Will Not Appear in My Next Novel WASON, Rigby (Collected and Edited By): Some Volunteer Verse DIMITROV, Georgi (Introduction by): The Reichstag Fire Trial. The Second Brown Book of the Hitler Terror
HENNOCK, E.P: Fit and Proper Persons Ideal and Reality in Nineteenth-Century Urban Government WHALLEY, Peter: Old Murders QUIGLEY, Martin: The Secret Project of Sigurd O'Leary
McELFRESH, Adeline: Murder With Roses BOLL, Heinrich: Adam, Where Art Thou? LONG, Martin: The Dark Gateway
THE DETECTION CLUB: Ask A Policeman WOODS, Sarah: Most Grievous Murder BRITISH RACING DRIVERS' CLUB: The British Racing Drivers' Club Silver Jubilee Book
AUBREY, John: Miscellanies Upon Various Subjects. A New Edition with Considerable Improvements, to Which is Added Some Account of His Life OMAN, Charles: The Lyons Mail, Being an Account of the Crime of April 27 1796... BRIFFAULT, Robert: The Decline and Fall of the British Empire
MERTENS, Alice: ETOSHA WATT, J.M. & BREYER-BRANDWIJK, Maria: The Forensic and Sociological Aspects of the Dagga Problem in South Africa MARLOTH, R: The Chemistry of South African Plants and Plant Products. Presidential Address to the Cape Chemical Society Delivered at the Eighth Annual Meeting Cape Town 30th May 1913
DRUMMOND, June: The Black Unicorn RINDL, M: The Medicinal Springs of South Africa RADIN, Paul, SWEENEY, James Johnston & ELISOFON, Eliot: African Folktales and Sculpture (Bollingen Series XXXIII)
McDONALD, A.H: Republican Rome (Ancient Peoples and places) HUNTER, Jack D: The Tin Cravat ARNIEL, A.J. & KAPLAN, Michael: Badges and Insignia of the Rhodesian Security Forces 1890 - 1980
SIGNALLING STUDY GROUP: and Guide to Designs GREELY, Margaret: Arabian Exodus BORRAS, Maria Lluisa: Contemporary Japanese Architecture
WRIGHT, Frank Lloyd: A Testament MOLLER, P: Journey Through Angola, Ovampoland and Damaraland 1895-1896 WRIGHT, Frank Lloyd: The Future of Architecture
FARMER, Philip Jose: To Your Scattered Bodies go MASON, A.E.W: Konigsmark BUTTERWORTH, Michael: Space 1999. Planets of Peril
McFARLANE, I.D. & MACLEAN< Ian (edited by): Montaigne. Essays in Memory of Richard Sayce BREWER, D.S. (Edited by): Chaucer and Chaucerians. Critical Studies in Middle English Literature WARNER, Rex: Milton
KENNEDY, William J: Jacopo Sannazaro and the Uses of Pastoral MINER, Earl (edited by): John Dryden (Writers and Their Background) STUART, Simon: New Phoenix Wings
TENNYSON, Hallam (Edited by): Studies in Tennyson LEVIN, Harry: James Joyce. a Critical Introduction TROTTER, David: The Making of the Reader. Language and Subjectivity in Modern American, English and Irish Poetry