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MILLAR, Ronald: Kut. The Death of an Army BROPHY, John: The Five Years. A Conspectus of the Great War Designed Primarily for Study By the Successors of Those Who Took Part in it and Secondarily to Refresh the Memory of the Participants Themselves TURROU, Leon G: The Nazi Spy Conspiracy in America
ROBERTSON, Terence: Dieppe. The Shame and the Glory ARNOLD-FORSTER, Mark: The Siege of Berlin DUNNING, H.W: Today on the Nile
MADJALANY, Fred: The Fall of Fortress Europe MIDDLETON, Drew: The Defence of Western Europe CHAPMAN, Guy: Why France Collapsed
WATSON, W.H.L: Adventures of a Despatch Rider CURTIS, C.Densmore: Sardis: Publications of the American Society for the Excavation of Sardis. Volume XIII. Jewellery and Gold Work Part 1 1910 - 1914 JUSTICE, Jean: Dictionary of Marks and Monograms of Delft Pottery
HAY, James G: The Biomechanics of Sports Techniques GOSSE, Philip Henry: The Monuments of Ancient Egypt BROWN, Dee: The Fetterman Massacre
STARK, Freya: Letters from Syria ACKLEY, Clifford & DINE, Jim, Illustrated by Jim Dine: Nancy Outside in July GROHMANN, Will: Kandinsky Life and Work
HECKMANS, FRIEDRICH W: Antonio Calderara 1903 - 1978 BALJEU, Joost: Theo Van Doesburg DYCKES, William: Contemporary Spanish Art
BRUGSCH-BEY, Heinrich: Egypt Under The Pharoahs OLIVA, Achille Bonito: Europe/America The Different Avant - Gardes CLARK, Kenneth: Henry Moore Drawings
LEYMARIE, Jean and Others: Art Since Mid Century KHIN, Yvonne M: The Collector's Dictionary of Quilt Names and Patterns BOARDMAN, John: Archaic Greek Gems. Schools and Artists in the Sixth and Early Fifth Centuries BC
MONTAGU, Jennifer: Gold, Silver & Bronze. Metal Sculpture of the Roman Baroque. The A.W.Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts 1990 RICHMOND, William B: Assisi. Impressions of Half a Century CRISPOLTI, Enrico: Pittura D'avanguardia Nel Dopoguerra in Europa
FALCOT, P.(ed. Anne SUTTON): Falcot's Weave Compendium. a Source Book for Textile Designers and Weavers ANDERSEN, Poul-Gerhard: Organ Building and Design BLACK, Gavin: The Bitter Tea
AIRD, Catherine: Some Die Eloquent REED, Jeremy: Nineties ARNOLD, Julian Biddulph: Palms and Temples
NYE, Robert (Selected and Edited by): A Choice of Swinburne's Verse SELDES, George: Sawdust Caesar. The Untold History of Mussolini and Fascism VAN GULIK, Robert: The Monkey and the Tiger
MACMILLAN, Terry: Mama FORESTER, C.S., Illustrated by Geoffrey Whittam: Hornblower Goes to Sea FORESTER, C.S., Illustrated by Geoffrey Whittam: Hornblower Takes Command
CREASEY, John (as Gordon ASHE): Death from Below DRUMMOND, Ivor: The Diamonds of Loreta STAPLEDON, W. Olaf: Last Men in London
DEWHURST, Evelyn: Lawn Tennis. May I Introduce You? KUPER, Leo: Race Class and Power PAUW, B.A: Xhosa in Town: The Second Generation. A Study of the Family Among Urbanized Bantu in East London
KOTZE, D.A: African Politics in South Africa 1964 - 1974 CHILD, Daphne: Saga of the South African Horse HICHENS, Robert & GUERIN, Jules: Egypt and its Monuments
THOMSON, A.A: Odd Men In JOHN, W.D: Modern Domestic and Industrial Polishes and Specialities MERLEAU-PONTY, Maurice: Adventures of the Dialectic
LORAC, E.C.R: Death Before Dinner STOPES, Marie: Contraception (Birth Control) Its Theory History and Practice LABEDZ, Leopold: Revisionism. Essays on the History of Marxist Ideas
MARAFIOTI, P.Mario: Caruso's Method of Voice Production. The Scientific Culture of the Voice DU TOIT, H.S: Dry - Land Farming HUDSON, Bruce: British Light Cars 1930 - 1939
MASPERO, G: Egyptian Archaeology RILKE, Rainer Maria: Stories of God KAZANTZAKIS, Nikos: Alexander the Great
BUIST, R.C. And Others, Editors: The New Meal-Poke, Being the students' Bazaar Number of "Thge College" Prepared for the students' Representative Council MAXWELL, Alexander: Old Dundee. Ecclesiastical, Burghal, and Social Prior to the Reformation MAXWELL, Alexander: The History of Old Dundee, Narrated Out of the Town Council Register with Additions from Contemporary Annals
MAN, John: The History and Antiquities, Ancient and Modern, of the Borough of Reading in the County of of Berks HUXLEY, Aldous: Proper Studies DENMAN, James L: The Vine and Its Fruit, More Especially in Relation to the Production of Wine, Embracing an Historical and Descriptive Account of the Grape, Its Culture and Treatment in All Countries, Ancient and Modern, ....and Incorporating a Brief Discourse on Wine
MONTBARD, G: The Case of John Bull in Egypt, the Transvaal, Venezuela and Elsewhere Hayes, Arthur J: The Source of the Blue Nile. a Record of a Journet Through the Sudan to Lake Tana in Western Abyssinia, and of the Return to Egypt By the Valley of the Athara, with a Note on the Religion, Customs Etc. Of Abyssinia WILLIAMS, Tennessee: Three Players of a Summer Game
MITFORD, Bertram: The Weird of Deadly Hollow GRANT, Maurice Harold: A Chronological History of Old English Landscape Painters (in oil) from the XVIth Century to the XIXth Century (Describing More Than 800 Painters) BUNT, Cyril G.E: The Little Masters of English Landscape